<font color="#167efb">Part 1——What is a novel coronavirus?</font><div><h3><font color="#167efb">(什么是新型冠状病毒?)</font></h3>Coronavirus is a large virus family, which is known to cause a cold, Middle East respiratory syndrome and severe acute respiratory syndrome. A novel coronavirus is a new strain of coronavirus that has never been found in human body before.<br>译文:冠状病毒(Coronavirus)是一个大的病毒家族,已知可引起感冒、中东呼吸综合征和严重急性呼吸综合征。新型冠状病毒是一种从未在人体中发现的冠状病毒新株。</div> <font color="#167efb">Part 2——How to protect yourself?</font><div><font color="#167efb">(如何做到自我防护?)<br></font>1. Wash hands frequently and keep personal hygiene.<br>2. Wear masks when going out, and avoid going to crowded areas.<br>3. Do more exercise, drink more water and improve immunity.<br>4. Have healthy diet, and eat more fruit and vegetables.</div><div><font color="#333333" style="">译文:1.勤洗手,注意个人卫生。</font></div><div><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">2.外出时要戴口罩,少去人流密集区域。</span></div><font color="#333333">3.多做运动,多喝水,提高免疫力。<br></font><div><font color="#333333" style="">4.注意饮食健康,多吃水果和蔬菜。</font></div> <font color="#167efb">Part 3——How to wear masks scientifically and correctly?<br>(如何科学正确地佩戴口罩?)</font> <font color="#167efb">Part 4——How to wash hands correctly?<br>(如何正确洗手?)</font><br><font color="#39b54a">Seven-step hand-washing method.(七步洗手法。)</font><br><font color="#ff8a00">Step 1: </font>Wet hands with running water. Apply hand sanitizer (or soap). Palms are opposite. Fingers close together and rub each other;<br><font color="#ff8a00">第一步(内):</font>洗手掌——用水湿润双手,涂抹洗手液(或肥皂),掌心相对,手指并拢相互揉搓;<br><font color="#ff8a00">Step 2 :</font> Wash the back side finger joint, rub the palm of the hand along the finger joint, and exchange hands;<br><font color="#ff8a00">第二步(外):</font>洗背侧指缝——手心对手背沿指缝相互揉搓,双手交换进行;<br><font color="#ff8a00">Step 3 : </font>Wash the palms with the palms facing each other, and knead the palms and the fingers;<br><font color="#ff8a00">第三步(夹):</font>洗掌侧指缝——掌心相对,双手交叉沿指缝相互揉搓;<br><font color="#ff8a00">Step 4 :</font> Wash the back of the fingers. Bend the joints of the fingers, half clench the fist, put the back of the fingers on the palm of the other hand, rotate and knead, and exchange hands;<br><font color="#ff8a00">第四步(弓):</font>洗指背——弯曲各手指关节,半握拳把指背放在另一手掌心旋转揉搓,双手交换进行;<br><font color="#ff8a00">Step 5 : </font>Wash the thumb, hold the other hand, rotate and rub the thumb, and exchange hands;<br><font color="#ff8a00">第五步(大):</font>洗拇指——一手握另一手大拇指旋转揉搓,双手交换进行;<br><font color="#ff8a00">Step 6 : </font>Wash the fingertips, bend the joints of the fingers, close the fingertips to the palm of the other hand, rotate and knead, and exchange hands;<br><font color="#ff8a00">第六步(立):</font>洗指尖——弯曲各手指关节,把指尖合拢在另一手掌心旋转揉搓,双手交换进行;<br><font color="#ff8a00">Step 7 :</font> Wash the wrists, rub the wrists and arms, and exchange hands.<br><font color="#ff8a00">第七步(腕):</font>洗手腕、手臂——揉搓手腕、手臂,双手交换进行。 <font color="#167efb">Part 5——How to keep healthy?</font><div><font color="#167efb">(如何保持健康?)<br></font>Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy. Here are three main ways to keep healthy.<br>现在,越来越多的人知道保持健康的重要性。以下是保持健康的三种主要方法。<br>Firstly, it is necessary to keep a balanced diet. We aren't supposed to eat too much junk food. It is better for us to have more fruit and vegetables every day. Secondly, we shouldn't stay up too late. Getting enough sleep is also necessary. Finally, it is important to take exercise regularly, such as swimming, running and so on. But now you should exercise inside the home.<br>首先,保持饮食平衡是必要的。我们不应该吃太多垃圾食品。我们最好每天多吃些水果和蔬菜。其次,我们不应该熬夜太晚。充足的睡眠也是必要的。最后,定期锻炼很重要,如游泳、跑步等。但现在你应该在家里锻炼。<br>"Though the night is long, I always believe that the dawn is ahead! " It will be OK! Everything will be OK! Come on China! Come on, Wuhan! Come on, angel in white!<br>“纵眼下长夜漫长,却始终相信曙光就在前方!”会好的!一切都会好的!中国加油!武汉加油!白衣天使加油!</div>