珠峰. 鱼尾峰

太阳 · 正晴

<p class="ql-block">  九年前去过一次去尼泊尔。在作功课的时候就知道飞机要路过喜马拉雅山,如果幸运,你会看到珠穆朗玛峰。</p><p class="ql-block">I went to Nepal nine years ago. When you do your homework, you know that the plane is going to pass over the Himalayas. If you're lucky, you'll see mount Everest.</p> <h3>  我选好了一个便于拍摄的座位,拿出装有70~200mm镜头的佳能相机。当飞机经过大面积雪山的时候,我向乘务员确认了喜马拉雅山脉以及珠穆朗玛峰。</h3><h3>I chose a seat that was convenient for shooting and took out my canon camera with a 70 ~ 200mm lens. As the plane passed over a large area of snowy mountains, I confirmed the Himalayas and mount Everest to the flight attendants.</h3> <h3>  在尼泊尔的博卡拉,在夕阳西下的短暂时间里,拍下了这组鱼尾峰照片。</h3><h3>This series of photos of Machhapuchhre were taken during a brief sunset in Pokhara, Nepal.</h3> <h3>  鱼尾峰,南、北峰尖海拔分别为6993米、6997米,是喜马拉雅山脉的一座神秘的山峰,位于尼泊尔境内。</h3><h3>Machhapuchhrethe ,south and north peaks of 6993 meters and 6997 meters respectively, is a mysterious mountain in the Himalayas, located in Nepal.</h3> <h3>  博卡拉的高山酒店不错!</h3><h3>Nice mountain hotel in Pokhara!</h3>