你们坚决地走上征程,定会归来 ✊ 菏泽市牡丹区二十一中七年级一班王一诺

<h3> 新年钟声敲响的那一刻,你们听见了吗?这本应是喜气洋洋的日子,你们本应和家人聚在一起说着吉祥如意,万事顺利; 然而你们却在那座与病魔抗争的城市——武汉,身着防护服奋战在防控一线!</h3><h3> The moment the new year bell rings,did you hear that? It was supposed to be be jubilant's day, and you were supposed to be with your families talking about everything&nbsp;goes&nbsp;well, everything&nbsp;is&nbsp;going&nbsp;well, and you were in Wuhan, the city that was fighting the disease, fighting in protective clothing!</h3> <h3>  你们必定会是赢家!看那病毒像头小兽,瞪着丑陋的眼睛,张着邪恶的嘴,妄图吞噬全国,征服华夏。但你们是人民的定心丸,日日更新的数据只会让全国人民更加团结,而不会带来恐慌。看你们在接受采访时豁达的神情,谈起病毒时就像在拉家常,全身却散发出严肃又庄重的气息。又见你们清一色的装备,对病人进行紧张的治愈,我不由点赞,你们团结奋战的样子真的很美!</h3><h3> You will be the winners. Look at that piece of reading camera head, staring at the ugly eyes, open the mouth of evil, in an attempt to engulf the country, conquer China. But you are the reassurance of the people. The daily updated data will only make the people of the country more united without causing panic. Look at the open-minded look in your interview. When you talk about the virus, it is like pulling home, but the whole body exudes a serious and solemn atmosphere. Right-click your all-in-one equipment to the patient's nervous cure, I do not like, you fight together really beautiful look. </h3><h3></h3> <h3>  你们是谁的父母,你们的父母又是谁?帮助病人战胜疾病的同时你们也一定要挺住,多少次在电视上看到你们全副武装,毅然决然走向战场,看到你们坚定甚至决绝的背影,我在想,病房的隔离门也会是一道凯旋门,你们会平安的。也许你们忙碌紧张得无暇去想,当父母看到你们通红的双眼,面对他们操劳的儿女,他们一定会心疼的; 当孩子看到你们被汗水泡白的双手,面对他伟大的父母,他一定会担心、会感动的。也许你们在短暂的休息时会想起她们,会不由想到胜利后,他们又会何等的喜悦,何等的自豪!你们也不要忘记,此刻牵挂着你们的不仅是你们的父母家人,亲戚朋友,还有中国十四亿华夏儿女。这个节,被疫情搅坏了,但疫情过去之后,这个节,会成为最难忘的你们的节日!</h3><h3> Whose parents are you? Who are your parents? While helping patients fight disease, how many times do you have to hold out and see on TV how armed you are and how determined you are to go to war, and how determined and even determined you are to be, I think the isolation door in the ward will be a arc de Triomphe. You'll be safe. Perhaps you are too busy and nervous to think, when parents see your red eyes, in the face of their hard-working children, they will be distressed. When a child sees your sweaty hands facing his great parents, he must be worried. Perhaps you will think of them in a short rest, can not help but think of how happy they will be after the victory, how proud. Don't forget, not only your parents, family, relatives and friends, but also China's 1.4 billion Chinese children are worried about you at this time. This holiday has been destroyed by a group, but when the epidemic is over, this holiday season will be your most memorable. </h3> <h3>  你们之中,既有坚守在自身岗位的武汉医生,也有从全国各地赶来援汉的志愿者。众志成城的你们,舍小家为大家,是人民的英雄,所有人都坚信你们会在武汉历史,湖北历史,中国历史上携手绘出缤纷的一叶。</h3><h3> Among you are both Wuhan doctors who are sticking to their posts and volunteers who have come from all over the country to assist Wuhan. You, who are united in the city, are the heroes of the people for everyone. All of you firmly believe that you will be in the history of Hubei in Wuhan. In the history of China, you will join hands to produce that colorful leaf. </h3> <h3>  你们凯旋归来的时候,想起如同海燕一样的抗疫征程会笑的很灿烂吧,那时你们脚下定是嫣然一片,煜煜生辉,会成为生命中美丽的风景。这次新型冠状病毒的疫情以狼狈开头,而绝不会是狼狈的结束。</h3><h3> 白衣天使,你们加油!逆行路上,我们永远与你们同在!</h3><h3> ——致敬白衣天使</h3><h3> When you come back triumphantly, think of the same protest as Haiyan, the growth will be very bright smile, then your feet at regular intervals a Yu Yu Sheng Hui, will become a beautiful scenery in life. The outbreak of the new coronavirus has begun in a mess and will not end in a mess. </h3><h3> Angel in white, cheer up. We will always be with you on your way back!</h3><h3> ——To the angel in white. </h3>









