<p>第一次用美篇,还需要研究怎么用。发现可以插入很长的视频。</p><p>坚持把每日的记录写下来,若干年后都是值得回忆的事情。</p><p>🌿1⃣️ 英语实验 rescue operation</p><p>实验爱好者太喜欢做实验啦。</p><p>🙈Hello,I’m samy.Today I will going to tell you about the experiment.The experiment name is called rescue operation.</p><p>Of course ,first we need a whiteboard marker,a mirror a bowl some water.</p><p>First we are going to put the mirror on the table.</p><p>Second,we are going to take out a sheet of tissue and use it to clean the mirror.</p><p>Where is my whiteboard marker?</p><p>Use the whiteboard marker to draw a crab.</p><p>Then put sone water into the bowl.</p><p>we are going to put the mirror into the bowl.</p><p>Let’s see what happens.</p><p>👩There are so many “tadpoles ”are happily swimming in the water.</p><p>Do you know why?</p><p>Chemical stripper existing in the ink of the whiteboard marker allows the drawing to strip off of the mirror.</p> <p>实验:Rescue operation 特工营救</p> <p>🌿2⃣️ 指读牛津6</p><p>小家伙的指读没有让人操心过,牛津1-5拿起来就可以独立阅读。到了牛津6篇幅长了,就不买帐了,其实他可以读下来的。</p> <p>牛津6指读</p> <p>3⃣️百科一节</p><p>What are this important organs in the human body?</p><p><br></p> <p><b>4⃣️2bu7 Alibaba’s farm</b></p><p><b>Family fun </b></p><p><b>和他一起表演假装到了农场见到了许多的动物。</b></p><p>Hello,I am alibaba,Here is my little farm.</p><p>-Hey,alibab,welcome to my farm.</p><p>-What do you have on you farm?</p><p>-Look,I have some little Lambs, </p><p>-Oh,what lovely lambs they are!</p><p>-They cry "baa,baa,baa"They cry" Baa baa baa "all day long on my little farm</p><p>-I like this lambs,Let's sing.</p><p>-Do you have any other animals?</p><p>-Sure,I have some little cows</p><p>-What lovely cows they are!</p><p>-They cry "Moo moo moo"</p><p>-They "moo "All day long on my little farm</p><p>.</p><p>They cry "Oink Oink"everywhere</p><p>turkey “Gobble gobble”</p><p>Duck “quack quack”</p><p>Dog“woof woof”</p><p>cat“Meow meow”</p><p>Samy,Do you know what are farm animals?</p> <p><b>5⃣️游戏who is coming?</b></p><p>Mommy Prepare some farm animal cards in advance.Have baby cover his eyes.</p><p>Mommy imitate animals sounds,Let baby guess who it is.</p><p>Samy,close your eyes,Listen carefully,</p><p>"Oink Oink"can you guess who is coming? </p><p>A duck says"Quack quack "A chick says"Cluck cluck "</p><p>A horse says "Neigh,neigh"</p><p>A rooster says"Cock-a-doodle"</p><p>A turkey says"Gobble Gobble"</p><p>-A pig says "Oink Oink" </p><p><b>Riddle 农场动物猜谜</b></p><p>There is a farm,lots of farm animals live here,Do you want to see them? </p><p>But they want to play a guessing game with you.</p><p>I am a farm animal.</p><p>I have four short legs,I'm far,I'm pink.</p><p>My shout has two holes,I like eating and sleeping,Who am I ?</p><p>--Of course,It's pig </p><p>Just like this,I'll tell you something about the animal and you guess about what it is.</p><p><br></p><p>I have four legs,I'm srtong and far,I am white and black,</p><p>I can produce milk,Who am I ? </p><p>---Cow </p><p>You can eat my wings,breast and legs</p><p>Plus when I'm alive</p><p>You can eat my eggs,boiled or fried.</p><p>---A chicken</p><p><br></p><p>It is time for Thanksgiving</p><p>I don't know if you'd heard</p><p>Which means it's time to gobble</p><p>I'm very tasty bird.