

<h3>新型冠状动脉病毒扩散以武汉为主。钟南山院士第一时间来到武汉。其他省市也派出医务人员支援武汉,捐赠医疗用品和生活必需品。全国人民都在抗击疫情。我作为一名小学生,现在能做的就是呆在家里,不给国家添麻烦,做好防护措施,在家好好学习,增强体质。武汉,加油,中国,加油!</h3> <h3>The spread of the new coronary virus is mainly in Wuhan. Academician Zhong Nanshan arrived at Wuhan at the first time. Other provinces and cities also dispatch medical personnel to support Wuhan and donate medical supplies and necessities of life. People all over the country are fighting against the epidemic. As a primary school student, what we can do now is to stay at home, not to add trouble to the country, take protective measures, study hard at home, and strengthen our health.Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China!</h3>