<p>Morning is when the sun rises.</p><p>每天的早上,太阳升起来。</p><p> The sun rises early in the morning.</p><p>太阳起得很早。</p><p>My day begins early in the morning when the sun rises.</p><p>我的一天,也是从太阳升起开始。</p> <p>I get up, wash my face, brush my hair and get dressed. </p><p>起床,洗脸,梳头,穿戴整齐。</p><p>I eat my breakfast and drink my juice.</p><p>吃早饭,喝果汁。</p><p> Then I get ready for school.</p><p>然后我就准备去上学了。</p> <p>Noon is when the sun is high in the sky.</p><p>中午的时候,太阳高高地挂在空中。</p><p>It is lunchtime at school.</p><p>到了学校里吃午饭的时间。</p><p>It is bright and it is warm. </p><p>明亮,又温暖的中午时光。</p><p>I eat lunch and I play with my friends.</p><p>吃了午饭,我和朋友一起游戏。</p> <p>Afternoon is when the sun begins to go down. </p><p>每到下午,太阳开始下降。</p><p>I come home from school, and I eats a snack.</p><p>我回到家里,吃点零食。</p><p>I play with my friends.</p><p>再去和朋友一起玩。</p> <p>Evening is when the sun is lower in the sky.</p><p>太阳继续下沉,就到了傍晚。</p><p>It is getting darker.</p><p>天色越来越暗。</p><p> I eat dinner with my family.</p><p>我和家人一起吃晚饭。</p> <p>After dinner I like to watch television.</p><p>晚饭后,我喜欢看会儿电视。</p><p> I like to read my favorite books.</p><p>读一读我喜欢的书。</p><p> Then I get ready for bed.</p><p>然后准备睡觉。</p> <p>Night comes after the sun has set.</p><p>太阳完全降落以后,就是夜晚了。</p><p>The sky is dark. </p><p>夜空很黑。</p><p>The moon and stars are out.</p><p>月亮和星星出来了。</p><p> I got into bed, Dad reads me a story.</p><p>我上床后,爸爸会给我讲故事。</p> <p>Then I go to sleep in my bed.</p><p>后来,我就慢慢睡着了。</p><p> Teddy goes to sleep in my bed too.</p><p>泰迪也随我进入梦乡。</p>