20200303万思乐学V-learn 小西妈双语工程 1807期 290 Alisa 打卡


【万思乐学V-learn 小西妈双语工程 1807期 No.290 Alisa 03. 03打卡】<br>学习单元: 2B Unit 3 row your boat 、清华幼儿汉语第四册《第二单元》<br>1️⃣音频:清华幼儿汉语第一册情景音频、婷婷诗教、Peppa pig 、自主听《小兔汤姆》<br>2️⃣动画 :汉语动画滚动、奇妙世界之动物、皮克斯短片<div>3️⃣Reading:牛津树6阶 (现滚动复习牛津1-2)</div> &nbsp;4️⃣中文绘本: <p>4️⃣<b>Game:Play animation“row your boat”</b></p><p>今天听2B音频时,临时想看动画"row your boat”,看完开始演</p><p>Mommy, can we play row your boat game?</p><p>Let's play an animation of row your boat.</p><p>Who's going to be the frog and who's going to be the crocodile?</p><p>I'm a crocodile, and mom is a frog. ok?</p><p>Ok, now I'm the frog. What a nice day today! I want to play outside. There seems to be a stream beyond the meadow. I'll go and have a look. </p><p>There is a boat on the stream.</p><p>I think rowing is a very meaningful thing. Let me have a try. </p><p><br></p> <p>I'm a crocodile. I'm going to eat you. </p><p>There is a bad crocodile in the stream. I want to row faster or the crocodile will eat me. </p><p>Have you ever seen a crocodile?</p><p>Yes, the crocodile is in the zoo. Can we go to the zoo?</p><p>But we can't get out now. Maybe we can pretend to go to the zoo. </p><p>We need to prepare some animals. </p><p>想起来要去动物园玩,之前折纸的动物玩坏了,又重新折了一堆,没那么多动物,先折几个凑合着玩儿</p> We used to tell the story of the monkey and the crocodile. Do you remember?<br>Yes. I remember . <br>Now I'm gonna be the monkey. <br>I'm a crocodile. I have a big mouth. <br>All right. There is a river over there. The crocodile lives in the river. <br>I'm a monkey. Monkey lives in tree. <br>Now. I am a naughty monkey. I see a crocodile in the water. He looks very hungry. He is looking around for something to eat. I picked a banana from the tree. I'm going to play with crocodile. <br>Crocodile. Crocodile. Are you hungry?Do you want to eat my banana?But you can't catch me. <br>The crocodile is very angry. He open his mouth wide.&nbsp;<br><br> What's going on? Where did the little monkey go?<br>Did you eat me?<br>No, I didn't eat you. <br>Do you know where I'm hiding?<br>You're hiding behind a tree. <br>Mom, this time you are a little penguin.ok?<br>All right. So what story are we playing? The little penguin was thirsty and looked for water everywhere. <br>I'm a penguin. I'm thirsty. I want to drink water. <br>Where is the water?There is a river over there. I'm going to the river to drink water. I saw a lot of small fish in the river. I want to catch small fish. <br>Then there was a crocodile hiding in the water. He saw the little penguin go into the water. He jumped up with a jerk. <br>The little penguin was captured. <br>The crocodile ate the little penguin.&nbsp; <b>☑️ About the extension of spring</b><br><b>Spring is Coming</b><div>All the things are reviving. The world is colorful. The trees and grass are green. Flowers are beautiful, some are red, some are yellow, and some are purple.<br>The sun is shinning.<br>The wind is blowing.<br>The flowers are blooming.<br>The grass and the trees are growing.</div><div>The birds are flying in the blue sky.&nbsp;</div><div>The butterflies are dancing in the garden.&nbsp;<br></div><div>The bees are singing. They are very busy. They are making honey.&nbsp;<br>The children are singing and dancing.<br>The entire world is reviving.<br>I like spring.<br><b><br></b><div><b>Changes in spring</b><br></div><div>The tree starts to bud.</div><div>The stream starts to flow.</div><div>The squirrel cheers up.</div><div>The flower starts to bloom.</div><div>The snake wakes up.Everything comes to life.<div>The spring is coming .</div><div>The weather is warming up.&nbsp;</div><div>The icy river has thawed.</div><div>The little animals are awakening from hibernation.</div><div>All the tadpoles swimming in the pond!</div><div>The little trees have begun to sprout and the flowers have bloomed.</div><div><br><b>Spring is New</b><br>In spring,new things grow.<br>Snow melts. Flowers poke up.