

<h3>  小新星国际教育成立于1992年,是中国综合性幼少儿素质类培训的开拓者。历经26年的不断发展,小新星国际教育成为第3家在美国纽交所上市的中国教育培训品牌,也成为全球最大投行摩根士丹利在中国大陆唯一投资的幼少儿教育培训品牌。</h3><h3> 以品质教育为己任,小新星国际教育专注于为3- 18岁的孩子提供优质的教育产品,为该年龄段的适龄青少年提供优质学科培优、素质拓展和成长督学服务。通过潜心钻研各学科教育及国际STEAM教育,小新星国际教育致力于给予孩子多元化的成长培优方案,充分满足现代家庭翘首企足的教育需求。依托良好的教育品质口碑,小新星在全国29个省的1800多个城市拥有3000多个校点。每年全国小新星校区总计面授学生超过500万人次,优秀校友活跃于常春藤、欧洲及中国985、211等各大名校,足迹遍布世界各地。这些优秀的小新星国际教育校友在各自的领域发光发热,成为了小新星品牌文化一"EVERYONE IS A NEWSTAR"的最好代言。</h3> 小新星完善的教学体系 <h3>幼儿英语</h3><h3>KIDS ENGLISH</h3><h3>Since its conception Kids English has been </h3><h3>the first course to truly provide a performance drama based English teaching method. It tilizes different topics, situations and methods to create a truly unique English learning environment. Through the use of song and dance children are taught how to speak and perform in English.</h3><h3>幼儿英语首创当代著名童话剧英文教学法,采用主题情景式等多种特色教学方法,培养孩子能说会唱、能演会跳的语言运用及展现力。</h3> <h3>少儿英语</h3><h3>JUNIOR ENGLISH</h3><h3>Junior English is designed to allow students to start thinking in English whilst they learn. By ing on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills Junior English lays the foundations of students' everyday English language ability and use.</h3><h3>少儿英语初涉英语思维运用,听说读写同步进阶,建立孩子英语交流和使用能力。</h3> <h3>星领跑英语</h3><h3>RUSH FOR ENGLISH</h3><h3>Rush for English has been written and designed to work alongside the standard English examination. Through the use of different dialogues and sentence pattern drills, Rush for English solidifies student's grammar and vocabulary. With the careful selection of key sentence structures and short passages it helps improve student's use of sentences. Coming with complementary mock examination papers it ensures that a child's English advantage extends from primary through to middle school.</h3><h3>星领跑英语以现行主流教材的考试要求为导向。通过情景对话和替换练习,巩固学生所学词汇,掌握基本句型和语法。专为句型设计的小短文和生动的情景对话有助于提高学生对句型的运用。配以小新星专门研发的模拟试卷,迅速提高学生成绩,让学生英语领先的优势有效延续到中学。</h3> <h3>星同步英语</h3><h3>SYNC ENGLISH</h3><h3>Sync English is written and designed in accordance with the national English curriculum. By seamlessly adhering to these standards it allows students to solidify the knowledge they have learnt at school. This helps students to realize a steady and stable improvement in their grades.</h3><h3>星同步计划按照全日制学校的教学进度分册编写,同步小学英语新课程标准,无缝对接校内、校外学习资源,帮助孩子实现英语成绩稳步提升。</h3> <h3>听说读写星概念</h3><h3>STARTYPE ENGLISH</h3><h3>Startype English uses and reorganizes the Longman New Concept English textbook to provide greater results and benefits for today's students. By borrowing from understandings of mother language acquisition it offers English students with more effective study methods. Keeping in line with the changes to the exam system, it helps to strengthen oral language skills. By ing on how language can be used in everyday life rather than relying on rote memorization it helps students to use what they have learnt in real life situations.</h3><h3>《听说读写·星概念》旨在真正有效利用《新概念英语》,遵循听、说、读、写四大语言技能,借鉴母语习得法,能够让更多的英语习得者更有效地掌握英语学习方法。适应当前英语考试改革,强化培养听说等实用技能。通过“应用式”教学法及大量听说练习,真正使学生摆脱哑巴英语困境。</h3> 小新星专业的师资团队 小新星丰富的教学活动 小新星高大上的教学环境 小新星国际教育暑期招生火爆开启 <p>1、新生报名即可享受超值礼品二选一。</p> <p>2、老生成功介绍一名新生报名,老生新生各获得奖学金,精美礼品二选一。</p> 报名地址及热线 <h3>总部:国贸大厦A座1202、1204、1205室 电话:15340880591 15713565252 二校:凤鸣亿达新天地8楼(市医院对面) 电话:15340880253 18635658885 三校:北大街华森宾馆四楼(泽州党校对面) 电话:13233301947 15525517001</h3><h3>四校:晋煤集团马路对面文化宫三楼<br></h3><h3>电话:18835611790 15835684425<br>五校:王台幼儿园内 电话:18634275099 15835684426 六校:凤矿一条街二楼228-229室 电话:15702652512 15835684427<br></h3> <h3>  </h3>









