<p><br></p><p>1.Listening:.peppa pig</p><p><br></p><p>2.Reading:(海尼曼4本,牛津树8本,卡尔爷爷1本,小毛怪1本,鼠小弟2本)</p><p><br></p><p>3.Video:Peppa pig.(4集)</p> <p>Game 1.(1)M:Hey. Doris.Do you know the Walking Walking song?</p><p>B: yes</p><p>M: Do you wanna play with me?</p><p>B:Yes.</p><p>M:All right.Let's do it.</p><p>(2)M:Doris.what does this look like?</p><p>B:Turtle.</p><p>M:Yes.Let's sing the song like a turtle would.Very very slowly.Ok?Are you ready?Let's do it.</p><p>(3)M:Doris.What else can we sing?</p><p>B: bird</p><p>M:That's a good idea.Let's sing the song like a bird would. Very very fast okay?</p> <h3>Game 2、Finger game. </h3><h3>M:Doris .can you fingers do the walking walking song?Let's do it together.</h3><h3>Walking walking……</h3><h3>Where did I stop? </h3><h3>B:You stopped on my feet. </h3><h3>M:OK it's your turn. </h3><h3>This time, let's see where do we stop. </h3><h3>How about we start from our legs and then see where we go.</h3><h3> </h3><h3>3.M: Hey Doris . Do you wanna pay a game?</h3><h3>B:Yes</h3><h3>M:Let's play the Walking game over that chair.</h3><h3>(Walking walking……)</h3><h3>let's see who can sit on the chair first.</h3><h3>go go go,you beat me.</h3><h3>M: Hey Doris.see that national flag.Do you wanna go over that flag?</h3><h3>B:Ok.</h3><h3>M:How do you want to get there? You wanna fly?</h3><h3>B:Yes. </h3><h3>M:OK let's fly. Here we go,ready? </h3><h3>Walking.Walking. …</h3><h3>Let's see, who can grab the national flag.</h3><h3>Oh my, you are too quick than me. Good job! M:OK last one. We are gonna to the dinosaur. But this time we are gonna jump like a frog over there. Are you ready OK. </h3><h3>Walking walking.…</h3><h3>You grabbed the dinosaur.</h3> <h3>Game 3</h3><h3>Can you do that?</h3><h3>M: Doris. let’s do some actions .there are some cards on the ground.Let’s catch these cards with a fishing rod .just like fishing</h3><h3>B:good</h3><h3>M:If you catch one card .do the action on the card to have it.Get it?</h3><h3>B:Yes</h3><h3>M:Let’s play rock .scissors. paper. who win who first.I win .I first</h3><h3>M:(wash) I can wash my hands.I can wash my face.I can’t wash my clothes.What else can I wash?</h3><h3>B:hair .arm . Feet</h3><h3>M: yes good Way, car also wash my body</h3><h3>.......No this card is mine.It’s your turn.</h3><h3>B:(hop).....</h3><h3>M: let’s count how many cars do we have ?</h3><h3>B:1.2.3.....I have nine cards.You how 12 cards</h3><h3>So you won</h3><h3>M:How many cards than yours? we can line them up one by one</h3><h3>B:ok</h3><h3>M: that’s a good idea yes ? The right side is mine</h3><h3>B:The left side is mine</h3><h3>M:So how many more cards than yours?</h3><h3>B:3.You have 3more cards</h3><h3> </h3> <h3>Hand crafts</h3><h3>Make a bunny</h3><h3>M: Doris .do you like bunny?Do you want to make a bunny?</h3><h3>B:Yes I like bunny</h3><h3>M:We will make a cute bunny like this .do you know what shall we need?</h3><h3>B: we need paper. scissors .Color pens</h3><h3>M:Yes we need one white paper and one pink paper.We also need a double-sided tape.</h3><h3>First what shall we do?</h3><h3>B:I don’t know</h3><h3>M:First .we use the white paper to make the bunnies body .head and ears .now cut two circles .one big for body and one small for head then cut two ears.Can you do it well?</h3><h3>B:No.</h3><h3>M:OK .Don’t worry !I can help you press the lip and you can draw the circle around it</h3><h3>M:OK .then stick them together like this .are you OK?</h3><h3>B:ok</h3><h3>M:Do you need my help?</h3><h3>B:No .I will do it by myself</h3><h3>M:Good then I will use the pink paper to make the inside of the ears.Just cut out two pointed triangles</h3><h3>M:Stick them on the ears.What else shall we do?</h3><h3>B:We need draw the bunny’s eyes and mouth</h3><h3>M:Yes let’s do it.Then we then we can make two holes at the bottom of the body .</h3><h3>B:Mom I can’t do it,I will make it broken</h3><h3>M:OK it’s hard for you .I can help you</h3><h3>Now. We have two cute bunnies</h3><h3>M:We can sing the walking walking song with the bunnies</h3><h3>B:ok</h3> <p>哈哈哈,沁沁觉得自己画的太丑了,又让我画了反面。</p> <p>结束了,来张合照吧。</p>