儿歌: <div>oh,eggs!eggs in bucket水桶</div><div>oh,eggs!eggs in bins 箱子</div><div>oh,eggs!eggs in baskets 篮子</div><div>oh,eggs!eggs in tins 罐子</div><div>eggs in buckets</div><div>eggs in bins</div><div>eggs in baskets</div><div>eggs in tins</div><div>Yippee! 耶</div><div> </div><div><br></div> Easter Bunny<br>Colorful Decorated Eggs = Easter Eggs<div><br></div><div>When?</div><div>春分之后第一次满月之后的第一个星期日即为复活节</div><div>on the spring after the full moon following MarCH21</div><div><br></div><div>因此,节期大致在3月22日至4月 25日之间</div><div>Thus, Easter will fall between March 22nd and Aril 25th each year</div> 复活节的介绍 family fun:<div>1. 家长在一边放上bucket, bin, basket和tin<br>P: Look, there is a bucket, a bin, a basket and a tin.<br>2. 家长和宝贝一人拿一个蛋玩儿滚鸡蛋比赛<br>P: Here is an egg for you. Let's roll the egg, like this<br>(把蛋放地上滚,给宝贝做示范). This is the start. Are you ready?<br>K: Yes.<br>P: Roll to the bucket!<br>P&K: “Oh eggs! Eggs in buckets...”<br></div><div>3. 滚到bucket前,把鸡蛋放进去<br>P: You are the first. Put it in the bucket.<br>See, the egg is in the bucket/ the eggs are in the bucket.<br>4. 宝贝发指令<br>P: It's your turn. Where?<br>K: Bin!<br>P: Ok!<br>P&K: Ready, go! “Oh eggs! Eggs in buckets.<br></div> Game 1: Egg Stickers<br>2. 家长给宝贝画上<br>P: Do you want to have these containers? I can paint them for you.<br>K: Yes.<br>P: I can paint buckets/baskets/bins/tins. (至少画两个)<br>“Oh, eggs! Eggs in buckets...” (边画边唱儿歌)<br>3. 家长和宝贝唱儿歌,展示相应的容器<br>P&K: “Oh, eggs! Eggs in buckets...”<br>4. 熟悉之后,可以家长说名称,让宝贝展示相应的容器(可以不按歌词顺序)<br>P: “Oh, eggs! Eggs in buckets/baskets/bins/tins<div>Tip:<br>宝贝熟练后,可以让宝贝发指令,妈妈做相应展示。<br></div><div>活动目的:<br>锻炼孩子的反应能力以及听懂儿歌中核心词汇bins, baskets, tins, buckets.<br></div> Game 2: Decorate the Eggs<div>1. 家长准备好煮熟的鸡蛋<br>P: Look, I have some hard boiled eggs. Do you want to decorate<br>some eggs?<br>K: Yes.<br>P: Let’s squeeze (挤)some paint out onto the plate. Please help me.<br>2. 涂底色<br>P: Let's paint it in orange/pink. Try some vibrant(色彩艳丽) colors.<br>Game 2: Decorate the Eggs<br>['vaɪbrənt]<br></div><div>3. 画直线<br>P: Grab your brush. Pick your favorite color. Let's<br>start off by (以...开始)drawing some straight lines.<br>4. 画波浪线<br>P: We can have some wavy lines.<br>5. 画点<br>P: Now, let's try some spots.<br></div><div><br></div><div>She was able to apply<br>intricate designs onto her<br>Easter eggs by using<br>watercolor pencils (we<br>didn't even know these<br>existed!).<br>[ˈɪntrəkət]复杂的<br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>These lovely eggs<br>are simply made with<br>food coloring (食用<br>色素), salt, water<br>and white crayons or<br>leftover(残余的)<br>birthday candles.