

<ul><li><b>指读the joke machine</b></li></ul> <ul><li><b>儿歌部分</b></li></ul><p>Three blue pigeons,sitting on a wall,</p><p>One flew away.</p><p>Oh,Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.....</p><p><br></p><p><b>Act it out</b></p><ol><li>Show three <b>upright fingers to indicate the pigeons.</b></li><li>Place the index finger from the other hand to form the wall.</li><li>As one “flies away”, wiggle your index finger of your bird hand while moving it away from you, as though the pigeon was flying off into the distance.</li><li>Our voice becomes sadder and sadder as each pigeon leaves us.</li><li>When there are no more pigeons left, we cover our face with our hands and pretend to cry.</li><li>But, <b>joy of joys</b>! Our pigeons begin to fly back home. Indicate this by showing your index finger far away and then move it towards you, and placing it back on the wall.</li><li>Our voice and body movements become more and more <b>excited as our pigeons return.</b></li></ol><p><br></p><p>Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall.</p><p>Oh look! One has flown away!</p><p>Two blue pigeons Sitting on a wall.</p><p>Oh look! Another one has flown away!</p><p>One blue pigeon sitting on a wall.</p><p>Oh look! It has flown away too!</p><p>No blue pigeons sitting on a wall.</p><p>Oh look! One has returned! Let us <b>rejoice! /rɪˈdʒɔɪs/ 欣喜</b></p><p>One blue pigeon sitting on a wall.</p><p>Oh look! Another has returned!Let us rejoice!</p><p>Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.</p><p>Oh look!The last has returned!Let us rejoice!</p><p>Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall!</p><p><br></p> <p>自己又折了棵树,接着讲故事</p> <p>加了磁力片,接着说故事</p> <ul><li><b>Origami paper planes</b></li></ul><p>vice versa /ˈvaɪsɪ ˈvɜːsə, ˈvaɪs/ </p><p> Vice versa is used to indicate that the reverse of what you have said is true. 反之亦然</p> <ul><li><b>Carrier Pigeons Deliver Letters Cards </b></li></ul><p>转茉莉妈妈</p><p>Pigeons are a type of bird. They live mostly in cities near humans, but they also live woodlands, rainforests, grasslands, rocky areas and deserts, they have lived near humans for thousands of years.</p><p>We have used pigeons to send messages to each other. </p><p>A <b>postman’s</b> job is to deliver and collect letters. But long time ago, there were no cars, no trains, no planes. How did people deliver letters?</p><p>people can ride horses to deliver letters. You know, people can also use pigeons to deliver letters .</p><p><br></p><p>Pigeons are intelligent. They can find way from one place to another. They have an excellent sense of direction and fly very long distances.</p><p>This is a postbox. Look, there are some letters to deliver.</p><p><br></p><p>Let’s pretend to be carrier pigeons to deliver letters.</p><p><br></p><p>Let’s sit on the sofa.</p><p>Two carrier pigeons sitting on the sofa, two carrier pigeons sitting on the sofa. One flew away.” One carrier pigeon sitting on the sofa, one carrier pigeon sitting on the sofa. Another flew away.”</p><p><br></p><p>Little pigeon, <b>fly to the postbox.</b></p><p>This letter is for Tiger. I’ll deliver this letter to Tiger. Turtle can’t read the words ,you should read it out for him.</p><p><br></p><p>Hello turtle, here is a letter for you. “游”,means” swim”.</p><p>Little carrier pigeon, do you want to deliver more letters?</p> <ul><li><b>The rainbow machine继续拓展</b></li></ul> <ul><li><b>Walking Water Science Experiment</b></li></ul><p><br></p><p>Ok, this might just be our favorite science experiment! The whole family (adults included) were completely <b>mesmerized</b> 迷住/ˈmɛzməˌraɪz/ with process. We all couldn’t believe <b>how quickly the water traveled up the paper towel</b> and (how) neat 灵巧的 it was to watch the colors mix together.</p><p><br></p><p>We have wanted to try it out for a long time now and I <b>am kicking myself 自责 for waiting so long.