<p>万思乐学V-learn 小西妈双语工程1901期210Eric打卡。 Day153 1b:Clap your hands 汉语(二):木头人</p><p>一、Listening:</p><p>国学:本周新学《弟子规》</p><p>英文:1b,Pepper pig,Little critter,海尼曼,牛津树</p><p>中文:汉语(二)</p><p>二、晨读晚诵:《弟子规》</p><p>三、字母学习:复习</p><p>四、扫雷:海尼曼3本</p><p>五、数学:绘本</p> <p>六、复述《The flying Elephant》</p> <p>八、指读《I am a caterpillar》</p> <p>九、Wiggle your fingers</p><p>M: I'l give you a massage with my fingers. Dance my fingers up.Wiggle my fingers as quickly/slowly as I can. </p><p>Dance my fingers down. Wiggle my fingers as quickly/slowly as I can. </p><p>Dance my fingers to the side. Wiggle my fingers as quickly/slowly as I can. </p><p>Where do you want my fingers go? Quickly or slowly? Wiggle my fingers as quickly/slowly as I can. </p><p>Pound your shoulder as slowly as I can. </p><p>Pinch your ears as quickly as I can. </p><p>……</p> <p>十、Pound and rub legs</p><p>M: Can you pound and rub your legs at the same time? like this</p><p>Pound, pound, pound your leg as slowly/quickly as you can</p><p>Rub, rub, rub your leg as slowly/quickly as you can</p> <p>十一、Experiment:Fighting Bacteria</p><p>Eric do you know why people get sick?and how the bacteria spread?</p><p>well let's find out. </p><p>prepare:some glitter,scissors,some hand cream,a raincoat</p><p><br></p> <p>Steps:</p><p>1、Put on your raincoat.</p><p>2、Put the hand cream on both hands and rub your hands together. </p><p>3、Put your hands into the glitter.The glitter is the bacteria.</p><p>4、When you have the bacteria on your hands,when you touch something like your raincoat.See the bacteria will go onto our raincoat.Now my clothes have bacteria.</p><p>By touching things this is the way that the bacteria spread. </p> <p>十二、What's the difference between germ, virus, and bacteria?</p><p>1、Both virus and bacteria are germs.</p><p>2、Bacteria are living germs, some helpful, some harmful.</p><p>3、A virus is a bad germ that causes illnesses.</p><p>We come in contact with these germs more often than you would think!</p><p>我们和这些病菌的接触比你想象的要频繁!</p><p> Door handles, appliances, pencils, and toys are all things that could have those germs on them,</p><p>门把手、电器、铅笔和玩具等东西上都可能有这些病菌,</p> <p>So how do the germs get on the different things?Do our bodies just make viruses?</p><p>Our bodies can carry those germs and we pass them on through snot and spit, coughs and sneezes,</p><p>而且我们会通过鼻涕、口水、咳嗽和喷嚏来传播,</p><p> or just the infected air we breathe out that touches our belongings or our hands.</p><p>或是通过呼出的带病菌的空气附着到我们的物品或手上。</p><p> Make sure to wash your hands and use hand sanitizer.</p><p>However, a virus will die after a certain amount of time on a surface.</p> <p>What about the coronavirus?</p><p>That is actually a tad more severe.</p><p>实际上它更严重。</p><p>It is more severe in the way our bodies react and what the virus does to those it infects.</p><p>我们身体的反应更大,它对感染者的危害也更大。</p><p> It is more damaging and harder on the body and can lead to death.It also takes a little longer to recover from it.</p><p> But it still comes from a virus.</p><p> Let's go wash our hands to get rid of those bad germs!</p>