<h3>🌟Learning alphabet</h3> <h3>🌟Reading</h3> <h3>🌞English</h3><h3>0b3 Big Bad Bug</h3> <h3>🌟Game5. Wolf is coming</h3><h3>M: Let's play a game. I am mother sheep.Victor, you will be the wolf. </h3><h3>J:Mommy,I want to play. </h3><h3>M: You are going to be the baby lamb. Victor, you are the very hungry wolf and you want to eat my baby lamb. </h3><h3>V:😀. I am the big bad hungry wolf. I want to eat Jessie lamb. Hahaha…</h3><h3>J: I am scared. (Runs to mum quickly.)</h3><h3>M:When the wolf comes, I will try my best to shoo wolf away. </h3><h3>V(wolf): Here I come."I am hungry. Growl,growl,grawl. I am hungry. Growl,growl,growl.I want to eat. "</h3><h3>J:Ahaaaa…mommy,mommy, the big bad wolf is coming. I am scared. </h3><h3>M:(Hug her)Don't be afraid. I will protect you. Look what I have. I have a frying pan!Haha. I will shoo that bad wolf away!</h3><h3>Bang…Bang…</h3><h3>V:Ah…run…Ouch!It hurts!</h3><h3>J:Hooray!The wolf is crying,run away!👏👏👏😀😀😀</h3> <h3>🍀Game6:</h3><h3>M:Let's play a game.Haha,look.,what do I have?</h3><h3>J:Bug. </h3><h3>M:Yes.A bug. </h3><h3>J: I am scared. </h3><h3>M:It's ok,just a toy, not the real one.Try to touch it… Now let's play game. </h3><h3>A big bad bug is coming to you. </h3><h3>M&J:Chase that big bad bug, make it go away! Shoo!</h3><h3>J:My turn. Let me try. </h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>🍀Game7:</h3><h3>M: let's play it in another way. Look,what do I have?</h3><h3>J:???</h3><h3>M: This is a spatula. I'm going to move the fake bugs. You are going to hit the big bad bugs. </h3><h3>Ok,ready? Go!</h3><h3>M&J:Chase that big bad bug, make it go away! Shoo!</h3><h3>J: Hit that big bag bug, make it go away!</h3><h3>M: Hurry up!Haha, yeah, the bug goes away. </h3><h3>J: I win.😀</h3><h3>M: Excellent👍,you chased the bug away! Now, it's my turn. </h3> <h3>🍀Game 8: Who is the big bad bug? </h3><h3>M:Jessie, here are some cards on the table.Some of them are lovely animals,such as duck,bear bunny. But some of them are big bad bugs.Let's play a game. </h3><h3>You can't see the cards. Please choose a card. This one?You like this card?Ok, what is it? Oh, it's a lovely Bunny, now you are the Bunny. Give me a hug. </h3><h3>Now it is my turn. I get this card. </h3><h3>Oh,it's a bug. Now I'm bug. You can the the book/newspaper/fan/shoe to shoo me away. </h3><h3>J:Chase that big bad bug, make it go away,shoo,shoo,shoo…</h3> <h3>🌟Craft: How to make a ladybug</h3> <h3>🌞牙一14小猴骑车</h3> <h3>🌟游戏3:</h3><h3>把呼啦圈和小凳子排成一排,带着宝宝一边唱儿歌一边做骑车的动作“跨沟翻山”,最后用头顶一顶爸爸的肚子。</h3> <h3>🌟游戏4:撞球</h3><h3>妈妈和宝宝用积木搭成一座楼,用纸杯搭一个塔,用纸盒搭一座山。</h3><h3>妈妈和宝宝边说儿歌边滚球,让宝宝选择一个建筑物,滚着球去把这个建筑物撞倒。</h3> <h3>🌟自由探索活动</h3><h3>1.骑自行车</h3><h3>小宝在小区内骑自行车,边骑边唱儿歌。妈妈在旁边告诉宝宝骑车时要专心看路,避开一些坑洼的地方和一些障碍物。不要骑太快,一定要小心,不要撞到别人,也不要被别人撞到。</h3><h3>儿歌中小猴骑得太快,遇到障碍直接冲上去,没有减速避让,自行车很快就骑坏了,最后撞到电线杆,摔伤了。这轻伤已是万幸,严重就会摔死。人死了一切都结束了,吃不了好吃的东西,看不了书,也玩不了好玩的游戏,再看不到爸爸妈妈了……生命是最重要的,所以我们平时要注意安全。</h3><h3>2.过“独木桥”</h3><h3>锻炼宝宝身体的平衡性</h3>