<h3> 为表达我校教师对祖国的热爱、对“抗疫”英雄的致礼、传递我校爱祖国、爱人民、爱生活、爱家人、爱自己的大爱精神,泾河新城泾干中心小学教师联袂打造有声朗读--“共抗疫情,为爱朗读”活动,请大家一起感受她们心底沉沉的爱。</h3> <p style="text-align: center;">朗读欣赏</h3> <h3>『朗读者』惠瑞 三年级英语老师</h3><h3>『朗读题目』 FIGHT THE VIRUS</h3><h3>『朗读者说』☞Together we must overcome,To beat this virus fight as one,We will win this fight the virus.(我们携手并肩,众志成城,将赢得抗疫这一战。)</h3><h3>『文章说明』这是一首名叫《FIGHT THE VIRUS》的英文歌曲,林海博士翻译,全球有很多人和我们一起战斗,感谢他们!</h3> <h3>☞原文</h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">FIGHT THE VIRUS 抗击病毒</h3><h3>翻唱:Alvin Oon;</h3><h3>原曲:Simon & Garfunkel;</h3><h3>翻译:林海博士</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Hello virus from Wuhan 病毒降临在武汉</h3><h3>Another problem's here again 带来一个新难题</h3><h3>Because you see the contagion creeping 由此你看到传染在蔓延</h3><h3>And the virus is indeed spreading 病毒毫无疑问在扩散</h3><h3>And the memory of SARS planted in my brain 萨斯流行的记忆还在我脑里</h3><h3>Still remains 仍然存在</h3><h3>We stand and fight the virus 我们肩并肩对抗病毒</h3><h3>We hear of theories how it grew 我们听说有关它如何发展的理论</h3><h3>From snakes and bats became a flu 从蛇和蝙蝠变成流行病</h3><h3>Passing the sickness from man to man 通过人与人之间传播疾病</h3><h3>Now it's growing, getting out of hand 现在它不断增长而失控</h3><h3>It's a virus that has traveled near and far 这种病毒已经到处传播</h3><h3>Corona 冠状病毒</h3><h3>We have to fight the virus 我们必须抗击病毒 </h3><h3>And in the latest news I saw 我看到在最新新闻中</h3><h3>Ten thousand people maybe more 成千上万人甚至更多</h3><h3>People falling sick with much coughing 人们染疾而咳嗽</h3><h3>People falling ill with much sneezing 人们染疾还会打喷嚏</h3><h3>People worried for their health and their ones so dear 人们为自己和亲人的健康担忧</h3><h3>Pneumonia 肺炎 </h3><h3>We keep the fight the virus 我们不断抗击病毒</h3><h3>Keep your hand clean always know 要勤洗手</h3><h3>Hygiene will stop that virus grow 讲卫生才能阻止病毒的生长 </h3><h3>When you sneeze cover with a tissue 打喷嚏要用卫生纸遮住</h3><h3>Even coughing just let me teach you 让我教你咳嗽时也要遮住嘴</h3><h3>Wear a mask if you're sick so that others won't get it too 生病时戴上口罩以免传染他人</h3><h3>We count on you 我们指望你</h3><h3>To help to fight the virus 帮助一起抵抗病毒</h3><h3>Together we must overcome 我们必须共同一起</h3><h3>To beat this virus fight as one 万众一心抵抗病毒</h3><h3>For a life of health and harmony 为了健康与和谐的生活</h3><h3>It's in our hands it's up to you and me 我们人人有责</h3><h3>For the health of our land of our friends and family 为了朋友和家人的安康</h3><h3>Humanity 国泰民安</h3><h3>We will win this fight the virus 我们将赢得抗击病毒的这一役</h3> <h3>『朗读者』惠瑞 三年级英语老师</h3><h3>『朗读题目』 泰戈尔诗选</h3><h3>『朗读者说』☞让我们一起静下心来,感受泰戈尔笔下的美,爱,生命,人和时间。</h3> <h3>☞原文</h3><h3>Poems On Beauty (论美)</h3><h3>Beauty is truth's smile</h3><h3>when she beholds her own face in a perfect mirror.