

<p>Jess wakes up and sees two lizards. “ Good morning!” says a lizard. Jess is surprised, “How can you speak?”</p><p>Jess醒来的时候看到了两只蜥蜴。</p><p>“早上好!”一只蜥蜴说。</p><p>Jess 非常惊讶“你怎么会说话?”</p> <p><br></p><p>“Every animal can speak,” says the lizard.Jess gets up. She goes out of the cave.</p><p>“每个动物都会说话。”蜥蜴说。</p><p>Jess起来走出了洞穴。</p><p>“How strange!”</p><p>“多么奇怪啊!”</p> <p>Outside a kangaroo is jumping. “Why are you doing that?” says Jess. “I’m doing morning exercises,”says the kangaroo.</p><p>一只袋鼠正在外面蹦跳。</p><p>Jess问它“你为什么要跳来跳去?”</p><p>袋鼠说“我正在晨练呢。”</p> <p>“You can jump too,” says the kangaroo. So Jess does.</p><p>袋鼠说“你也可以一起跳。”Jess 也一起跳起来。</p> <p>“Jumping is fun,”says Jess. “But I’m hungry now. What shall we have for breakfast?”</p><p>Jess 说“蹦跳是很有意思,可是我现在饿了,早饭我们该吃什么呢?”</p> <p>“Fish,” says a bear.The bear shows Jess how to catch a fish in the sea.</p><p>熊说“我们可以吃鱼。”大熊教给Jess怎么在大海中捉鱼。</p> <p>They eat the fish.</p><p>他们一起吃了鱼。</p> <p>“Now it’s time for school,”says a lion. At school Jess does writing on the sand.</p><p>狮子说“该去上学了。”</p><p>在学校里,Jess在沙滩上练习书写。</p> <p>Jess asks “ When do we finish class in the morning ?” “We finish when the sun is high,”says the lion.</p><p>Jess问“我们上午的课什么时候结束呢?”狮子答“太阳很好的时候就下课。”</p> <p>“What do we eat for lunch?”asks Jess. “ Fish, of course!” says the bear.</p><p>Jess又问“我们午饭吃什么呢?”</p><p>熊说“当然是鱼啊!”</p> <p>“Now it’s time to play,”says a tortoise. They are all swimming in the sea.</p><p>海龟说“游戏时间到了”。他们都到大海中开始游泳。</p><p>“Throw the ball to me!”</p><p>“把球传给我!”</p> <p>“Come on,it’s time to go home for dinner ,”says the lizard. “Guess what we have for dinner.” “Fish?” says Jess.</p><p>蜥蜴说“走吧,该回家吃晚饭了。猜猜晚饭吃什么?”</p><p>“又是鱼?”Jess猜道。</p> <p>Now it’s time to go to bed. Jess lies in her bed. “ I think I will dream about fish!”she says. “ Good night, everyone.”</p><p>到了睡觉的时候了。Jess躺在床上。</p><p>“我想我一定会梦到鱼的。晚安。”</p> <p>The next day…</p><p>Jess gets up, gets dressed, and goes to eat breakfast. No fish.</p><p>第二天……</p><p>Jess起床,穿衣服,吃早饭。</p><p>没有鱼。</p> <p>Jess walks down the road to school. “Where were you yesterday?”says her friend Sami. “I was on an island full of talking animals.”</p><p>Jess 走在上学的路上。</p><p>Sami问“你昨天去哪儿了?”</p><p>“我去了一个动物会说话的小岛。”</p> <p>At school, Jess is writing, but not on the sand this time.</p><p>在学校里,Jess正在书写,这次可不是在沙滩上了。</p><p><br></p> <p>“Were you really on an island?” says Sami. “ I think it was a dream ,”says Jess. But...</p><p>Sami追问“你真的到了一个岛上?”</p><p>Jess自己也不确定了“我觉得那可能是个梦。” 但是……</p> <p><br></p> <p>...then it is lunchtime.</p><p>到了午饭时间……</p><p>“Would you like some fish?”</p><p>“要不要吃点鱼?”</p>









