

<h3>关键词: 复习</h3><h3>●视频</h3><h3>round and round</h3><h3>● 音频</h3><h3>1. 启蒙英语0a u1-12情景故事 1b u1-12</h3><h3>2.牙牙学语 1 u1-12 汉语2 u1-12</h3> <h3>Knock knock, who is it? I am a little bee.Oh, Little bee,show me your antenna.Show me your wings.Show me your sting.</h3> <h3>Hi, Rex. I am the flower, you are the little bee.You do the waggle dance first,Because the flower is far.When you close to mommy, you do the round dance that means there is a flower nearby.</h3> <h3>This is the beehive. It is a little bee's home.</h3> <h3>总结:最近比较懒,把所有的课都打出来了,然后跟孩子一起选择喜欢的游戏,直接就是照片加主题课的截图。好在有双语工程,有这么多疫情期间能释放孩子能量的游戏。爸爸也加入进来跟孩子玩儿的不亦乐乎。打一打卡,至少知道这几天自己都在干什么呢。</h3>