The Wind and the Sun


One day, Wind and Sun were bragging to each other.<br>"I am stronger than you," Wind bragged.<div>"When I blow, I can bend trees!<br>I can turn umbrellas inside out!"<br>"I am stronger than you," bragged Sun.<br>"When I shine, I make plants grow.<br>I can melt snow and ice!"</div><div>有一天,风和太阳正在吹嘘自己多么厉害。<br></div><div>“我比你强,”风说到。<br></div><div>“我要是吹起来,可以把树腰吹弯,<br>还可以把伞掀翻!”<br>“我比你更强,"太阳说,<br>“我要是晒起来,可以让植物长大,<br>还能让冰雪融化!”</div> "How can we tell who is stronger?" asked Sun.<br>"I have a great idea," said Wind.<br>"Let's have a contest."<br>"What kind of contest?" asked Sun.<br>"Look at that traveler down there on the road," said Wind.<br>"He is wearing a coat.<br>I will make his coat come off.<br>I can blow it right off his back!<br>Can you make his coat come off?"<div>“那我们怎么比才能知道谁更厉害呢?”太阳问。<br>“我有个好主意,”风说,“我们来比试一场吧。”<br>“怎么比呢?”太阳问。<br>“你看那边走在路上的那个人,”风说,<br>“他穿着一件大衣呢。<br>我可以把他的大衣吹掉,<br>你能让他的大衣脱落吗?”<br></div> "I like that contest," said Sun.<br>"I'm sure I can make his coat come off.<br>You go first," Sun said to Wind.<br>"I'll hide behind that cloud."<br>Sun went behind a cloud to watch.<br>Wind blew.<br>Wind blew harder.<br>Wind blew so hard that the man's hat came right off.<br>But his coat did not come off.<div>“我喜欢这个比赛,”太阳说。<br>“我肯定能让他的大衣脱落。你先来吧。”<br>太阳对风说。<br>“我会躲到那朵云身后去。”<br>于是太阳躲到了云后面观看着。<br>风吹呀吹,用力地吹呀吹。<br>风吹得非常用力,把路人的帽子都吹掉了。<br>但是他的衣服却还没有掉。<br></div> The man just grabbed his hat and tied it on tight.<br>He put on his gloves, and he traveled on.<br>Wind blew even harder.<br>He blew as hard as he could.<br>The man pulled his coat tighter around him, and he traveled on.<div>那个路人把帽子捡起来,更紧地绑在了头上。<br>他捡起了他的手套,并且继续往前走。<br>风吹得更厉害了。他连吃奶的劲儿都使出来了。<br>路人却把他的大衣捂得更紧了,并且继续往前走。<br></div> Sun came out from behind the cloud.<br>"It's my turn now," he said.<br>"You will see how easy it is for me to make the man<br>take off his coat."<br>Sun looked down at the man and began to shine.<br>"It is so warm," said the man.<br>He took off his hat.<div>太阳从云朵后面出来了。<br>“现在轮到我啦,”他说,<br>“你等着瞧,<br>让他脱掉衣服对我来说简直是轻而易举!”<br>于是太阳看着路人,开始晒起来。<br>“好热呀,”路人说。<br>于是他脱掉了他的帽子。<br></div> Sun kept shining.<br>Sun got very hot.<br>The man got hotter and hotter.<br>"I feel really warm," said the man, and he took off his gloves.<div>太阳继续晒呀晒。太阳滚烫滚烫的。<br>路人也变得越来越热。<br>“我觉得太热啦,”路人说着,又脱掉了他的手套。<br></div> Sun got as hot as he could.<br>"It's much too warm to wear this coat," said the man, and he took off his coat.<br>太阳使出了浑身解数,已经晒到最烫啦。<br>“穿这件大衣太热了,”说着,路人脱掉了他的大衣。<br> "I win the contest!" said Sun to Wind.<br>"I made the man take off his coat,<br>so I am stronger than you."<br>"Yes, you are," agreed Wind.<br>And he turned into a little breeze.<div>“我赢啦!”太阳对风说。<br>“我让路人脱掉大衣啦,所以我比你强!”<br>“是的,没错”,风同意地说道,<br>并且他改变力气,轻轻地吹起了微风。<br></div>