<br>In spring,tree buds grow. bud Buds grow into blossoms. Apple blossoms are white.<br></div></div></div> <b>Animal changes in spring</b><br><b>Robins</b> make nests. They weave grass and twigs.Mama robin lays eggs.<br><b>Spiderlings </b>hatch. They spin a silk string. They swing to a new home. <br><b>Lambs </b>are born. Mama sheep feed them milk.<br>Changes in the spring season<br><br><b>Spring Changes&nbsp;</b><div>Spring comes after winter. It brings many changes.In spring,days get longer. The temperature rises. Weather gets warmer.The sun sets later. New plants begin to grow.<br>Lots of rain falls.Rain and sunlight help buds grow. Plants and flowers begin to grow.People enjoy the bright colors. <br>🔘<b>Warm</b><br>The temperature rises.Warm weather helps plants and leaves grow.<br>🔘<b>Rain</b><br>Spring Is Here, It is spring!Weather gets warmer.It rains often.<br>Clouds hold water.When there is too much water,it falls.We call these drops of water rain.<br>Plants need rain.It keeps soil wet.Now plants can grow big!<br>🔘<b>Sunlight</b><br>The sun rises earlier in spring. It goes down later.There is more sunlight.<br>Sun and rain help plants grow.New buds grow on tree branches.<br>🔘<b>Planting</b><br>Rain and sunlight help plants grow.Spring is the best time to plant a garden.<br>We plant seeds in rows. Squash will grow in one row. Peas will grow in another. <br>Gardens grow all spring.What is your favorite vegetable from the garden?<br></div><div><b>🔘Animals</b><br></div><div>A turtle crawls out of the water. He spent all winter on the lake bottom. Now it is time to eat.<br>Birds chatter in the trees. They are back from the South. It is time to find a mate.<br>Baby animals On the farm,a lamb are being born. learns to walk<br>In the forest, a bear cub learns to climb<br>A frog lays her eggs in a pond. Soon the eggs will be tadpoles. Then they will be frogs. eggs tadpoles<br>There is so much to eat! Grass and berries.<br></div> <b>Flowers</b><br>Buds blossom.They turn into flowers.<div><b>Tulips </b>郁金香blossom every spring.<br>Apple trees blossom.The flowers will turn into fruit.<br><b>Water lilies </b>睡莲 grow in ponds. They blossom on top of the water.<br><b>Poppies</b> 罂粟 blossom.They grow in fields.<br><b>Lilac </b>紫丁香 petals are purple,pink,or white. What Do You See? Are the lilacs Jill smells purple,pink,or white?<br><b>Dandelions</b> 蒲公英 have tiny yellow petals.They will turn into white seeds.<br>Spring Ends Plants blossom all spring long. What season comes next?</div> <p><b>☑️ What can we do in spring?</b></p><p><b>Going to the Park </b></p><p>It's a lovely sunny day and mommy will take you to the park.We can breathe some fresh air,which will make us feel refreshed.Look at all the different kinds of flowers at the gate.</p><p><b>Planting </b></p><p>First,you dig a pit with a spade,and then you throw the seeds in.Then you water it.Afterwards,you need to remember to water it every day.It will germinate soon and grow into a sunflower finally.</p> <div><br></div> <b>Picnic</b><br><div>In spring ,The grass is really soft and comfortable.We will have a picnic .Come and lay the picnic mat over here. Take out the delicious food and drinks.Wow,lying here and basking in the warm sun are really comfortable!</div><div><b><br></b></div><div><b>Flying a Kite</b></div><div>Stand upwind and tighten the kite line.When the wind blows, I will lift the kite up and push it up into the air.You need to pull the kite line and run with the wind.Once the wind speed reaches a certain point,the kite will soar upwards.</div> <div><b>☑️ About the seasons</b><br>It's time to read the calendar. <br>每天吃完早饭,就是在涂鸦墙上标日期,把磁贴一下对应的位置,是每天乐此不彼的事情<br>What day is it today?Look at the calendar on the graffiti wall. Move the small magnets to the corresponding date. <br>Today is March 3rd. <br>Good job.<br>Let's see what day it is today?<br>It's Tuesday. <br>What's the weather like today. <br>It is sunny today. <br>Play the calendar wheel together.