<p>卷首语:大家好,我叫莎莉,我给大家讲一个关于人类战胜病毒的故事。</p><p>Hello everyone, my name is Sally, and I will share a story about humans' victory over the virus.</p> <p>有一天,一个人到海鲜市场买了一只野生蝙蝠带回家做菜。</p><p>One day, a person went to a seafood market and bought a wild bat home for cooking a delicious meal.</p><p><br></p> <p>他却不知道这只蝙蝠身上携带了致命的"新型冠状病毒"。</p><p>He was not aware that the bat was actually carrying the deadly "new coronavirus".</p> <p>两天后,家里的小女孩出现发高烧、咳嗽的症状。</p><p>Two days later, the little girl at home got a sick, having fever and cough.</p> <p>很快,病毒在全国蔓延。为了预防病毒扩散,大家出门都戴上了口罩。</p><p>Soon, the virus spread throughout the city. To prevent the spread of the virus, everyone wore masks when they were outside.</p> <p>我也乖乖听话,出门戴口罩以防被传染。</p><p>I did the same and wore the mask when I was out.to prevent being infected</p> <p>很多感染了新型冠状病毒的病人被送到新修好的火神山医院进行隔离治疗。</p><p>Many patients infected with the new coronavirus were sent to the newly constructed Vulcan Mountain Hospital for quarantined treatment.</p> <p>美丽的护士阿姨为了头发不造成污染,方便工作,勇敢地剪掉了长发。</p><p>For better helping and avoiding potential pollution caused by hair, the nurse aunt cut her long hair, bravely.</p> <p>全国各地的医护人员战斗在前线抗击病毒,有的人不幸被感染甚至失去了生命。</p><p>Doctors, nurses, across the country battled the front line to fight the virus. Some people were unfortunately infected or even lost their lives.</p> <p>警察叔叔驻守在医院、社区、城市出入口防止病毒扩散,维持治安。</p><p>Police uncles are stationed at the entrances of hospitals, communities, and cities to prevent the spread of the virus and maintain the order.</p><p><br></p> <p>感谢医生叔叔、护士阿姨和警察叔叔的辛劳工作,确保我们平安度过这一段"战疫"时期。</p><p>Thank you Uncle Doctor, Nurse Aunt and Police Uncle for their hard work. They ensured that we can safely pass this period of "Fight with Epidemic".</p> <p>最终,通过科学家发明的药物,疫情得到控制,病毒被彻底消灭了。</p><p>In the end, scientists invented the medicine. The epidemic was brought under control, and the virus was completely eliminated.</p> <p>我呼吁大家善待野生动物,与大自然和谐共存,保护我们的地球母亲!</p><p>I call on everyone to be kind to wildlife, live in harmony with nature, and protect our Mother Earth!</p>