疫情阻隔不了学习之路…… ——额敏三中停课不停学持续进行


<h3>  The outbreak of the new coronavirus has affected everyone's heart, and the primary and secondary schools around the country have postponed the opening of primary and secondary schools in order to block the spread of the epidemic to the campus. In view of this situation, the teachers in Emin No.3 middle school also use the network and all kinds of online resources to teach, solve the parents' concerns about delaying the study of students effectively, so that students can learn at home.</h3> <h3 style="text-align: center;"><b>keep learning, we' re doing this</b></h3><h3><b> A strong youth is a strong country</b></h3><h3> As the teachers and the students of Emin No. 3 middle school, we pay tribute to all the staff who have made efforts and contributed to the outbreak. We will also fulfill our duties and be willing to contribute, pass from generation to generation, and work hard for the education of the people.</h3> <h3 style="text-align: center;"><b>Put hearts to work, undertake bravely</b></h3><h3> Our school had officially started online teaching since February 18, and all the teachers were in place on time to broadcast the courses, answer questions online, assign homework, correct and give feedback during the courses.</h3> <h3 style="text-align: left;"><b>Firmly forward, waiting for the flowers</b></h3><h3> Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back. In the face of epidemic, we have to go ahead bravely. In our position, we also have more responsibility, too</h3> <h3>  God bless China, we will overcome the difficulties together. And we use our way specially to make progress. We also believe that the spring of 2020 will come as expected!</h3><h3> No.3 Middle school, Emin </h3><h3> </h3> <h3>译文:</h3><h3> 新型冠状病毒的疫情牵动了每个人的心,为了阻断疫情向校园蔓延,各地中小学也因此延期开学。针对这种情况,额敏县第三中学的老师们也利用网络平后及各类线上资源实施教学,切实解决好家长对延迟开学学生学习的担忧,让学生在家学有所获。</h3><h3> <font color="#010101"><b>停课不停学,我们这样做</b></font></h3><h3><b>少年强则国强</b></h3><h3> 作为额敏县第三中学的师生们,我们向一切为疫情做出努力和贡献的工作人员表示敬意,我们也将认身履行职责,乐于奉献,薪火相传,为人民的教育事业努力奋斗。</h3><h3><b>尽职尽责,勇于担当</b></h3><h3> 从2月18日起, 我校正式开始线上授课,老师们也全部按时到位,进行课程直播,并在授课过程中进行在线答疑和作业布置,批改和反馈。</h3><h3><b>笃定前行,静待花开</b></h3><h3> 学习如逆水行舟,不进则退。在疲情面前,我们勇往直,在我们的岗位上,我们也有更多的责任与担当。</h3><h3> 天佑中华,共克时艰,我们用我们特殊的方式,让自己不断进步。我们也相信, 2020年的春天一定会如期而至!</h3><h3> </h3><h3> </h3><h3> 供稿:英语教研组</h3><h3> </h3>









