Don’t forget your homework


<p>Sam is still asleep with his phone rings.It is his best friend Alex . “Where are you ?”Alex asks.</p><p>Sam 正在睡觉,Alex的电话打了过来.“你在哪里?”</p> <p>Oh no ! Alex is waiting for Sam at the bus stop. Sam is going to be late for school.</p><p>哦,天哪! Alex 正在公交车站等着Sam,而他马上就要上学迟到了。</p> <p>Sam runs to the bathroom and brushes his teeth quickly. He is ready in two minutes.</p><p>Sam 跑到卫生间,迅速地刷了牙。两分钟后,他一切收拾妥当。</p> <p><br></p><p>He grabs his schoolbag and an apple and runs out of the door.</p><p>他一把抓过书包和一个苹果,然后跑了出去。</p><p>“Bye Mum!”</p><p>“再见,妈妈!”</p> <p>Sam’s phone makes a noise. Beep! “Don’t forget your homework!”</p><p>Sam的电话响了“别忘了你的家庭作业!”</p> <p>Sam runs back to the house. Mum doesn’t hear his first knock. Or the second. But she hears the third.</p><p>Sam 跑回家,妈妈一开始没有听到敲门声,直到他第三次敲门。</p><p>“What are you doing?”</p><p>“你要干什么?”</p><p>“I forgot my homework!”</p><p>“我忘带作业了!”</p> <p>Sam runs past mom and up to his bedroom. He grabs his homework.</p><p>他直接跑到卧室,迅速抓起作业。</p><p>“Sam!”</p><p><br></p> <p>He runs all the way to the bus stop. But he is too late. The bus has gone.</p><p>他一路跑到了公交车站,但是还是太晚了,车已经开走了。</p> <p>It’s a long way to school. Sam will have to walk.</p><p>到学校的路很远,他只能走着了。</p> <p>He goes down the street, past the houses and into the park. It is the quickest way.</p><p>他沿着街道往前走,路过一些房子进入到了公园。这是最快的一条路。</p> <p>It is very quiet in the park. There are no children playing.</p><p>公园里很安静,没有小朋友在玩耍。</p><p>“I must be very late!”</p><p>“我一定是迟到了!”</p><p><br></p> <p>At last Sam gets to school. But the gate is closed. Where is everyone?</p><p>Sam终于走到了学校,但是学校大门紧紧关闭。大家去哪儿了呢?</p> <p>Sam’s phone beeps. “ Do you know what time it is?”</p><p>Sam 电话又响了“你知道几点了吗?”</p> <p>He checks the time on his phone. Seven o’clock ? That can’t be right!</p><p>他看了手机上的时间,七点?不会吧!</p> <p>His phone beeps again. “Do you know what day it is?”</p><p>他的电话又响了“你知道今天是周几吗?”</p> <p>He checks the day on his phone.Sunday? That can’t be right!</p><p>他又看了看手机,周日?不会吧!</p> <p>His phone beeps again. “ Do you know what date it is?”</p><p>他的电话又响了“你知道今天什么日子吗?”</p> <p>Oh no! Sam doesn’t need to check his phone. Alex is right there behind him, laughing.</p><p>哦,不! Sam 不需要再查看手机了,Alex就站在他身后,大笑着。</p><p>“April Fool’s Day!”</p><p>“愚人节快乐!”</p>