<br></div><div><br></div> Game 3: Carry the Eggs to the Bins<div>1. 家长在一边放上两个容器<br>P: Look, there are two bins.<br>2. 家长和宝贝一人拿一个蛋,把蛋放在勺子上<br>P: Here is the Easter egg for you. Look, we can balance the egg on the<br>spoon. Like this. (把蛋放勺子上,给宝贝做示范). Can you do this?<br>K: Yes.<br>P: Great job!<br></div><div>3. 家长和宝贝比赛运鸡蛋,最后看谁运得多<br>P: Look, a lot of eggs. Let's carry the eggs to the bins.<br>Are you ready?<br>K: Yes.<br>P&K: “Oh eggs! Eggs...” (在容器与起点之间往返)<br>P: Let's count. I have carried five eggs. How about you?<br>K: Six.<br>P: Great! You have carried six eggs<br></div> <div>Game4 : Hunt for Easter Eggs</div><div><br></div><div>*** 这是一本书小狗波点</div><div>The Easter Bunny Has Hidden Six eggs for you</div><div><br></div>1. 家长扮演复活节兔子藏彩蛋(必藏水桶、篮子、箱子、罐子)<br>P: I'm Easter Bunny. I have hidden six eggs for you.<br>Grab the basket. You can find them now./You can hunt for them now<div>2. 宝贝开始唱着儿歌找彩蛋<br>P&K: “Oh, eggs! Eggs in buckets...”<br>P: Maybe some eggs are in the bedroom/bathroom/store room.<br></div><div>3. 宝贝每找到一个彩蛋,家长在旁边嘀咕一句<br>P: Oh, egg! The egg (is) in the bucket/tin/basket/bin.<br>You have found the first/second/third/fourth/ fifth/ sixth egg in the bag.<br>You have found another one/the last one in the jar.<br>Just one more egg to find.<br>Good job! You have found all<br>the eggs!<br></div><div>Tip:<br>• 可以互换角色,You're Easter Bunny now. It's your turn to hide<br>Easter Eggs.<br>• 除了必藏的地点外,还可以藏在其他地方,复习其他方位介词与家<br>中事物名称under the sofa, on the chair...<br>活动目的:表演儿歌中核心情节—找彩蛋,了解复活节传统游戏活动。<br>将相关主题绘本Spot's First Easter中的语言在儿歌游戏中使用出来,<br>帮助宝贝进一步理解语言, 丰富语言<br></div> Game 5: I'm an Easter Egg<div>1. 家长拿来彩色的围巾来装饰宝贝“蛋”<br>P: Look, here are some pretty scarfs. Do you want to<br>be an Easter egg?<br>K: Yes.</div><div>2. 在床的四个角上摆上bucket, basket, bin, tin的实物或幼儿卡片<br>P: Look, there is a bucket, a basket, a bin and a tin(分别指给宝贝).<br>3. 把宝贝放在中间,让宝贝躺下。家长边唱儿歌边将宝贝滚到相应的容<br>器前<br>P: Lie down. I'll roll you. “Oh, eggs! Eggs in buckets. Yippee! Oh, eggs.<br>Eggs in bins. Yippee! Oh, eggs! Eggs in baskets. Yippee! Oh, eggs.<br>Eggs in tins. Yippee! ”</div><div>4. 家长与宝贝互动,家长将宝贝滚到相应的容器前<br>P: Where do you want to go? Where are the gggs?<br>K: Buckets.<br>P: Eggs in buckets. “Oh, eggs! Eggs...”(唱着儿歌)<br>K:Yippee!<br></div><div><br>P: Let me “decorate” you with the scarfs. (用围巾缠绕全身)<br>P&K: “Oh, eggs! Eggs in buckets...” (边唱儿歌边打扮)<br></div><div>Tip:<br>• 可以大娃滚二娃,或妈妈和二娃滚大娃<br>• 可以摆上以前出现过的容器container卡片,box, jar,在儿歌中进行替换<br>• 可以再摆上hand, truck, bus, car的卡片,改编儿歌<br></div>