</b> I don’t know why, but I thought it might be difficult to do or take a long time. I was way wrong. It was very easy and we started seeing results right away!</p><p><br></p><p>This rainbow science experiment is so cool!</p><p><br></p><p>The walking water science experiment is great at any time of the year, but it is especially perfect for spring. I love doing rainbow activities in the spring, so this was a great addition to our rainbow theme activities.</p><p><br></p><p>You only need a few simple supplies that you probably already have around the house.</p><p><br></p><p><b>Supplies Needed:</b></p><p>Printable walking water recording sheets</p><p>Small plastic cups or glasses</p><p><b>absorbent Paper towe</b>ls(absorbent /əbˈsɔːbənt, -ˈzɔːbənt/ Absorbent material soaks up liquid easily. 有吸收力的)</p><p>Food coloring in primary colors</p><p>Water</p><p><br></p><p><b>Steps:</b></p><ol><li>Print out the recording sheets and make copies, if needed.</li><li>Place 7 cups in a row and pour water in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th cup. My cups were about 3/4 full. I have since heard that fuller is better.</li><li>Add 5 drops of red food coloring to the 1st cup and the 7th cup.</li><li>Add 5 drops of yellow food coloring to the 3rd cup.</li><li>Add 5 drops of blue food coloring to the 5th cup.(This walking water experiment teaches kids about color mixing and capillary/kəˈpɪlərɪ/ action.毛细管作用 )</li><li>We want to try to use the same amount of food coloring in each cup. If you still drop an extra one or two in since you can’t control it well, then i kust need to add a drop or two more to the others to even it out.</li><li>Take a half sheet of paper towel and fold it in half lengthwise and in half again lengthwise.</li><li>Trim off some of the length so that there isn’t too much excess paper towel that will stick up in the air between each cup. This will make the water walk more quickly.</li><li>Place one half of a rolled paper towel in the 1st cup and place the other half in the cup next to it. Then another paper towel from 2nd cup and into the 3rd cup. This continues until you have placed the last paper towel that drapes /dreɪp/ 披挂于 over from the 6th cup to the 7th cup.</li><li>Stare at the cups and watch what starts happening. You should quickly be able to see the colored water begin to crawl up the paper towel.</li><li>Don’t forget to do the first part of the recording sheet. Students will predict what they think will happen.</li></ol><p><br></p><p><b>Observe</b></p><p>This walking water experiment is AWESOME!</p><p>Keep checking back every couple of minutes. Soon you will be able to see that the water has <b>crawled all the way up</b> the paper towel and is beginning to walk back down into the empty cup next to it.</p><p>Since the cup on either side of an empty cup has colored water in it, the two colors begin to mix in the empty cup. So cool!</p><p>Keep coming back throughout the two hours or soon and observe what is happening.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><b>Question to Ask</b></p><p><br></p><p>What do you think will happen to the water</p><p>What is happening now?</p><p>Why do you think the colors are changing?</p><p>Why might the water be able to <b>move up against gravity</b> like that?</p><p><br></p><p><b>How this Science Experiment Works</b></p><p>The water moves up the paper towels through a process called <b>capillary /kəˈpɪlərɪ/ action.</b> 毛细管作用 The paper towel is made from fibers and the water is able to travel <b>through the gaps in the fibers.</b> The gaps in the paper towel act like <b>capillary tubes 毛细管 and pull the water upward. </b>This is what helps water climb from a plant’s roots to the leaves at the top of the plant or tree.</p><p><br></p><p><b>The water is able to move upward against gravity because of the attractive forces 吸引力between the water and the fibers in the paper to</b>wel.</p><p><br></p><p><b>Walking water color wheel.