<h3>在防控疫情的同时也阻挡不了我们对信息技术的热情,在此特殊我校开展了停课不停学方案,同时为了更好的提高同学的学习生活品质,柏林南路小学开展以“信息技术小课堂”为主题的微课活动。</h3> 信息技术 <h3>我们信息技术针对学生们的情况,我们对学生进行了</h3> <h3>我们三四年级呢,针对于同学们刚刚接触电脑我们要先学习如何打字,从而更好的应用电脑。能够更好的利用电脑了解一些时事新闻。</h3> <h3>这张图片是我们指法如何放置的图,大家可以仔细看一下。</h3> <h3>看视频知道指法如何放置之后,大家可以试着练习一下这篇文章,也可以自己找文章练习的。每天联系的过时间记得要坚持打卡哦!</h3> <h3>我们先练习英文文章,等我们熟练了之后,我们在练习中文文章。</h3><h3>So he rode away, and when he reached his father, the latter was dangerously ill, and near his death. He said to him, dear son, I wished to see you once again before my end, promise me to marry as I wish, and he named a certain king's daughter who was to be his wife.</h3><h3>The son was in such trouble that he did not think what he was doing, and said, yes, dear father, your will shall be done, and thereupon</h3><h3>the king shut his eyes, and died.</h3> <h3>我们五六年级,利用word做一份电子版的手抄报。主题就根据我们现在“抗击疫情”为主题做一份手抄报。</h3> <h3>形式大家可以发挥自己的想象,不做过多的要求。也可以参考以下几种</h3> <h3>我们要记得坚持打卡哦!</h3> <h3>最后让我们为武汉加油!为中国加油!</h3>