Danny and the Dinosaur Go to Camp


Danny went to camp <br>for the summer. <br>He took along his friend <br>the dinosaur.<br>夏天,丹尼去野营。<br>他带上了他的好朋友恐龙。 "Camp is fun. You will enjoy it," <br>said Danny. <br>"Thanks. I needed a vacation," <br>said the dinosaur.<br>“野营很有趣。你会喜欢的,”<br>丹尼说。<br>“谢谢。我需要一个假期,”<br>恐龙说。<br>"Welcome," said the camp owner. <br>"You are the first dinosaur <br>we ever had here."<br>“欢迎,”野营的主人说。<br>“你是第一次来到我们这里的恐龙。” Lana the leader said, <br>"Let's start with a race. <br>On your mark, get set, go!"<br>领队兰娜说,<br>“我们一起赛跑吧。<br>各就各位,预备,跑!”<br>The dinosaur took a step. <br>"You win!" shouted Danny.<br>恐龙走了一步。<br>“你赢了!”丹尼大喊。 The children played football.<br>The dinosaur ran with the ball, <br>孩子们玩足球。<br>恐龙带着球跑,<br>and nobody could stop him. <br>"Touchdown!" shouted Danny.<br>没有人能让他停下来。<br>“持球触地!”丹尼大喊。 Lana took everybody to the lake. <br>"Here is where we row our boats," <br>she said.<br>兰娜把所有人带到湖边。<br>“我们在这里划船,”她说。<br>The children rowed little boats.<br>Danny rowed the dinosaur.<br>孩子们划着小船。<br>丹尼却划着恐龙。 It was time for lunch. <br>"Please pass the ketchup," <br>said Danny.<br>午餐时间到了。<br>“请把番茄酱递给我,”丹尼说。<br>"Of course, just as soon as <br>I finish this bottle,"<br>said the dinosaur.<br>“没问题,挤完这瓶我就马上给你,”<div>恐龙说。</div> After lunch <br>everybody wrote letters home. <br>"Please send me my own ketchup." <br>Danny wrote.<br>午餐之后,所有人都写信回家。<br>“请邮寄给我一瓶专用的番茄酱。”丹尼写上。<br>"Send me a pizza," <br>wrote the dinosaur.<br>“邮寄一个批萨给我,”恐龙写上。 "Let's go on a hike," said Lana, <br>“现在我们开始远足,”兰娜说,<br>and everybody followed her.<br>于是所有人都跟着她走了。 Then Danny got tired <br>and climed on the dinosaur.<br>走了一会,丹尼走累了,他就爬到恐龙身上。<br>"Wait for us! <br>We're tired too!"<br>  shouted the children.<br>“等等我们!我们也累了!”<br>孩子们大喊。 "Hold tight," said the dinosaur.<br>“抓紧,”恐龙说。<br>The dinosaur even carried Lana!<br>恐龙把兰娜也一起带上! It got dark. <br>Everybody sat around the campfire.<br>天变黑了。<br>所有人都围着篝火坐成一圈。<br>Lana gave out toasted marshmallows.<br>"Here, have all you want," she said.<br>兰娜分派烤棉花糖。<br>“来,想吃多少拿多少。”她说。 "Thanks, but I don't have room for more," said Danny.<br>“谢谢,我已经很饱了,吃不下了。”丹尼说。<br>"I have room." said the dinosaur.<br>“我还吃得下。”恐龙说。 It was time for bed.<br>"I can't wait to get under the covers," <div>said Danny.<br>睡觉时间到了。<br>“好困,我希望马上钻进被窝,”</div><div>丹尼说。<br>"Me too," said the dinosaur.<br>“我也一样,”恐龙说。</div> But the dinosaur's bunk was too small for him.<br>但是,恐龙的床铺对于它来说太小了。<br>He took a pillow and went outside.<br>恐龙带了一个枕头走去外面。 "Wake me up for the breakfast,"<div> said the dinosaur,</div><div> and he fell asleep on the ground. <div>"Good night," Danny said.<br>“记得叫我起床吃早餐,”</div><div>恐龙说,</div><div>接着,它在地上睡着了。<div>“晚安,”丹尼说。</div></div></div>