Goodbye 2019! Hello 2020!


<p>Can’t believe it’s already the last day of 2019! Do you want to know what happened to our Jinan West TMC 137th meeting? Let’s check out! </p> <p>Can’t believe this is Serena’s last day of her presidency. She made our day colorful with warmth and joy.</p> <p>Little Jack is definitely the star of tonight, with his wonderful speech “Amazing Plants” which really shocked us! </p> <p>Together with her cute little girl Alice, Joanna— an old TMC member came to join us, and brought her 2019 story which really touched us! </p> <p>Our new president Arthur gave us really clear introduction to the new pathways, he had been on the pathways leading road for a long time.</p> <p>Jamie introduced IDAS communication styles according to his own experience,&nbsp;&nbsp;he also shared his unique lifestyle of 2019.</p> <p>Barbie talked about her attitude towards her life in 2019, and her new plan, this is the real theme of today. </p> <p>Scott changed her hairstyle for being the GE for tonight. </p> <p>Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020!</p>