DAY63 万思乐小西妈双语工程1906期64号季晋希


<h3>阅读:分级10+科普1</h3><h3>视频:Egg fun+拓展1/2+小猴骑车</h3> 复活节的由来:<div>1.Easter is Christian holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ./复活节是庆祝耶稣基督复活的基督教节日。</div><div>2.Some people believed the word Easter comes from pagan holiday honoring Eostre the pagan goddess of Spring which symbolized rebirth/有些人认为复活节这个词来自异教节日,是为了纪念象征重生的异教春天女神厄俄斯特</div><div>3.Easter is celebrated on the first sunday after the moon on the spring equinox between March22-April 25/复活节是在3月22日至4月25日春分月亮之后的第一个星期天庆祝的</div><div>4.During Lent,eating animal products including eggs was not allowed.Hens still laid eggs so by Easter there were alot of leftover eggs./在四旬斋期间,不允许吃动物产品,包括鸡蛋。母鸡仍然产蛋,所以到复活节还有很多剩余的鸡蛋。</div><div>5.The traditional word for painting egg is called pysanka/画鸡蛋的传统词汇叫“皮桑卡”</div><div>6.Rabbits and Hares are symbles of fertility/兔子和野兔是生育能力的象征</div><div>7.In folklore the Easter bunny is a hare not a rabbit and lays eggs.Real hares and rabbit do not lay eggs/在民间传说中,复活节兔子是一只兔子而不是一只兔子,会下蛋。真正的兔子和兔子不会下蛋</div><div>8.The girls and boys would wake up Easter morning and build nests out of sticks and leaves so the Easter bunny would leave the eggs.This is how the first Easter Hunts started./女孩和男孩们会在复活节早晨醒来,用树枝和树叶筑巢,这样复活节兔子就可以把蛋留下。这就是第一次复活节狩猎的开始</div><div>9. Original Easter baskets were made to look like nests,but now children receive colorful basket filled with eggs and candies from the Easter bunny/最初的复活节篮子看起来像鸟巢,但是现在孩子们收到了彩色的篮子,里面装满了复活节兔子的蛋和糖果</div><div>10.Easter is the second largest candy consuming holiday. Halloween is the first/复活节是第二大糖果消费节日。万圣节是第一次</div> Game : I'm an Easter Egg<br>1. 家长拿来彩色的围巾来装饰宝贝“蛋”<br>P: Look, here are some pretty scarfs. Do you want to<br>be an Easter egg?<br>K: Yes.<br>2. 在床的四个角上摆上bucket, basket, bin, tin的实物或幼儿卡片<br>P: Look, there is a bucket, a basket, a bin and a tin(分别指给宝贝).<br>3. 把宝贝放在中间,让宝贝躺下。家长边唱儿歌边将宝贝滚到相应的容<br>器前<br>P: Lie down. I'll roll you. “Oh, eggs! Eggs in buckets. Yippee! Oh, eggs.<br>Eggs in bins. Yippee! Oh, eggs! Eggs in baskets. Yippee! Oh, eggs.<br>Eggs in tins. Yippee! ”<br>4. 家长与宝贝互动,家长将宝贝滚到相应的容器前<br>P: Where do you want to go? Where are the gggs?<br>K: Buckets.<br>P: Eggs in buckets. “Oh, eggs! Eggs...”(唱着儿歌)<br>K:Yippee!<br><br>P: Let me “decorate” you with the scarfs. (用围巾缠绕全身)<br>P&K: “Oh, eggs! Eggs in buckets...” (边唱儿歌边打扮)<br>Tip:<br>• 可以大娃滚二娃,或妈妈和二娃滚大娃<br>• 可以摆上以前出现过的容器container卡片,box, jar,在儿歌中进行替换<br>• 可以再摆上hand, truck, bus, car的卡片,改编儿歌 <h3><font color="#010101">拓展阅读1:My Easter Eggs</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">拓展阅读2: Happy Easter Mouse</font></h3>









