<p>起初,没有人在意这一场灾难,这不过是一场山火,一次旱灾,一个物种的灭绝,一座城市的消失,直到这场灾难和每个人息息相关。</p><p>At first, nobody cared about this disaster,It's just another wildfire, a drought,extinction of a species,the disappearance of another city,Until everyone understand that we are all related to this disaster.</p> <p>我叫莎莉,我有一个伟大的母亲,它的名字叫地球。她不仅赐予我生命,还赐予轮回四季和万物生灵。可是,最近它一直在哭泣。</p><p>My name is Sally. I have a great mother. Her name is Earth. She not only gave me life, but also gave birth to four seasons and all beings. However, she has been crying recently.</p><p><br></p> <p>亚马逊热带雨林和澳大利亚接连大火,让无数生灵遭到毁灭,地球母亲为被烧毁的树木和动物掉下了眼泪。</p><p>The fires of Amazon rainforest and Australia have destroyed countless lives. Mother Earth shed tears for the burned trees and animals.</p> <p>菲律宾塔尔火山再次爆发,引起了75次地震。滚滚岩浆吞噬了很多村庄,地球母亲为受难的人们掉下了眼泪。</p><p>Taal Volcano in the Philippines erupted again, caused 75 earthquakes. Rolling magma devoured many villages. Mother Earth shed tears for the people in the disaster.</p> <p>狂风暴雪席卷加拿大东部地区,大雪几乎掩埋了一座城。雪灾让人们寸步难行。地球母亲难过得掉下了眼泪。 </p><p>Storm snow swept through eastern Canada. The heavy snow almost buried the city, causing difficulties for even people’s walking. Mother Earth shed tears again.</p> <p>数十年来最严重的沙漠蝗虫灾害席卷东非,使粮食短缺问题雪上加霜。地球母亲为无数受饥饿折磨的儿童掉下了眼泪。</p><p>The worst desert locust disaster in decades has swept East Africa, worsening food shortages. There are tears in Mother Earth’s eyes, because of countless hungry children suffering from this disaster.</p> <p>一种新型冠状病毒引发的新型肺炎在中国扩散。被感染的患者已超7万人。逝者不计其数。地球母亲为身患重症及去世的人们掉下了眼泪。</p><p>A new type pneumonia caused by new coronavirus has spread in China. More than 70,000 people have infected, and many of those died. For the patients and the one who passed away, Mother Earth cried.</p> <p>美国遭流感肆虐,波及范围覆盖48个州。至少1.4万人死亡,其中包括近百名儿童。地球母亲为破碎的家庭掉下了眼泪。</p><p>The United States was hit by the flu, 48 states affected. At least 14,000 people have died, including nearly a hundred children. Mother Earth cried for the broken families.</p> <p>世界各地频频发生地震。仅2020年1月11日这一天,全球就已经出现了上百次地震。1月25日土耳其发生6.8级地震,无数人流离失所。地球母亲再次难过得掉下了眼泪。</p><p>There are frequent earthquakes occurred around the world. On the single day of January 11, 2020 , there were hundreds of earthquakes around the world. A magnitude 6.8 earthquake hits Turkey on January 25. Countless people lost their homes. Mother Earth again shed tears.</p> <p>南极气温首破20度,南极冰川正在不断融化,全球暖化造成南极气候巨变,雨多、雪少,反常暴雨致数万企鹅被冻死。地球母亲为可怜的企鹅宝宝掉下了眼泪。</p><p>The temperature in Antarctic reached 20 degrees for the first time. Antarctic glaciers are continuously melting. The global warming has caused great changes in the Antarctic climate - more rain, less snow, and abnormal rainstorm caused tens of thousands of penguins to freeze to death. For the poor baby penguins, Mother Earth cried.</p> <p>灾害是大自然对人类愚蠢行为的警告。我呼吁让我们善待野生动物,尊重生命,节能减排,珍惜自然资源,让地球母亲停止哭泣吧!</p><p>Disasters are nature's warnings about human being’s inappropriate actions and damages to the nature. I call on us to be kind to wildlife, respect life, save energy and reduce emissions, and cherish natural resources, so that Mother Earth stop crying!</p>