

<p>总觉得二级别难度大了,没学生还在晃悠两天。最近在家当保姆,还要工作,没有时间备课,真不知道那些全职妈妈们怎么完成的作业😰</p><p>英语的只读比汉语低触小一些。希望后面可以快一点吧。</p><p>音频,pwppa第一季有吗20集,</p><p>视频,pappe,paw petrol</p> <p>3 D蝴蝶,复习一下The life cycle of butterfly.</p> <p>这本书,用一个比例说明了世间全部的事,太牛了!希望你愿意读第二次😂</p> <p>  看了牛津传统故事,oh jack</p><p>好喜欢这个老师,哈哈哈</p><p>And try to retell the story. </p><p>Once upon a time, there.was a very small boy called Jack .</p><p>Jack was a lazy boy and he spent most of the day sleeping.</p><p>This made his mom very, very sad</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;So she asked him to look for a job. </p><p>Jack got a job, had a baker's shop</p><p>At the end of the day, he got a penny for his pay</p><p> But on his way home, he lost the penny and got home with nothing. </p><p>His mom was disappointed and asked them to put it in his pocket The next time</p><p>So jack got a job at the dairy ,at the end of the old, he got a pot of milk as his payment. </p><p>So you put the pot of milk in his pocket. But he Spilled all the milk to the ground</p><p>when he got home, his mom was very sad and told him to put it on his head the next time. </p><p>So he got a job at the market. At the end of the day, he got cheese and his payment. </p><p>He put the cheese on his head. But it was very hot. So all the cheese melt. He got home and his mom was very very cross and ask them to put it in his hand the next time. </p><p>soon he got a job with a vet and got a cat as payment ,on his way home. He put the cat in his hand, but the cat was not so happy to. </p><p>So he scratched him all over and got home with scratches. His mom was very, very disappointed and ask them to put it on a lead the next time.</p><p> So Jack got a job at a cake shop. On his way home, he got a cake as payment on his way home, he put the cake on the lid and started dragging it home. He got home and this made his mom very, very sad. </p><p>Oh, Jack! Why don't you put it on your shoulder next time? </p><p>So he got a job at a farm. His payment was a donkey. On his way home. He put the donkey on his shoulder. This was very funny. And everyone chuckled as he was going home, </p><p>there was a girl in a very big house standing by the . </p><p>The girl was very rich, but very sad. </p><p>Which is so Jack, she started giggling because it was very funny. </p><p>This girl was happy. Jack made the girl happy. </p><p>Eventually they got married and live happily ever after.</p><p>oh, Jack.</p> <p>review the cartoon and the game-Photosynthesis.</p><p>发现我拍的全是自己大脸🤥</p><p>did your teachersTell you that sunlight is a good source of vitamin d</p><p>trees and plants make food from sunlight.</p><p>photo It is a Greek word for light. And synthesis is a Greek word for putting together?</p><p>Photosynthesis is using light to put things together.</p><p>Plants use this process to make their food, sunlight Water and carbon dioxide.</p><p>plants breath just like us?</p><p>Lots of tiny openings, Called stomata, Present in their leaves do which they takan Carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.</p><p>they Also use water and other nutrients to make food, which is absorbed by their roots.</p><p>. The leaves contain tiny pigments called the chloroplast.</p><p>And sunlight and oxygen. Then used by the plants as their food. And the oxygen is given out into the atmosphere. This process as a whole is called photosynthesis.</p> <p>How do plants breathe?</p><p>Today let's set up an easy science activity that shows photosynthesis and transpiration.</p><p>We're going to create an environment where we can actually see the oxygen/carbon dioxide process of plants!</p><p>To see how plants breathe with this easy science activity that makes the invisible visible!</p><p>All we'll need is a bowl of water and a leaf!</p><p>The important step is including an ACTIVE leaf.Max picked two pieces of leaf from the plant in our room.</p><p>Step 1: Fill a large bowl with lukewarm water</p><p>We can use a plastic bowl which you'll be able to see the experiment from all angles.</p><p>Step 2: find a large leaf</p><p>We need to remove a leaf from a tree or plant and not just pick one up off the ground as we want an 'active' leaf for the project.</p><p>Step 3: Place the leaf in the bowl of water and put a small rock on top of it so it is fully submerged under the water.</p><p>Then put the bowl in a sunny spot.</p><p>As you can see, this is really the benefit of using a transparent bowl -- we can be sure our entire leaf is underwater.</p><p>Step 4: WAIT!</p><p>Now we need to wait a few hours.</p><p>Step 5: Take a peek a few hours later.</p> <p>We saw small bubbles that form around the leaf and the edges of the bowl. These are easy to see with the naked eye but having a large magnifying glass on hand always makes an experiment feel more sciency.</p><p>What would happen if you held your breath went underwater in the pool and then let your breath out -- you would see bubbles coming up in the water.(Actually,I used the example dad farts in the pool which is more impressive😂)That's what we are seeing here -- the leaf is still using the sunlight as part of the photosynthesis process (where leaves convert sunlight to energy).</p><p>As a leaf creates that energy, it needs to get rid of the items it no longer needs so it will </p><p>expel both the extra oxygen during photosysthesis along with water (the release of water from a plant is called transpiration).</p><p>The process of photosynthesis is what allows us to see the bubbles -- as the leaf releases its' extra oxygen while submerged, the oxygen can be seen as bubbles in the water.</p><p>And since oxygen is lighter than water, the bubbles will eventually rise to the surface.</p><p>Now does a tree or plant breathe the same as we (humans) do?</p><p>No</p><p>A plant, tree or leaf doesn't have any lungs or&nbsp;&nbsp;Respiratory system(/ˈrɛspərətərɪ/ Respiratory means relating to breathing) .</p><p>A human takes in air with oxygen and as they exhale, they release carbon dioxide.</p><p>Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air and then release oxygen as photosynthesis and respiration occur.</p><p>So there we are 'seeing the invisible' because when leaves are on the tree, you aren't able to really see the process of photosynthesis in the works. </p> <p>好几天没上课,上来嗨聊好久不好好上课,开口次数到不少😂</p> <p>早上喜滋滋找我读书,原来因为是对了胃口,还自己搞了个修理厂😂</p>