<h3>万思乐学 V-learn 小西妈双语工程1901期210Eric打卡。 Day116 1b:Big apple tree汉语(一):复习</h3><h3>一、Listening:</h3><h3>古诗:本周新学《如梦令•常记溪亭日暮》</h3><h3>英文:1b,Pepper pig,Little critter,海尼曼</h3><h3>中文:汉语(一)</h3><h3>二、晨读晚诵:《日有所诵》</h3><h3>三、字母学习:本周新学u,v</h3><h3>四、扫雷:海尼曼3本</h3><h3>五、数学:练习册3页</h3><h3>六、动物:本周拓展海洋动物</h3><h3>七、食物:本周拓展水果类</h3> <h3>八、Learning center</h3><h3>Color and say</h3><h3>M:Look, Eric,What can you see?</h3><h3>B:Some big apples. </h3><h3>M:Where are they? </h3><h3>B:They are on the apple tree. </h3><h3>M:How many apples are on the apple tree?</h3><h3>B:Let's count.There are eight apples on the</h3><h3>apple tree. </h3><h3>M:Oh, some of the big apples have no color,Can you color the apples?</h3><h3>B:Yes. Some apples are red,some apples are green. </h3><h3>M:Yes. They have different colors. </h3> <h3>Color and say</h3><h3>M:Look, what are these?</h3><h3>B:They are apple trees.One is a big apple tree and one is a small apple tree. </h3><h3>M:Wow, look at the big apple tree,where are the leaves?</h3><h3>B:They're gone. </h3><h3>M:Let's draw the leaves on the apple. </h3> <h3>九、Do you know what other fruits grow on trees?</h3> <h3>十、Make a fruit tree</h3><h3>M:Eric,let's make a fruit tree. First let's draw a big tree,then put these fruits on the tree. </h3><h3>今天的树是爸爸画的,比我们画的好多了✌</h3><h3>M:Let's see what fruits are on the trees?</h3> <h3>十一、Game1:caterpillar and sika deer</h3><h3>B:Hello, everyone. I am a caterpillar. I'm hungry. I want to find something to eat. Oh, there is a fruit tree. I can eat some fruits. </h3><h3>M:Hello, caterpillar. </h3><h3>B:Hello, sika deer. </h3><h3>M:What are you doing? </h3><h3>B:I want to eat some fruit. </h3><h3>M:Do you need any help? </h3><h3>B:No, I can do it by myself. </h3><h3>M:That's great. What food do you like? </h3><h3>B:Apple. </h3><h3>M:Can I share your apple? </h3><h3>B:Sure.Here you are. </h3><h3>M:Thank you Oh, you have no food to eat? How could you do? </h3><h3>B:I can eat another fruit. </h3><h3>M:We can pick some more fruits down. And share the fruit together. </h3><h3>B:Ok.</h3><h3>这个故事是根据《好饿的毛毛虫》改编的</h3> <h3>十二、Game2:Teddy bear and Robert</h3><h3>M:Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around! Teddy bear, Teddy bear. Touch the ground……. </h3><h3> Oh I am hungry. What can I eat? There is fruit tree. But I can't climb trees. How could I do? Or I can shake the trees, shake, shake, shake. </h3><h3>B:Ha! What are you doing? </h3><h3>M:Who you are? </h3><h3>B:I am robot. Why you shake the trees? </h3><h3>M:Because I am hungry, but I can't get the fruit. How could I do? I only can shake the trees.</h3><h3>B:You can't shake the trees,or the fruits will drop down and the tree will get hurt. </h3><h3>M:So we should take care of the trees. </h3><h3>B:Yes.</h3><h3>M:But how can I get the fruit? </h3><h3>B:I can help you. </h3><h3>M:Thank you. </h3><h3>B:What do you want to eat? </h3><h3>M:I want to eat coconuts.…</h3> <h3>十三、Tell something about the apple</h3><h3> 1、This is a bud, it leaves on a branch in an apple tree.</h3><h3>2、The bud grow in the rain,it grows in the sun. And it becomes an apple blossom. It has five petals. It is very beautiful.</h3><h3>3、When the petals fall to the ground. It become a small green apple. </h3><h3>4、Then it grow big,bigger and the biggest. Then it turned red,redder,reddest. Then we are ready to be picked and be eaten. </h3><h3>5、If you plant apple seeds in the ground, what do you get? </h3><h3>6、Apple trees.<br></h3> <h3>今天要感谢爸爸画的苹果树,给游戏增色不少。</h3>