Together we fight against the epidemic


<h3>方城中学 七年级九班 宋雨婷</h3> <h3></h3><h5>2020 &nbsp;begins with &nbsp;bitterness &nbsp;and &nbsp;sweetness,&nbsp; because&nbsp; a&nbsp; child&nbsp; of China accidentally&nbsp; got&nbsp; sick. He&nbsp; is&nbsp; Wuhan. However, &nbsp;it&nbsp; doesn't&nbsp; matter much, because the &nbsp;mother and his &nbsp;sisters &nbsp;and&nbsp; brothers &nbsp;will&nbsp; help&nbsp; him &nbsp;go through&nbsp; his &nbsp;affliction.</h5> <h5>As junior school students, we can’t rush to the front line to help Wuhan, but we can still be helpful even staying at home . We can cheer for the white angels and fighters. And thanks to our teachers, we can also study online at home since our online class begins.</h5> <h5 style="text-align: left;">Recently,&nbsp; white&nbsp; angels&nbsp; in &nbsp;the &nbsp;news&nbsp; always&nbsp; wear&nbsp; thick &nbsp;isolation&nbsp; suits&nbsp; and&nbsp; goggles.&nbsp; When &nbsp;the &nbsp;masks&nbsp; are&nbsp; taken&nbsp; off,&nbsp; deep imprints &nbsp;appear&nbsp; on their faces, but&nbsp; they &nbsp;are&nbsp; still&nbsp; optimistic.</h5> <h5>Staying at home,&nbsp; we &nbsp;have &nbsp;also&nbsp; carried&nbsp; out &nbsp;interesting projects, &nbsp;suchas&nbsp; painting contests &nbsp;and &nbsp;composition &nbsp;contests. We students &nbsp;are &nbsp;taking an active &nbsp;part in these activities.</h5> <h5 style="text-align: left;"><font color="#010101">All in all,&nbsp;I&nbsp; hope&nbsp; that &nbsp;the &nbsp;children&nbsp; in &nbsp;Wuhan will&nbsp; get &nbsp;better&nbsp; soon. </font><br></h5> <h5>Let's cheer for Wuhan, cheer for Our motherland, cheer for those white angels!</h5>