<h3>【小西妈双语工程1909期80号Feynman Day10打卡】</h3><h3>👂Listening:0a Unit1~12;《小豆芽》《推磨》;《巧虎》书本点读</h3><h3>💻Vdeio:看教材动画(尽量利用课余时间看);小猪佩奇;《天线宝宝》新版第一季;ABC SONGS;Five little monkeys;手指操</h3><h3>📖Reading:</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>🤩Games</h3><h3>🔺Game 1Fly and hop</h3><h3>🧑:Feynman. Do you want to be a bunny or a bird? </h3><h3>👶:Bird. </h3><h3>🧑:Ok. Now. you are a bird. And your brother is bunny. This is your nest. And that is Bunny's house. </h3><h3>🧑:Ok. you are very hungry. you want to get some worms to eat. You can fly out of the nest and look for worms. You can sing the song:I can fly here. I can fly there. Wow! I'm high in the air. </h3><h3>🧑:Feynman. Fly on the table and get the worms. Wow. You catch a pink worm and a green worm. You can eat them. Yummy yummy! </h3><h3>Do you want to get the worms back to your nest? Ok. go back. </h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>🧑:Ok. the bunny is hungry. you can hop out of the house and get some food. You have to hop to get the carrot. </h3><h3>👦:Hop hop hop. 嘿咻嘿咻</h3><h3>🧑:Wow! you pulled up a big carrot. You can take the carrots back. </h3> <h3>🧑:Little bird. Do you want to play with bunny? you can fly to bunny's house. knock the door and say hello to bunny. </h3><h3>(娃飞过去戏没按剧本走,自己又跑开了。为吸引回他的注意,把兔子屋改造了一下,并让他俩互换角色)</h3><h3>🧑:ok. you two switch. Bunny. When you are hungry, you can hop to find the carrot. </h3> <h3>🧑:Bird. If you feel hungry you can get some worms to eat. Can you sing the song? </h3><h3>👦:I can fly here. I can fly there. wow! I'm high in the air. </h3> <h3>玩着玩着两娃跑去钻隧道了。于是我就变成大鸟,让他们当虫了。</h3><h3>🧑:I'm a big bird. I'm very hungry. I'm going to get some worms. wow. I find two worms in the hole of the tree. The big worm seems to have found me. I have to hide.</h3><h3>🧑:That little worm is about to crawl out. I will catch it. yeah! I got you. </h3> <h3>(晚饭后孩子意犹未尽,再玩一个)</h3><h3>🔺Game 2 hop to pick up</h3><h3>🧑:Feynman. you are a kangaroo. Now. Mommy says a shape, and then you hop into the corresponding circle and pick it up. </h3><h3>🧑:Ready. steady. go! please pick up the vocal. hop hop hop. ok. please hop back to home. </h3><h3>(重复直至全捡完)</h3> <h3>🧑:Here is a bag. Please take a card out of the bag.Oh. Feynman is a bunny. And Ricky is kangaroo. Feynman. Please hop to the corresponding circle and pick up the rabbit's favorite food. Hop hop hop. </h3><h3>🧑:Ricky. You are a kangaroo. Please hop to the corresponding circle and pick up the kangaroo's favorite food. Which food is kangaroo's favorite?</h3><h3>👦:Leaves. </h3><h3>🧑:ok. hop back and sing the song. </h3> <h3>🔺Game3 it's raining<br></h3><h3>准备:雨伞一把;雨滴卡片一张;袋鼠、兔头饰;喷壶一个</h3><h3>🧑:Feynman. Now. you are a little kangaroo. and the Ricky is bunny. you are hop together. When I show this card, you have to hop under the umbrella. Ok. Ready go</h3><h3>👦:what a beautiful day! little kangaroo, let's hop。</h3><h3>🧑:(举起下雨卡片,用喷壶喷水花)oh, its raining. its raining!hop to the umbrella!</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>🧑:(收起卡片)the rain goes away.</h3><h3>👦:What the beautiful day. Little kangaroo. let's hop again. </h3><h3>🧑:its raining. its raining!</h3><h3>👦:oh, hop to the umbrella! </h3> <h3>说真的,我实在没想到这种小宝宝游戏哥哥比弟弟更爱玩,哈哈哈~</h3>