万思乐V-learn小西妈双语工程2001期Rainbow20200304 打卡D9

Bertha's Journal

<p>1️⃣Listening</p><p>英文:教材0a+0b 滚动播放、粉猪第一季(Hide and seek, best friend)</p><p>中文:汉语一,古诗词一首</p><p>2️⃣Reading</p><p>英文:海尼曼B-D混合10本</p><p>中文:汉语一教材小书、月刊书</p> <p>3️⃣Video</p><p>英文:0b动画片20分钟,粉猪第一季三集</p><p>中文:汉语一半个小时</p><p>4️⃣Games</p><p>Unit 8 walking </p><p>🐾 Act it out</p><p>M: Rainbow, let’s play new game tonight. Look, here are some pet toys on the ground, I will put them in the living room. Where do you want to put?Let’s do it together.</p><p>R: ok. </p><p>M: I want to put the little bear on the sill.</p><p>R: I want to put Peppa on the chair.</p><p>M: ok, good.</p><p>把Bear, Peppa, dinosaur, bunny, puppy公仔逐一放好后</p><p>M: Now let’s walk together. Where do you want to go firstly?</p><p>R: Dinosaur.</p><p>M: say hello to Dinosaur.</p><p>R: hello Dinosaur.</p><p>M: let’s go.</p><p>🎵walking walking squat down. </p><p>walking walking squat down. </p><p>M: Let the dinosaur join us, let’s walk together.</p><p>Rainbow抱着恐龙一起走。</p><p>M: Ok, now let’s walk to puppy.</p><p>R: ok.</p><p>🎵walking walking squat down. </p><p>walking walking squat down. </p><p>M: Dinosaur may has little tired, he need to take a nap, so let’s walk with puppy now</p><p>R: ok 说完我就放下恐龙抱起狗狗一起走</p><p>🎵walking walking squat down. </p><p>walking walking squat down. </p><p>M: Then where do we go?</p><p>R: bunny. </p><p>M: ok.</p><p>🎵walking walking squat down. </p><p>walking walking squat down. </p><p>R: Puppy is tired, he want to take a nap. Bunny, let’s go.(可以模仿妈妈整句输出了)</p><p>M: yes, good job.</p><p>let’s chant and go.</p><p>🎵walking walking squat down. </p><p>walking walking squat down. </p> <p>🐾 Passing time( Running&amp; sit down)</p><p>M:Baby,let’s invite your grandma and daddy to play the game, ok?</p><p>R: ok, daddy, grandma, play game.</p><p>M: now let’s make a circle and sit down on the chairs.I will walk behind all of you.When I squat down and I will put the toy down. Then you can check by hand but your eyes can’t look back. When someone get the toy, you should pick it up and chase me before I sit down. Ok?边说边示范(简单来说类似丢手绢游戏)</p><p>R: ok.</p><p>M: Now Iam first. 🎵walking walking squat down.&nbsp;walking walking squat down.&nbsp;走了一圈后把公仔放到爸爸身后,然后继续走。</p><p>Rainbow发现后马上告诉爸爸:Daddy 公仔在你后面啊(然后就开始大笑)</p><p>M:Running, running, sit down. Haha, I win</p><p>D: Ok. It’s my turn. 🎵walking walking squat down.&nbsp;walking walking squat down.&nbsp;这时Rainbow要偷看自己身后有没有公仔</p><p>M: Baby you can’t cheating (告诉她不能作弊偷看喔🙃)</p><p>后来爸爸放在她身后被她发现了就一路追跑,爸爸很快就坐下了。</p><p>D: baby, it’s your turn now.</p><p>R: ok.</p><p>🎵walking walking squat down.&nbsp;</p><p>walking walking squat down.&nbsp;</p><p>然后放在婆婆身后就笑着跑了,婆婆也追上去,Rainbow马上坐下来了🤣</p><p>这样轮流玩了好几回,弟弟也加入进来虽然听不懂但当我们都在大笑的时候他也好兴奋跑起来🤣,拍了一小段视频,Rainbow觉得好好玩😆,这样跑来跑去当锻炼身体了,感觉都要冒汗了🙃</p> <p>🐾 抢凳子游戏</p><p>M: Now let’s change another game.</p><p>Look, there are two chairs. Daddy, mommy and you walking together and listening music. When the music stopped, we can sit down on the chair then see who is slowly to sit down, got it?边说边示范</p><p>Are you ready?</p><p>R: Go.</p><p>第一次玩故意让爸爸输的,然后玩了三次才正式进入抢凳子,后来爸爸真的输了😆</p><p>M: Now daddy is out and now left one chair. Rainbow, let’s fight who can win finally.</p><p>R: Ok. Iam No.1😅好自信</p><p>🎵walking walking squat down.&nbsp;</p><p>walking walking squat down.&nbsp;</p><p>walking walking squat down.&nbsp;</p><p>walking walking squat down.&nbsp;</p><p>这样连续玩了好几次,有时我赢了有点不开心最后让给她赢好了🙃最重要小孩玩得开心</p> <p>5️⃣汉语:讲故事</p><p>从前有座山,山里有座庙,庙里有个猴子(也可以换其他名词或者人名)在讲故事,讲的是什么故事呢?🤔</p><p>🔚</p><p>这两天看了汉语一的动画片后尝试一个单元的学习,开始一边模仿一边读起来了,要加强拓展和理解。</p>