Your Heart~拓展英语阅读视野


<h3> 课内外结合</h3><h3> 拓展英语阅读视野</h3> <h3>阅读小技巧之一</h3><h3>Meditate冥想</h3><h3>🇨🇳If you think about it, meditation might seem like the opposite of paying attention. One objective of meditation is to clear the mind, but another element of meditation is inward peace. This means that the act of meditating is actually the act of training the brain to avoid distractions. And remember, you don't have to become an expert or obsessive meditator. Just take some time every day to go through a brief meditation exercise.</h3><h3>🇨🇳细细一想,冥想似乎与集中注意力背道而驰。冥想的一个目的是使大脑思维清晰,另一个目的则是达到内在的平静。这就意味着冥想事实上可以锻炼大脑集中注意力。但要记住,你不必成为一个冥想专家,也不必过度痴迷于冥想。只需要每天花上一点时间进行一个简单的冥想练习。</h3>