Game: family fun<div>可以提前准备一个笑脸的卡片和一个炸弹的卡片让孩子猜</div><div>或者用bunny和wolf 卡片替换</div><div>which hand would you choose?</div><div>选择wolf, I am wolf I will eat you</div><div>选择bunny,say hello to bunny</div><div><br></div><div>可以把U4出现过的昆虫放在手里和糖果一起让孩子猜</div><div>当猜到了candy: yes,you get the candy</div><div>当猜到了昆虫: Oh,no,you get the spider,yucky.</div> Game: Handy dandy-candy<div>P:here is a piece of candy. Do you want to eat?</div><div>b:Yes. (I want to eat candy)孩子说不完整帮助孩子说完整</div><div>p:Let's play handy dandy. If you win,you can eat it.Close your eyes.NO peeking (不能偷看),I am ready,open your eyes.</div><div>p&k:"handy dandy raddledy ro.Which hand will you choose?Which hand will you choose? High or Low?"(做TPR的时候一定要把一个手伸高一个手低)</div><div>K: 鼓励孩子说HIGH/LOW</div><div>如果说对了: p: yes,you are right.You got it You win.You can eat it.</div><div>如果猜错了:You lose.So I can eat this candy.</div><div><br></div><div>这个游戏可以反复的玩,刚开始妈妈玩然后换孩子玩妈妈猜</div><div>tip: lose,you will get the punishment(惩罚)。如果没有猜中就用纸团砸宝贝</div><div>2.建议不要多吃糖,可以猜中了给一个樱桃 ,看谁吃的樱桃多</div><div><br></div><div>除了糖之外我们还可以用一些坚果来玩</div><div>almond 杏仁</div><div>pistachio 开心果</div><div>hazelnut 榛子</div><div>peanut 花生</div><div>raisin 葡萄干</div><div>walnut 核桃</div><div>red date 红枣</div><div><br></div><div>以上这些拓展单词可以作为进阶版的游戏来玩,等把儿歌唱熟悉之后就可以进阶版的游戏</div><div><br></div> Game : Handy dandy-kiss or bread<div>P: Look,I have a coin.Let's play handy dandy</div><div>K: okay</div><div>p: Close your eyes.Now open them .Ready?</div><div>k: yes</div><div>p&K:' handy dandy riddledly ro"</div><div>k: low</div><div>p: I t's not get a "beard"(胡子)。And I get a kiss </div><div>开启新的一轮,宝贝猜错了,家长给宝贝贴一个胡子,给自己贴一个吻。</div><div>角色互换 Now,It's your turn.Here you are (把硬币递给宝贝),Are you ready?</div><div>k: yes!</div><div>p&K: “handy dandy riddled ro...”</div><div>p: high</div><div>p: yeah! I win. I get a "kiss"and you get a "beard"(家长才对)</div><div>Ah,I lose .I get a "bear"and you get a "kiss"(家长猜错)</div> Game:I got the toy<div>家长准备一大一小两个盒子和宝贝再大盒子上画一只大手,在小盒子上画一个小手</div><div>P: look ,there are two boxes,I draw a big hand on the big box,Help me draw a small hand on the small box.</div><div>k: okay</div><div>家长在一个盒子里面放上玩具,一个手拖一个盒子唱儿歌</div><div>P: close your eyes.I will put a toy in one of the your eyes.I hold the boxes.You roll your hand.Let's chant</div><div>p&K: "Handy dandy riddledly ro."which hand will you choose?big or small?</div><div>k: haha,I got the toy</div><div><br></div><div>TIP: 还可以用不同颜色分别在两个盒子上面画同样的手which hand will you choose? red or yellow?</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>P: small</div><div>p: l\Let's open the got the toy</div><div><br></div> Game :A big bad wolf<div>家长扮演大灰狼,挡在路上</div><div>p: I am a big bad wolf.This is a road. I will block the road(I will stand here ad don't let you go)and wait for my dinner. I am so hungrary.I want to eat little animals.</div><div>家长拿出一个小青蛙玩偶,狼要和小青蛙猜手游戏,赢了就可以走,输掉了就要被装进麻袋里</div><div>P(frog):"Mm!ah went the little green frog oneday "把U4的儿歌复习一遍</div><div>p: who are you ?