</h3><h3>Beauty is in the ideal of perfect harmony</h3><h3>which is in the universal being;</h3><h3>truth the perfect comprehension of the universal mind. </h3><h3>论美</h3><h3>美是在一面完美镜子面前</h3><h3>注视自己面容的真实微笑。</h3><h3>美是普遍存在的和谐交融的理念,</h3><h3>美是对宇宙意识完善理解的本质。</h3><h3> </h3><h3>Poems On Life </h3><h3>Life is given to us,</h3><h3>we earn it by giving it. </h3><h3>Let the dead have the immortality of fame,</h3><h3>but the living the immortality of love. </h3><h3>Life's errors cry for the merciful beauty</h3><h3>that can modulate their isolation into a</h3><h3>harmony with the whole.</h3><h3>Life, like a child, laughs,</h3><h3>shaking its rattle of death as it runs. </h3><h3>论生命</h3><h3>生命是给于我们的天赋,</h3><h3>奉献生命才能取得生命。</h3><h3>让逝者拥有不朽的荣誉,</h3><h3>生者拥有不朽的至爱爱。</h3><h3>生命的错误祈求宽容的美,</h3><h3>因为美能调整他们的孤立</h3><h3>以达到与整体相协调。</h3><h3>生命会像孩子那样发出笑声,</h3><h3>在生命的进行过程中,</h3><h3>挥舞着死亡的格格声。</h3><h3> </h3><h3>Poems On Love </h3><h3>Love adorns itself;</h3><h3>it seeks to prove inward joy by outward beauty.</h3><h3>Love does not claim possession,</h3><h3>but gives freedom.</h3><h3>Love is an endless mystery,</h3><h3>for it has nothing else to explain it.</h3><h3>Love's gift cannot be given,</h3><h3>it waits to be accepted. </h3><h3>论爱</h3><h3>爱装饰着它自己;</h3><h3>它试图用外表的美</h3><h3>来证明内在的欢乐。</h3><h3>爱不主张占有,</h3><h3>而是给与自由。</h3><h3>爱是无穷无尽的谜,</h3><h3>因为没有别的事情</h3><h3>可以用来解释它。</h3><h3>爱之礼品无法予以施舍,</h3><h3>它惟有期待着被人接受。</h3><h3> </h3><h3>Poems On Man</h3><h3>Man goes into the noisy crowd</h3><h3>to drown his own clamour of silence. </h3><h3>Man is immortal; therefore he must die endlessly.</h3><h3>For life is a creative idea;</h3><h3>it can only find itself in changing forms. </h3><h3>Man's abiding happiness is not in getting anything</h3><h3>but in giving himself up to what is greater than himself,</h3><h3>to ideas which are larger than his individual life,</h3><h3>the idea of his country,</h3><h3>of humanity,</h3><h3>of God. </h3><h3>论人</h3><h3>人走进熙攘的人群,</h3><h3>是为了在寂静中掩盖他自己的喧闹。</h3><h3>人是永垂不朽的,</h3><h3>然而他必须无穷尽地死亡。</h3><h3>因为生命是创造性的理念;</h3><h3>只能在变化的形式中发现它自己。</h3><h3>人持久的幸福不在于获得什么</h3><h3>而在于把自己投身于比他自己更重要的事业,</h3><h3>投身于比个人生命更重要的理念,</h3><h3>国家的理念,</h3><h3>人类的理念,</h3><h3>上帝的理念。</h3><h3> </h3><h3>Poems On Time </h3><h3>The butterfly counts not months but moments,</h3><h3>and has time enough. </h3><h3>Time is a wealth of change,</h3><h3>but the clock in its parody makes it mere change and no wealth.</h3><h3>Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time</h3><h3>like dew on the tip of a leaf. </h3><h3>——Rabindranath Tagore </h3><h3>论时间</h3><h3>蝴蝶计算的不是几个月,而是若干瞬间,</h3><h3>它有着充分的时间。</h3><h3>时间是变化着的财富,</h3><h3>但拙劣模仿的时钟会使它仅有变化,没有财富。</h3><h3>使你的生命像在叶尖的露珠一样,</h3><h3>在时间的边缘上轻歌曼舞。</h3><h3>——拉宾德拉纳特·泰戈尔</h3>