山川异域 日月同天


<h3>There is no guarantee that the action you "Go for it!" will succeed. But when you decide to go for it, you only consider your action. That is the chance you can take. You put your fears behind. You choose courage over safety. You hold your breath and go for it.</h3><h3></h3><h3>没有人来保证努力争取了便一定事如己愿,但当你决定去努力争取时,便会一心想着如何去争取。这是你抛弃恐惧也是你可把控的机会。在安适与勇气之间,你抛弃了前者。与此同时,一个沉得住气的你,一个努力争取的你,可真的是春风十里中那个最炫的崽。</h3>