&nbsp;</div><br> 刚好最近进展到关于春天的拓展,顺带把日历移到实物上,对着日历转盘玩一通,之前关于日历季节大多是用汉语聊,英语的摄入较少 ,关于每一个对应的月份,估计现在还没整明白<br>We found a match on the calendar wheel. <br>What's the date today?<br>Today is March 3rd. <br>What Day is it today?<br>Today is Wednesday. <br>Today is Wednesday, March 3, 2020. <br>Now we need to find the corresponding thing on the turntable calendar. Can you find it by yourself?<br>Yes,I can find it. <br>Mom, look at me. Am I right?<br>Well, it must be the right day.<br>What season is it now?<br>It's spring now. <br> There are 12 months in a year. Each season has three months. You can wear out the months of each season. <br>March, April and May are spring. June, July and August are summer. September, October and November are autumn. December, January and February are winter. <br>这会儿唱起了关于月份的歌,之前大多也只是听个旋律Spring is the first season of a year. There are three months in spring: March, April and May.<br>The weather is warm and windy. It rains a lot. The trees turn green and all the flowers are coming out. Look at the colors of the seasons on the calendar wheel.&nbsp;<br>Spring is green, summer is yellow, autumn is orange and winter is blue.&nbsp;<br>I have a lot of colored paper here. You can choose the same color paper as the corresponding season.&nbsp;<br>I want to choose green paper.&nbsp;<br>Now you can draw on the paper what you think about spring? What do you think spring will be like?<br>Spring is beautiful. There are many flowers and grass in spring. The grass is green. The flowers are colorful.&nbsp; 画了很多能想到春天的样子,最后把纸的正反面全都画满了,连牙仙子都画出来了,听了好久关于她画的内容....... 春夏秋冬,看图说话 ☑️&nbsp;<b>Picture Book Performance: the perfect picnic</b><div>It was a bright,sunny day. "Let's go on a picnic,"said Father."Oh,boy!"said Andy.<br> "I'll get the carrot cake," said Mother. "I'll get my kite!"said Andy."I'll pack up the forks and plates,"said Father.<br>"I'll get a blanket,"said Roxy."And I'll get my soccer ball!" said Andy.<br>"I'll take my boat,my scooter, and my bear!"said Andy. "What other things should I bring?"<br>"All we need is a snack and a sunny day. And you!"said Father.<br>Mother,Father,Roxy,and Andy started to walk to the park. But they didn't get very far."I can't carry all this,"said Andy."Can you help me,Roxy?"<br>"No,I can't help,"said Roxy."We are all carrying things for the picnic.".......<b><br></b></div> Andy sat down. "Picnics are too much work," he said."I don't want to go.""But the rest of us want to go!" said Roxy.<br>"Come on,Andy,"said Roxy."Please?You can choose what we bring." "Let's leave all this stuff here," said Andy.<br>"And it would be nice to sit on the blanket,"said Mother."Okay,"said Andy. "But that's all we need."<br>"This is so much fun!"said Roxy."And I chose what to bring!" said Andy.<br><br> Father said,"It's a perfect picnic. We have a snack and a sunny day.""And me!"Andy shouted. "And you,"said Father."And that is all we need." <p>☑️ <b>情景游戏</b></p><p>自从做了摩比豆就停不下来,今天玩到4阶,进行不下去了,快把把各种实物都派上用场,为了消停一阵,把之前积累的方法都拿出来玩了一遍</p> <p>关于艾莎的春天绘本《The spring parade》看了很多遍,对于爱莎迷,考虑把中英文几册都打印出来……</p> <p>发现《Brain quest》有关于季节,派上用场</p> <p><b>☑️英文分级进展:</b></p><p>前期,牛津树进行到6阶,因为考虑到认知,重点加强句型输入,滚动第一轮牛津树1+2复习。</p><p>复述了6集《peppa pig》,《Best friend》大概是最喜欢的一集,今天自主演了一遍,没有上次的完整,之前的立个标杆,才能有更多成长空间……</p> <p><b>☑️汉语进展:</b></p><p>指读:汉语第一册滚动复习扫生词</p><p>语言与文化提升:谜语、唐诗、中国文化复习和延伸</p><p>婷婷唐诗和声律</p> <p>☑️<b>奇妙科学</b></p><p>iPad扫出来的效果很逼真,居然可以对话回答任何问题,互动性很高</p> <p>5分钟的视觉效果. 从动物世界到植物,刷了一遍长见识</p> 春天的时候,天气变化很快,常常从晴天变成雨天。&nbsp;<div>天气预报可以告诉人们接下来会出现的天气类型和气温变化。<br><br><div>阳光: 太阳光使得大地和空气都变得温暖起来。植物通过太阳光的照射生长。<br><br>雨: 是云层中降落下来的小水滴, 是一种降水形式。雨落在地面上并被植物的身体吸收。</div><div><br>风: 是一种程动的空气。当冷空气和暖空气流动时就形成了风。风能改变天气状况。&nbsp;<br><br>暴风雨: 冷暖空气流动时也会形成暴风雨。暴风雨天气时常常风很大,雨也很大。有时,春天的暴风雨会伴有打雷和闪电。<br><br>气温: 春天比冬天更暖和,但是又比夏天凉爽。气温变化范围取决于你生活在哪里。&nbsp;<br><br>天空状况: 天空的状态是指天空被云层覆盖的情况。春天的时候,天空是晴朗的,少云的或者是吕云的。<br><br>彩虹:天空的状态是指天空被云层覆盖的情况。</div></div> <p><b>☑️妈妈备课内容:</b></p><p>口语落后了一大截,好多的日常用语,想表达的时候就发现卡壳了,101个场景用语册再一次被翻出来,顺带跟着课程练口语</p><p><br></p> 备课:涨知识









