V-Learn小西妈双语工程1904期318号Smile打卡Day63 存取钱


<h3>FIT: go to an ATM</h3><h3>备课内容:daddy goes to the ATM(automated teller machine) machine often to deposit or save money. Are you willing to do daddy a favor to deposit money for daddy tonight? if it's daytime, we can go to the bank,but it usually closes around the time your school is over , about 4,30. Tell you what? I got to know ATM,just that machine we can deposit or withdraw(take out) money, and use it for the first time was more than a decade ago, when mommy went into the college. But you know its existence the moment you were born. It becomes so common these days, and nearly everyone would use it to deal with money.</h3><h3>实际:等不及爸爸,自己拿着卡接了娃就直奔ATM机了,为了充分利用四点到五点的一个小时。 </h3> <h3>流程:1.we've arrived. make sure there's no bad guys around(you know, these things do happen, they rob or steal money from someone) then pull the door after you press the .</h3><h3>👩🏻if we ran into bad guy, what number should we dial to call the police</h3><h3>👧🏻110.</h3><h3>👩🏻if there's a fire, what number should we dial to call the firefighters?</h3><h3>👧🏻119.</h3><h3>👩🏻if I need to call an ambulance, what number should we dial?</h3><h3>👧🏻120.</h3><h3>突然发现门侧面有个红色按钮</h3><h3>👧🏻what's this for?</h3><h3>👩🏻oh, that is for emergency! I guess If you got into trouble or even in danger, you could press it instead of making phone calls. It'll be much easy and convenient.</h3> <h3>2. Once you get in the door, the door is locked automaticallyp so nobody can burst in. Later we get out by pressing the up there. </h3><h3>3.take out the saving card,and insert it into the slut(卡槽). look at the screen, it asks us to enter the password. With the passcode, our money is more securer in our card.</h3><h3>4. Check the balance first. Balance is how much money you left in the card.</h3><h3>👩🏻oops, there's only 7 yuan left. Let's get out first. I need to transfer money from Alipay to the card. Just wait for 2 minutes.</h3><h3>接着又重复了开门,插卡,查余额</h3> <h3>5.I've transferred 200 yuan. Now tap Withdrawal, and withdraw 100 bill. Withdraw simply means take out the money from the machine. Take your cash! </h3><h3><br></h3><h3></h3> <h3>6.tap Deposit . the slut here is open, put the hundred bill in. Please insert cash unknitted. it shuts. Now,listen, the machine is counting the money. it shows us on the screen the amount. if it's the correct number, you press Confirm. </h3><h3>7.Take back the card and we're done. Is that easy? yep, only if you can read the words!8</h3> <h3>👩🏻what's your favorite part about What we've been doing.</h3><h3>👧🏻deposit money! </h3><h3>👩🏻Great! Now Let's go spend the money. You can be in charge of 10 yuan.</h3><h3>👧🏻I'm thirsty. I want to buy a bottle of water. </h3><h3>👩🏻okay, get in the grocery store. And you go buy it with the money.</h3><h3>很扭捏,一定要我陪着去,还问我"陪"用英语怎么说</h3><h3>👩🏻you don't have to say 陪accompany, but use some words you know, like Can you go with me?</h3><h3>👩🏻Don't forget to wash your hands after dealing with money, do you know why?</h3><h3>👧🏻because money is....disgusting! (这样说钱也不太好吧)</h3><h3>👩🏻hahaha, they're dirty and germs on it will get you sick.</h3> <h3>👩🏻the grocery shopowner broke the 100 bill. The bottle of water cost us 2 yuan, Now we've had 98 yuan. Take a look at these paper money. 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 20 yuan, 50 yuan and three 1 yuan coins.</h3><h3>我娃真的饶有兴致地研究了不同面值纸钞上的图案。</h3> <h3>有关纸币上的图案,只能简单地说there's chairman Mao, and each has different flowers on it.</h3><h3>回家后查了下: </h3><h3>⭐The 1-yuan banknote:The obverse正面 of the 1999-type 1-yuan note is a portrait of former Chinese leader Mao Zedong, while the reverse is the Xihu Lake西湖 in the southeastern Chinese city Hangzhou.