</p><p>--Turkey</p><p><br></p> <p>后来给我出谜语,让你来猜,虽然用词比较简单,但是也是一进步😂</p> <p><b>6⃣️Animals and their homes</b></p><p><br></p><p>小动物都有自己的家,他们住的各种各样的地方,你知道吗?</p><p>通过红火箭的animal homes 粗浅的了解下吧</p><p>Animals make their homes in all sorts of different places.</p><p>Some live in water,and others live under the ground.</p><p>Some animals homes are in cold place,But others live in hot spots.Which animals make burrows or webs? </p><p><br></p><p>"What do mice live?"</p><p>"Mouse hole"</p><p>"Yes,different animals have different home to raise a family."</p><p>people always keep them in different place.</p><p>Let's check what are the animals home togerther</p><p><br></p><p>A duck and duckling live in a pond .what does a duck say? "quack quack "</p><p>A dog and puppy live in a kennel(狗屋) bark ..bark</p><p>A Hen and chicken live in a coop(鸡笼) cluck ..cluck</p><p>A cat and kitten live in a house miaow..miaow</p><p>A hare and Leveret (小野兔)live in a burrow(洞穴) squeak..squeak</p><p>A Frog and Tadpole (小野兔)live in a Ranariums croak..croak...</p><p>A owl and owlet (小鹦鹉)live in a tree hole scream..scream</p><p>A monkey and baby monkey live in a tree chatter..chatter</p><p>A sheep and lamb live in a cattle shed 牛棚 what does a sheep say? Baa...baaa</p><p>A horse and foal马驹 live in a cattle horse stable马厩 what does a sheep say? Neigh-neigh...</p><p>A goat and kid live in a cattle shed Baa...baaa</p><p>A kangaroo and kid live in a caves chortle...chortle </p><p>A cow and calf live in a cowshed moo..moo</p><p>A cow zebra and foal live in a bushes whoop ..whoop</p><p><br></p> <p><b>7⃣️Animals habitats</b></p><p>what is a habitat?</p><p>Every animal has a special place that they call home,</p><p>In the animal world we call these places habitats.</p><p><u>Ocean and sea habitats</u>:</p><p>They ocean is a very large and deep body of salty water.</p><p><u>Fresh water </u>:</p><p>The fresh water has very little to no salt.</p><p><u>Grassland:</u></p><p>The grassland is a dry place with a lot of grass.</p><p><u>Rainforest:</u>The rainforest is a hot ,wet place where there are many tall trees.</p><p><u>Arctic:</u> The arctic is an icy cold place near the North pole.</p><p><u>Desert</u>: The desert is dry,Many desert are hot,there is little rainfall.</p><p>做手工书,Animals habitats</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>8⃣️camouflage </p><p>趣趣ABC学到camouflage ,科普的单元。</p><p>把红火箭的clever camouflage 拿出来看,正好有看到The magic school bus 里的北极探险,一些北极动物到了冬天就会变成白色,比如北极兔,雪鸮,北极狐,到了夏天就会变成灰色或者黑色。</p><p>In summer,their coats are dark,like the brown earth.In winter,their coats are white to match the snow.</p><p><br></p> <p><br></p> <p>9⃣️math </p><p>早晨妈妈在备课,他坐在旁边自己看书,要求做math.自己选的做。要求我和他一起做。</p> <p>🔟汉语</p><p>拼音学习渐入佳境,学完了app里的基础拼音,结合游戏练习拼读,小家伙自学的还不错,多练习会非常熟练的。</p><p>每天都要和妈妈玩拼音游戏,把四五快读的字卡减下来,这样我们就可以一边玩拼音,一边对照汉字。</p><p>每抢拍一个,增加得分,按照表现反应快慢得到的分数不一样,小家伙就慢慢的在得分的基础上持续给自己加分,又锻炼了数学计算的能力,乐此不疲的。</p><p>最近在电脑上学着打字,太好玩了。</p><p><br></p> <div>书写练习</div><div>加入了汉字的书写和字母的书写,坚持练习。</div><div>字母之前都会写,但是没有长时间锻炼,渐渐的淡忘了,之前在妈妈生日的时候还给我写过 happy birthday to mommy.</div><div><br></div> <p>阅读</p> 音频:最近迷journey to the west迷的不行,晚上时间都不让关。Oh,My gad!