We have been on the road.


<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1); font-size: 20px;">抗击疫情,我们一直在路上。</span></p> <p>  Since the outbreak,Hebian Town Central Primary School has been unable to carry out normal teaching work, even so, the school has never stopped moving forward. Both teachers and students are actively and seriously studying. We all unite as one and work together in this difficult environment to make preparations before the formal start of school.</p> <p>  自疫情以来,河边镇中心小学校无法开展正常的教学工作,即便如此,学校从未停止过前进的脚步。不管是老师们还是同学们都在积极认真的学习。大家团结一心,在这个艰苦的环境下共同奋斗,做好正式开学前的准备。</p> 认真开展停课不停学工作 <p>The leaderd are seriously carry out the activity of Suspending Classes and Learning.</p> <p><i style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">The school leaders are telling a lesson every Monday.</i></p> <p><i style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">张校长正在为大家讲每周一课。</i></p> <p><i style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">Teachers are carefully cleaning the school. Even if the school does not start, they will ensure that the school's sanitary environment is clean. We hope the students can see a tidy campus when they come back.</i></p> <p><i style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">老师们正在认真的打扫学校,即使没有开学,也保证学校的卫生环境干净。希望同学们回来的时候能见到一个整洁的校园。</i></p> 同学们在认真学习 <p>The students are studying hard.</p> <p><i style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">Although they cannot be in school, the students learn through various methods. They read carefully, write carefully, draw various kinds of paintings, and make interesting manual creations by imagination. I hope I can still see the students who are full of vitality when they come back.</i></p> <p><i style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">虽然不能在学校,但同学们通过多种多样的方法学习,大家认真的读,认真的写,画各种各样的画作,发挥想象做有趣的手工创作。希望开学的时候依然能见到活力满满的同学们。</i></p> <p>  This sudden outbreak has made us understand a profound truth: in life, you never know which comes first, surprise or accident. We are experiencing this disaster. We hope that every minute counts, we can overcome the disease and win the battle. Let's unite our efforts to fight against the epidemic. China should cheer up and help China! ! !</p> <p>  这场突发的疫情让我们明白一个深刻的道理:人生,你永远不知道惊喜和意外哪个会先到来。我们正经历着这场灾难,希望能分秒必争,战胜病魔,打胜仗!众志成城抗疫情,中国加油,为中国应援!!!</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p style="text-align: right;">冕宁县河边镇中心小学校</p><p style="text-align: right;">吴泽川,邓珩皞</p>