</h3><h3>⭐The 5-yuan banknote:The obverse 正面 of the 1999-type is a portrait of Mao Zedong and the reverse is Taishan Maintain, a mountain in east China's Shandong province listed by the UNESCO as a world natural and cultural heritage.</h3><h3>⭐The 10-yuan banknote:. The obverse of it is a portrait of Mao Zedong while its reverse is the drawing of the scenic Three Gorges.&nbsp;风景优美的三峡</h3><h3>⭐The 20-yuan banknote:debuted in 1999, has a portrait of Mao Zedong and its reverse features a drawing of the scenic Lijiang River in South China.</h3><h3>⭐The 50-yuan banknote:Its obverse is a portrait of Mao Zedong and its reverse is the landmark Potala Palace in Lhasa.拉萨布达拉宫</h3><h3>⭐The 100-yuan banknote:The obverse of the 1999-type 100-yuan notes is a portrait of Mao Zedong while a picture of the Great Hall of the People is printed on the reverse.</h3><h3>🔔以上都是最新在用的人民币版本,许久不用纸币,才发现以前的工人农民周总理都没了,只有毛主席,除了两元纸币。</h3><h3>⭐The 2-yuan banknote is in green. Its obverse is also a portraitof two women from another two minorities, and the reverse is the South China Sea.</h3> <h3>🌸The flowers on each banknote</h3><h3>(如果不是这次fit,没有娃的仔细观察,我可能永远也不会刻意注意到纸币上不同的花,更不会有动力去找答案。)</h3> <h3>兰花Orchid花中四君子之一</h3> <h3>水仙Narcissus "凌波仙子"</h3> <h3>"花中皇后" 月季China rose.(难道因为原产地是中国?)</h3> <h3>"花中君子" 荷花lotus</h3> <h3>花中四君子之一 菊花chrysanthemums</h3> <h3>花中四君子之一, 岁寒三友之一</h3><h3>梅花wintersweet/plum blossom, 必应里搜了图,感觉应该是wintersweet</h3> <h3>🔔The anti-counterfeiting 防伪</h3><h3>(回来查了才知道是这词,虽然以前也背过)</h3><h3>真的是蹲着和娃两个人在副食店门口研究纸币不下七八分钟,举着给她看上面的水印(我说的watermark),很她指了指三种辨真假钞的地方,娃觉得very amazing. </h3><h3>1. Lift up your hand with the note纸钞, hold itup to the light, adjust the angel, the watermark of Chairman Mao appears, 2. and so is the small number(like 50) on the &nbsp;bottom left-hand side of the note, which is invisible at the first place.&nbsp; 3. And you can feel the dots on the right side of the bottom. These are especially designed for the blind people. 查了下原来盲文是braille.</h3><h3>后来发现一张纸币上可以辨别真假钞的玄机太多了!</h3><h3>这句话可以现用&nbsp;if you rub Mao's shoulder or the two small reverse-L-shaped lines that appear in the bottom right-hand corner of the note, you'll notice that they stick out. On some fake notes these will feel smooth if you rub them, on other fakes it will feel as they’ve been engraved雕刻过的</h3> <h3>挑几个关键词</h3><h3>real-fake, counterfeit-authentic,genuine</h3><h3>变色墨水color changing ink</h3><h3>隐形水印 invisible watermark </h3><h3>序列号serial number</h3><h3>安全线security line</h3><h3>毛脸Mao visage </h3><h3>无色荧光墨水 colorless fluorescent ink </h3><h3>右上角Top right hand corner</h3><h3>左上角top left-hand corner</h3><h3>左下角Bottom left-hand side, </h3><h3>右下角bottom right-hand corner</h3><h3>&nbsp;</h3> <h3>👩🏻I'm going to the grocery market菜场 to buy a box of crab pincers(超好吃的江阴特产~蟛蜞蟹鳌),and you can go spend your money.</h3><h3>👧🏻I want to go to the baker's.</h3><h3>👩🏻Pay attention to the price tag. You've spent 2 yuan on water, so have 8 yuan left to use. Don't buy the goods more than/over 8 yuan.</h3><h3>娃就边看价格边报数,看了一圈面包,最后还是去柜台那买了一支口红糖,只记得我说过you can buy whatever you want, 却不记得but be healthy! 结账的时候,扭扭捏捏地不肯自己给钱,带她到店门口疏导她,差点又把自己"点燃",最后是她自己用蚊子般的声音问多少钱并checkout的,推她走出独立的一步真的好难哦~</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>晚上去泡澡,等候间隙问她:if we want buy something, how many ways can we pay for it?</h3><h3>👧🏻two ways. Alipay and coins! </h3><h3>然后把下面图片里的话给她转述了一下,听到还可以用指纹和脸付钱的时候,小朋友又被惊到了。</h3> <h3>后来玩这个猜动物的游戏,我猜不出来的几个她都猜出来了(puppy's tail, parrot's tail),还有其它很好的猜测(lion's tail, bunny's tail), 还说除了鱼有这样的尾巴,mermaid也有!</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>昨晚英文绘本没读完,就读了两本牛津两本海尼曼。中文读了一本《小熊贝贝》,发现有些句子,娃也能指读个八九不离十了。</h3> <h3>今天指读更熟练了</h3>