<p>万思乐学V-learn 小西妈双语工程1901期210Eric打卡。 Day154 1b:Clap your hands 汉语(二):木头人</p><p>一、Listening:</p><p>国学:本周新学《弟子规》</p><p>英文:1b,Pepper pig,Little critter,海尼曼,牛津树</p><p>中文:汉语(二)</p><p>二、晨读晚诵:《弟子规》</p><p>三、字母学习:复习</p><p>四、扫雷:海尼曼3本</p><p>五、数学:绘本</p> <p>六、复述Pepper pig《Mommy pig in work》</p> <p>七、Leaning center. </p><p>M:Eric,see what's this? B:Our hands</p><p>M:What can our hands do? B:We can use our hands to painted with colors/paste/color/cut the paper/draw/circle/trace.</p> <p>八、Stamp competition.</p><p>Let's have a stamp competition. Every time we think about a hand movement, we will stamp a stamp. Let's see who has more stamps?</p><p>I can use my hands to</p><p>carry/hit/draw/paste/color/cut/press/dig</p><p>cook/build/fix/pat/peel write/ roll/tie/push/hold/pull/hold/draw/circle/trace/……</p><p>延伸到身体其它部位</p><p>I can use my head to</p><p>think/head a ball/shake/learn/nod……</p><p>I can use my feet to</p><p>kick/stomp/walk/hop/jump……</p><p>I can use my arms to</p><p>hug/hold/push/pull……</p><p>I can use my leg to</p><p>run/march/jump/skip……</p><p><br></p> <p>M:Let's count how many stamps did each get?</p><p>B:I got 28 stamps but you only got 25 stamps. </p><p>M:Who has more stamps?</p><p>B:Me.28 is not equal to 25.28 is bigger than 25.</p><p>M:Congratulation!</p> <p>九、Talk about International Women's Day.</p><p>International Womens Day is celebrated each year on March 8th. Groups around the world use this day to honor the progress of women. They also use the day to call attention to the problems facing women and girls. Among the issues are forced marriage, sexual abuse, poverty /ˈpɒvətɪ/ and a lack of education.</p><p>Women’s Day is coming. It’s a special day for all the women in the world. It’s a day for me to say thank you to my dear mum. I want buy some presents for my mum. She is a good mother. She usually does the housework at weekends. She is very kind and hardworking. On that day, I will say ‘I love you, my dear mum.’ I think she will be very happy. She raised me. It’s not easy for her to do all the things for us. So I will repay her with all my heart.</p> <p>今天正好看《Guess how much I love you》里面有些句型可以用得上.</p><p>I love you as high as I can reach. </p><p>I love you all the way up to my toes.</p><p>I love you as high as I can hop. </p><p>I love you all the way down the lanes as far as the river. </p><p>I love you across the river and over the hills. </p><p>I love you right up to the moon. </p><p>I love you right up to the moon and back.</p> <p>十、Make shadow puppet. </p><p>Steps:</p><p>1、Draw a picture like that. </p><p>2、Cut it out. Pay attention to leaving some space around when cutting. </p><p>3、Connect the arms with nails. </p><p>4、Stick a stick at the back and at the back of the hand. </p><p>See when we moving stick. The puppet's hand moves with it</p> <p>十一、木兰辞(节选)</p><p>Song of Mulan (Abridgement)</p><p>阿爷无大儿,木兰无长兄,</p><p>愿为市鞍马,从此替爷征。</p><p>My father has no grown-up son,</p><p>For elder brother I have none.</p><p>I'll get a horse of hardy race</p><p>And serve in my father's place."</p><p>朔气传金柝,寒光照铁衣。</p><p>将军百战死,壮士十年归。</p><p>The northern wind has chilled the watchman's gong,</p><p>Their coat of mail glistens in wintry light.</p><p>In ten years they've lost many captains strong,</p><p>But battle-hardened warriors come back in delight.</p><p> 当窗理云鬓,对镜贴花黄。</p><p>出门看火伴,火伴皆惊忙。</p><p>“同行十二年,不知木兰是女郎。”</p><p>“雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离;</p><p>两兔傍地走,安能辨我是雄雌!”</p><p>Before the she arranges her hair</p><p>And in the mirror sees her image fair</p><p>Then she comes out to see her former mate</p><p>Who stares at her in amazement great</p><p>"We have marched together for 12 years,</p><p>We did not know there was a lass 'mid our compeers!"</p><p>"Both buck and doe have lilting gait</p><p>And both their eyelids palpitate.</p><p>When side by side two rabbits go,</p><p>Who can tell the buck from the doe?"</p>