2020,让我们从字开始 Start the New Year with Handwriting in 2020


<h1><b><font color="#ed2308"> 实验中学英语书写大赛 <br></font></b><b><font color="#ed2308">English Handwriting Contest of Shiyan Middle School</font></b></h1> <h3><b>  <font color="#167efb" style="">为了进一步培养学生良好的英语学习习惯,落实英语教学的目的,在本学期末,我校英语教研组组织了本次英语书写大赛活动。通过本次英语书写大赛的实践活动,旨在提高学生英语书写能力,规范学生书写,养成良好的书写习惯,磨砺意志,激发学生的热情,从而积极主动地投入到英语学习中。</font></b></h3><h3><b><font color="#167efb"> </font></b></h3><h3><b><font color="#167efb"> In order to form good habits in learning English further, implementing the aims of English teaching, the English teaching and research section in our school held the English handwriting competition . It aims to improve and standarize students' writing , develop good learning habits ,train their will, stimulate their enthusiasm in learning, and finally make them to study actively .</font></b></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3><b>  <font color="#167efb" style="">本次活动由七八年级学生全员参加。在本次大赛的过程中,每个学生积极参与,认真对待。最终由各年级老师严格按照要求,选出了优秀作品。</font></b></h3><h3><b><font color="#167efb"> All the students in Grade Seven and Grade Eight took part in it. Everyone took an active part in this competition, they took it seriously. At last, some good pieces of works were selected by teachers according to the requirements.</font></b></h3><h3><b> </b></h3> <h3><font color="#167efb"><b><font style="">  </font><font style="">让我们一起欣赏孩子们的作品吧</font></b></font></h3><h3><font color="#167efb"><b><font style=""></font></b></font><b><font color="#167efb"> Let' s enjoy the works together!</font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#167efb">  七年级英语书写大赛的主题是关于西方国家的介绍,孩子们图文并茂,从国家方位到国旗,从语言到首都,从国宝到名胜古迹,认真书写着每一个字母,力求向大家展示自己最好的书写水平。</font></b></h3><h3><b><font color="#167efb"> In Grade Seven,the students need to write a short passage about western countries for this handwriting contest. They introduced the English-speaking countries from the following aspects,like its location,national flag,language,capital city,national animals,famous place of interests and so on.They&nbsp;attached great importance and enthusiasm to the contest&nbsp;in order to show their best handwriting level.</font></b></h3> <h3><b> <span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">八年级英语书写大赛的主题是围绕即将来临春节展开介绍,有的同学介绍了春节的来历,有的围绕春节的传统食物,春节活动和意义等方面展开了介绍。这使我们对春节有了更全面的了解。</span></b></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);"></b><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);"> The topic of Grade Eight for this competition is the introduction of the Spring Festival. Some of them introduced the history of the Spring Featival, the traditional food , the special activities ,meanings and so on . They help us have a good understanding of it.</b></h3> <h3><font color="#167efb"> <b>瞧,我们的作品吸引了不少的目光呢! </b></font></h3><h3><font color="#167efb" style=""><b> Look, much attention was attracted by our works.</b></font></h3> <h3><b>  <font color="#167efb" style="">总之,本次书写大赛为每位学生展示自我的机会,同时培养了学生的参与意识及认真对待每件事情的态度。相信通过本此活动,学生一定会更加规范自己的书写,从而培养良好的书写习惯。</font></b></h3><h3><b><font color="#167efb" style=""></font><font color="#167efb"> In a word, this competition gives everyone a chance to show themselves, at the same time, it helps to cultivate a sense of active participation and take everything seriously. We believe students will standardize their handwriting well after this competition, and lead to a great writing habits finally.</font></b></h3> <h3><b>  <font color="#167efb" style="">雅斯贝尔斯曾经说过:"教育就是一朵云推动另一朵云,一棵树摇动另一棵树,一个灵魂唤醒另一个灵魂。"所以我们的英语教学不应该仅仅局限于我们的课堂,我们还有许多方式来传道,授业,解惑也!给学生一个舞台,他们定会大放光彩!</font></b></h3><h3><b><font color="#167efb"> Jaspers once said: "Education means one cloud promotes another cloud, one tree shakes another tree, one soul awakens another soul." So teaching English is not only just in class.we have different kinds of ways to give the language to the students. Give students a stage, they will surely show the best to us.</font></b></h3><h3><b> </b></h3>









