天佑中华 共度难关


<h3>把握生命里每一次感动……</h3><h3>疫情无情 人间有爱……</h3><h3>只要我们同呼息 共命运……</h3><h3>携起手来与疫情攻坚抗衡……</h3><h3>白衣天使是我们的保护神……</h3><h3>做好自己身体力行每一步……</h3><h3>疫情终将隔离 断开 控制……</h3><h3>即将迎来春暖花开美好季节……</h3><h3>Grasp every moving moment in your life ...</h3><h3>The epidemic is merciless but there is love in the world ...</h3><h3>As long as we share the same fate ...</h3><h3>Join hands to fight against the epidemic.</h3><h3>Angels in white is our patron saint ...</h3><h3>Do a good job in every step ...</h3><h3>The epidemic will eventually be isolated and cut off...</h3><h3>It is about to usher in a beautiful season of warm spring...</h3>