

<p>One day, Sima Guang and his friends were playing hide and seek in the garden. One of the children covered his eyes with his handkerchief. Other friends quickly hid .Some were in trees,some were in rockeries , and some were in flowers. When everyone hid ,the blindfolded friend began to look for them.</p><p>一天,司马光跟小伙伴们在花园里捉迷藏。其中一个小朋友用手娟蒙住自己的眼睛,其他的小伙伴迅速藏起来。有的藏到树上,有的藏到假山上,有的藏到花丛里。等到大家长好了,那个蒙着眼睛的小伙伴就开始找大家。</p> <p>The blindfolded little friend touched everyone left and right. But everyone was afraid to be found, so they held their breath. Suddendly, he made a plop and then they heard someone shouting for help! help! There was a big water tank full of water on the rockery.The little friend on the rockery fell into the water tank carelessly.</p><p>蒙着眼睛的小伙伴,左摸摸右摸摸,大家都屏住呼吸,恐怕被发现。突然,“扑通”一声,接着就听到有人喊,“救命啊!救命啊!”原来假山上有个装满水的大水缸,爬到假山上的小伙伴一不小心掉进了水缸里。</p> <p>The water tank was very big. Sima Guang and his friends couldn't reach it at all. They couldn't save the little one who fell into it. The other little ones were scared away .Some of them shouted to their parents as they were running. Some of them cried there.</p><p>这个水缸很大,司马光和小朋友们根本够不到水缸口,无法把掉进缸里的小伙伴救出来。其他的小伙伴都吓跑了,有的一边跑一边喊大人,有的一边哭。</p> <p>Sima Guang was not frightened. He picked up a stone around the rockery and threw it at the water tank.</p><p>司马光没有被吓坏,他急中生智,抱起假山周围的一块石头,朝水缸砸去。</p> <p>They listened to the bang. The water tank was smashed open. The water in the water tank flew out along the hole. In a moment, the water in the water tank ran out. The little friend was saved.</p><p>只听“砰”一声,水缸被砸开一个大洞,水缸里的水顺着洞口流了出来。一会儿水缸的水就流光了,小伙伴得救了。</p>