【D7-0A11 squirrel-38M】 万斯乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1906期257号Annie


<p><b>🎃视频</b></p><p>0A动画片</p><p>巧虎</p> <p><b>🎃音频</b></p><p>0A情景英语</p><p>0B儿歌</p><p>青蛙佛洛格</p><p>牙牙学语一</p> <p><b>🎃game</b></p><p>关于小松鼠的游戏不做太多的文字说明了,因为从第一单元开始我们就一直在循环玩叫醒游戏。</p><p>也一直在玩给小松鼠过生日的游戏(其中涉及到小松鼠过河。小松鼠喜欢吃什么的话题)</p><p><br></p> <p><b>👉game</b></p><p><b>let’s wake giraffe up</b></p><p><br></p><p>M: let’s Wake giraffe up. </p><p>B: Giraffe. Giraffe. It’s time to wake up</p><p>M: emm. But a giraffe is Still taking a nap. What should we do? </p><p><br></p><p>没有回答我。直接跑了</p><p>M: What does Giraffe like to eat?</p><p>摘下一片叶子边跑边说“ leaves” </p><p>Use the leaves wake giraffe up. </p><p><br></p> <p><b>🎃 Supplementary</b></p><p> There are three types of squirrels</p><p>Tree squirrels they live in trees. </p><p>Ground squirrels the live on the ground</p><p>flying squirrels they can fly short distances</p><p><br></p><p><b>homes: </b></p><p>Squirrels mainly live in trees .they find a house in the trees and add leaves to make it warm .ground squirrels make their homes in the ground .they dig holes and cover them with branches. </p><p><br></p><p><b>Food</b></p><p>Squirrels mainly eat fungi seeds nuts And fruit。but they also eat eggs small insects caterpillars small animals and even yours snakes. </p><p><br></p><p><b> get ready food for winter</b></p><p>Squirrels gather food for winter .they do not sleep all winter. so they need to have food ready. they bury it in the ground to keep it safe ,when they are hungry they find it again and a dig it up. </p><p><br></p><p>关于松鼠的种类习性什么的用零碎的时间 玩玩具过家家的时候 堆雪人的时候去渗透。我没想着孩子是不是真的能懂。</p><p>直到有一天。我带孩子去我舅舅家。我听见小花像一个小老师似的跟我舅舅说“ 小松鼠有三种 一种是Three squirrel 一种是ground squirrel 还有一种是flying squirrel。但是flying squirrel 不能像小鸟那样在天空中飞,只能从这棵树飞到另外一颗树上。</p><p>我赶紧趁势问Where does tree squirrel live? Where does ground squirrel live? </p><p>她回答道:tree Squirrel live in a tree. Ground squirrel live in the ground. </p><p>这个意外的表现让我心里美滋滋的</p> <p><b>🎃 Handcraft</b></p><p><b>👉Stick a tail for the squirrel</b></p><p>画一个没有松鼠的尾巴和分体的橡果</p><p>准备好叶子(在书里夹平整)</p><p>胶棒</p><p>剪刀</p><p><br></p><p>M: Look what is this?</p><p>B: it’s squirrel</p><p>M: does squirrel has a tail?</p><p>B: no. It has no tail. </p><p>M: can you stick a tail for this squirrel?</p><p>B: yes. </p><p>M: what does a squirrel like to eat?</p><p>B: Acorn. </p><p>M: look what is this?</p><p>B: Acorn. </p><p>M: Can you cut this acorn for the squirrel?</p><p>B: Yes</p><p><b>cut done. Glue the tail</b></p><p>M: let’s stick some leaves on the tail. </p><p>............</p><p>M: what are you doing</p><p>B: I am making a squirrel’s tail</p><p>M: Great</p><p>M: Do you like this squirrel?</p><p>B: yes </p><p>M: You have made a tail for this squirrel. right?</p><p>B: yes. And acorn. </p><p>M: yes and acorn you made it. </p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p><b>🛑🛑🎃Field trip</b></p><p><b>待完成</b></p><p><b>☢️ Looking for squirrels</b></p><p>We are going to go look for squirrels today .we are going to sunshine Park we have to be very quiet so we can see them .do you want to go ?we will collect some leaves too. What color are the leaves ?they are red orange and yellow .look up in the tree can you see any squirrels ?look around on the ground are there any squirrels here?</p><p><br></p><p><b>☢️ let’s find pinecones</b></p><p> let’s go outside today .we will be Little squirrels.</p><p>let’s find some pinecones</p><p>Did you find ?</p><p>yes. 1,2,3 you did </p><p>how many did you find 123 pinecones good job.</p><p>Let’s find some more.look on the ground. don’t pick them from the tree </p><p>Look I found some here. they are under the tree .let’s look over here .look there are more here. we have so many now</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p><b>🎃Reading</b></p>