</b></p><p>I even removed one of the red cups and made a color wheel so I could introduce the kids to that as well.</p> <ul><li><b>Our growing mushroon</b></li></ul><p>Look,our mushroom is fruiting.The mushrooms need ventilation空气流通 to grow quickly , or carbon dioxide build-up will prevent fruiting.After we poked some holes ,lay them here with a steady temperature. <b>Now the spawn is colonizing/ˈkɒləˌnaɪz/ 繁殖 the substrate /ˈsʌbstreɪt/ 基质 with mycelium /maɪˈsiːlɪəm/ 菌丝</b>. The white, feathery /ˈfɛðərɪ/ 软而轻的 "roots" called mycelium is <b>spreading throughout the substrate</b>.Mycelium can grow at any light level except direct sunlight.</p> <p>We checked on the <b>moisture</b> level in the past few days. If the substrate was dry to the touch, we misted it through the holes in the bag. If we saw <b>standing water</b> inside the bag, we poked more drainage holes in the base.</p><p>Mycelium is white. If you see large patches of another color, <b>mold has contaminated the </b>bag.Throw the bag away and wipe the area .</p><p><br></p><p>Now the mycelium has formed a thick mat inside the bag, it is ready to <b>fruit</b> (produce mushrooms). The fungus has different needs for this stage,</p><ol><li>Mushrooms will not fruit without light.We still need to provide indirect daylight.</li><li>The fungus needs fresh air to clear out carbon dioxide, which prevents fruiting or leads to small mushrooms. Open the top of the bag and <b>ventilate /ˈvɛntɪˌleɪt/ the area with a light cross breeze.这</b>种真菌需要新鲜空气来清除二氧化碳,而二氧化碳会阻碍它结出果实或产生小蘑菇。打开袋子的顶部,让微风吹过,让空气流通</li><li><b>Increase humidit</b>y by running a humidifier/hjuːˈmɪdɪˌfaɪə/ 加湿器 or spraying some water around the grow bag.</li><li><b>Water lightly. Over- and under-watering are common problems at this stage</b>浇水过多和不足是这个阶段常见的问题. We need to lightly spray the inner walls of the bag once or twice a day</li><li>If the growing mushrooms turn brown, or new mushrooms start to grow on an older mushroom's surface, the <b>substrate is probably too dry.</b></li><li>If the <b>caps</b> of the mushrooms feel <b>clammy</b> 粘湿的/ˈklæmɪ/ or sticky, the substrate is probably too wet.</li></ol><p><br></p> <p>Now the mycelium has formed a thick mat inside the bag, it is ready to fruit </p> <p>Feel the <b>caps</b> of the mushrooms ,they are now <b>clammy</b> 粘湿的/ˈklæmɪ/ or sticky, the substrate is probably too wet.</p> <p>We can pick the mushrooms as they grow to full size. <b>Mushrooms start as tiny "pins," then grow rapidly over the next few days</b> if conditions are right. </p><p><b>如何摘取</b></p><ol><li>Once they have reached full size, press down on the substrate with one hand, then use the other to <b>twist the stalk off at the bas</b>e.You may eat them immediately or dry them for later use.</li><li>If you're not sure what a <b>fully developed oyster mushroom </b>looks like, wait until the <b>edges of the first mushroom go wavy</b>. This is slightly past <b>optimal /ˈɒptɪməl/ 最佳的harvesting point, but still edibl</b>e. Pick the other mushrooms just before they reach the size of the first.</li><li>Tiny, <b>aborted/əˈbɔːt/ 失败的 mushroo</b>ms are common in some strains. Leave them in place without picking them</li><li>Continue harvesting mushrooms. Most spawn is good for at least two fruitings, and some will continue growing for three or four months. Keep the substrate lightly moist and continue picking mushrooms until they stop appearing.</li></ol> <p>Take a picture of them ,then talk about the mushroom with his Palfish teacher.</p> <ul><li><b>画画</b></li></ul> <p>母亲节卡片</p> <ul><li><b>网课</b></li></ul> <ul><li><b>除草</b></li></ul> <p>We need to pull up weeds so the plants can grow.Not only are the weeds <b>unattractive</b>, they take nutrients from the soil and space in the ground that our flowers need to grow healthily.Here are the handfork and rake for you to loosen the soil.</p> <p>we found some bugs in the soil.</p> <ul><li><b>体操</b></li></ul> <ul><li><b>纪录片-微生物🦠</b></li></ul>









