英语短文 | 新型冠状病毒是什么?怎样阻止它传播?(附相关术语)

<h3>本文转载自译匠(fanyijiang666)<br><br></h3><h3>前几天我们学习了一些关于新型冠状病毒的英语单词和短语,今天我们来简单的看一篇短文,学习知识的同时做好自身防护也很重要!本文来自美国传染病研究专家Dr. Bill Schaffner的访谈。<br><br></h3><h3><h1><strong><font color="#ed2308">What is coronavirus?&nbsp;</font></strong></h1></h3><br><h3>This is a very large outbreak.</h3><br><h3>This is Dr. Bill Schaffner, I’m an infectious disease specialist and public health person.</h3><br><h3>Coronaviruses are a whole family of viruses. For the most part, they don’t cause any real clinical illness except the occasional cold. But you know, from time to time, there’s a rogue coronavirus that develops. We remember SARS 2002, 2003. And then there was another, the MERS virus, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome virus. This new virus, like those other rogue viruses, probably was first transmitted to humans from animals.&nbsp;</h3><br><h1><strong><font color="#ed2308">What are the symptoms?</font></strong></h1><br><h3>So the symptoms resemble influenza. It’s a respiratory virus initially. And so you have fever, not feeling very well, cough and just feeling poorly.&nbsp;</h3><br><h1><strong><font color="#ed2308">Is there a cure?</font></strong></h1><br><h3>We don’t have a direct anti-coronavirus treatment. We can manage the patients through symptomatic care and supportive care, of course. And many patients already, the Chinese have said, have survived this infection.</h3><br><h1><strong><font color="#ed2308">How to stop the spread?</font></strong></h1><br><h3>The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have this top of the mind. They have deployed over a hundred people to New York, to San Francisco and Los Angeles. They will be screening people who are arriving from particularly Wuhan, China to see whether they are sick.&nbsp;</h3><br><h3>So there are laboratories around the world, including our own national institutes of health, that are now, already working on developing a rapid diagnostic test and the other thing they’re doing is starting to work on a vaccine.&nbsp;</h3><br><h3>The global community is really watching this with great care. And we in the United States definitely are on the and ready to respond.</h3><br><h3>每天看着疫情蔓延的消息,十分揪心,真心希望这次疫情可以早日扭转,恢复正常的工作、生活和学习!</h3><h3>最后附上一些术语,供小伙伴学习。<br><br></h3>新型冠状病毒 novel coronavirus&nbsp;<h3>2019新型冠状病毒:“2019-nCoV”</h3><h3>呼吸道疾病 respiratory diseases</h3><h3>报销政策 reimbursement policy潜伏期 incubation period</h3><h3>密切接触者 close contact</h3><h3>医学观察 medical watch/medical observation</h3><h3>疑似病例 suspected case</h3><h3>确诊病例 confirmed case</h3><h3>不明原因肺炎 unidentified pneumonia</h3><h3>易感人群 susceptible population人传人 human-to-human transmission</h3><h3>非典 severe acute respiratory syndrome,SARS&nbsp;</h3><h3>肺炎&nbsp; Pneumonia</h3><h3>干咳 dry cough</h3><h3>隔离 under quarantine</h3><h3>呼吸急促 shortness of Breath</h3><h3>呼吸困难 respiratory Distress</h3><h3>病毒变异 virus mutation</h3><h3>病毒株 virus strain</h3><h3>口罩 face mask (N95型口罩:N95 face-mask)</h3><h3>医用外科口罩&nbsp; Surgical mask</h3><h3>超级传播者 super-spreader</h3> <h3><font color="#010101"><a href="https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/O2Cea-S6ZI98TFTW5tFnMQ" >查看原文</a> 原文转载自微信公众号,著作权归作者所有</font></h3>