</div><div>p(frog): I 'm a little green frog.</div><div>p:(wolf): Let's play handy dandy.I f I win,I will let you go .I f you lose .I will put you in my bag</div><div>把小青蛙玩偶交给娃</div><div>p: Now,you are the little green frog.Let's play handy dandy</div><div>p&K: “handy dandy.....”(用硬币)</div><div>k:high</div><div>p(wolf): are you sure?</div><div>k(frog): yes,I choose high</div><div>p(wolf):Ah, you got it.You win .I will let you go.</div><div>家长引导哈子子拿起身边另外一个玩偶走过来</div><div>p:Baby,help thease animals play the game with the wolf.Who is next? Choose one</div><div>K: squirrel</div><div>狼和松鼠玩猜手游戏,松鼠输掉了,狼把小松鼠装进自己的袋子里面</div><div>P&k: "Handy dandy..."</div><div>p:(wolf): which hand will you choose ? high or low?</div><div>k(squirrel): high</div><div>p(wolf):hahaha,I win.I will have a little squirrel for my dinner.I will put you in my bag</div><div><br></div><div>进阶版TIP:</div><div>P: Will you let the wolf eat these little animals?(指着袋子里的小动物)</div><div>K:no</div><div>p: So what can you do to help them? Chase the big bad wolf ,make it go away!</div><div>k: I will use the ball to make it go away"Chase that big bad wolf ,make it go away. "</div><div>p(animal):you are so brave/smart/helpful.</div><div>You make the big bad wolf go away!</div><div>hoary!!!!</div> 拓展 1:body parts<div>p:what is this ? </div><div>k:It's head</div><div>P:how may head do you have?</div><div>K:ONE</div><div>eyes,fingers,toes,mouth,arms/legs/nose hands/feet/knees/shouldersi....</div><div>推荐儿歌:《head shoulders knees and toes》</div><div>数字儿歌10个印第安人<br></div><div><br></div> 拓展 2five senses: (hearing,taste,sight,smell,touch)<div>味觉:</div><div>I taste with my mouth</div><div>I drink with my mouth</div><div>I use my tongue to taste</div><div>I taste sweet berries</div><div><br></div><div>视觉:</div><div>I can see with my eyes</div><div>I can cry with my eyes</div><div>I can ready with my eyes</div><div>I use my eyes to see</div><div>I see birds and bees</div><div><br></div><div>听觉:</div><div>I hear with my ears</div><div>I use my ears to hear</div><div>I hear birds singsing</div><div>I hear bees buzzing</div><div>I hear crickets chipping</div><div><br></div><div>嗅觉:</div><div>I SMELL WITH MY NOSE</div><div>I sneeze with my nose</div><div>I use my nose to smell</div><div>I smell pretty flowers</div><div><br></div><div>触觉:</div><div>I touch with my hands</div><div>I can clap with my hands</div><div>I can write my hands</div><div>I use finger to touch</div><div>I touch the fuzzy caterpilliar</div><div><br></div> 拓展 3:opposite 反义词,<div>推荐sss (open and dut)<br><div>open/shut</div><div>big/small</div><div>tall/short</div><div>fast/slow</div><div>loud/quiet</div><div>cold/hot</div><div>beautiflu/ugly</div><div>good/bad</div><div>dry/wet</div><div>asleep/awake</div><div>happy/angry</div><div>clean/dirty</div><div>girl/boy</div><div>up/down</div><div>full/empty</div><div>old/young</div><div>out/in</div><div><br></div></div>