<h3>万思乐学 V-learn 小西妈双语工程1901期210Eric打卡。 Day113 1b:I'm hungry汉语(一):复习</h3><h3>一、Listening:</h3><h3>古诗:本周新学《竹枝词》</h3><h3>英文:1b,Pepper pig,Little critter,海尼曼</h3><h3>中文:汉语(一)</h3><h3>二、晨读晚诵:《日有所诵》</h3><h3>三、字母学习:本周新学s,t</h3><h3>四、扫雷:海尼曼3本</h3><h3>五、数学:《数学来了》绘本</h3><h3>六、动物:本周拓展海洋动物</h3> <h3>七、Learning center</h3><h3>Match and say</h3><h3>M:Eric, what can you see in this picture? </h3><h3>B:Some animals and some food. </h3><h3>M:What are these? </h3><h3>B:There are panda dog monkey and rabbit. </h3><h3>The other side is carrot bamboo peach and bone. </h3><h3>M:Yes, the left side are animals. And the right side are food.Look at these animals. How do they feel? </h3><h3>B:They feel very hungry. </h3><h3>M:Yes. Can you feed them with there favorite food? </h3><h3>B:Ok.</h3><h3>M:Match it with the animals.</h3> <h3>八、Know some sea animals.</h3><h3>Sea urchin</h3><h3>Sea urchin is a kind of omnivorous creature. It feeds on gastropods and other echinoderms, seaweeds, organic debris, etc</h3><h3>海胆是一种杂食性的生物,在海中以腹足类和其它棘皮动物、海藻、有机物碎屑等作为食物</h3> <h3>See otter<br></h3><h3> The sea otter is the only marine-dwelling animal among the carnivores. Its range is limited to areas near the coast and it never migrates. When sea otters eat, they constantly somersault in the ocean to wash away food particles that have stuck to them.海獭是肉食兽中唯一的海栖动物。它的活动范围仅限于靠近海岸的区域,而且从不迁移。当海獭进食的时候,总是不断地在海中翻筋斗,以便清洗掉粘在身上的食物残渣。</h3><h3>Most of the sea otter's food is shellfish, abalone, sea urchin, crab and so on. Sometimes they also eat some seaweed and fish.</h3> <h3>Sea otters use tools to eat</h3><h3>Sea otters will bring a stone to the sea and lay it flat on their belly. Then they will use their round forepaws to grasp the sea urchin and smash it into the stone. They will enjoy it when the hard shell of the sea urchin breaks</h3> <h3>Squid</h3><h3>There is a black ink bag in the squid's body,which is thick with black ink. When encountering the enemy, it will spray out quickly, dye the surrounding sea water black, and cover its own escape.</h3><h3>Squid likes to eat crabs, fish and shellfish</h3> <h3>Ray</h3><h3>They mainly feed on plankton and small fish. </h3> <h3>九、Know herbivores, carnivores, omnivores</h3> <h3>Classify sea animals</h3><h3>Herbivores:Shrimp fish shellfish</h3><h3>Carnivores:crocodile shark hawk leopard squid</h3><h3>Omnivores:sea otter,sea turtle,sea urchin,ray,sea bird</h3> <h3>十、Game 1</h3><h3>M:Hello, Eric. Let's play a game. This time we will be two animals. When the song ends, we should grab the food. </h3><h3>B:Ok.</h3><h3>M:What do you like to be?I will be a hawk.</h3><h3>B:I will be a little turtle. </h3><h3>M:Let's begin.Hawk's hungry, growl, growl, growl. </h3><h3>B:Turtle's hungry. Growl, growl, growl.</h3><h3>M:I want to eat.</h3><h3>B:I want to eat. </h3><h3>M:Oh, There are so many food. Let's eat them. What do you get? </h3><h3>B:I get shrimp and seaweed. </h3><h3>M:I got fish and sea bird.Are you full? </h3><h3>B:No. </h3><h3>M:Then I will give you a fish to eat. </h3><h3>B:Thank you. </h3><h3>M:But this time I am hungry too, then, I want to eat you!</h3><h3>B:A~help~.</h3> <h3>Game 2(自创游戏)</h3><h3>M:Hello, everyone. This time I will be Mother turtle.</h3><h3>B:I am baby turtle,because she is big and I am little.</h3><h3>M:Yes, let's begin. Oh this is my egg, baby, baby, When will you come out? </h3><h3>(Crack crack. The baby turtle come out) Oh, my baby,let's crawl to the sea. Follow me. </h3><h3>B:Ok. </h3><h3>M:In the sea, we can swim. Oh, I am hungry now! How about you? </h3><h3>B:I am hungry too. </h3><h3>M:Mother's hungry, growl, growl, growl. </h3><h3>B:Baby's hungry. Growl, growl, growl. We want eat. </h3><h3> What do you want to eat? </h3><h3>B:I want to eat little fish and shrimp and seaweed. </h3><h3>M:Ok, stay here. I will find food for you. </h3><h3>(At this time,a shark is coming). </h3><h3>M:Shark's hungry. Growl, growl, growl. I want to eat. Just now I saw a mommy turtle and a baby turtle here where are they? </h3><h3>B:Then I will turn into a robot. </h3><h3>M:Who are you? </h3><h3>B:I am a robot. I have two knives. </h3><h3>M:Yes, they are so sharp. </h3><h3>B:I will protect my mother. If you I want to eat them. I will fight with you.</h3><h3>M:Then I will eat you. Ah~~You are so strong. I got hurt. I bleed. Oh, I should swim away.</h3><h3> (The mother turtle is coming). </h3><h3>M:Baby, baby! Just now a shark came. Did you see him? </h3><h3>B:Yes, I turned into a robot and fight with him. </h3><h3>M:You are so brave. Thank you. Let's go home.<br></h3> <h3>十一、Tell about the food chains</h3><h3>M:Eric,Can you tell me about this food chain?</h3><h3>B:Yes. ……</h3><h3>M:Who is at the top of the food chain?</h3><h3> Eric see, the fish is too delicious. Can we eat too many fish? </h3><h3>B:No.</h3><h3>M:why? If we eat too many fish, how about the bird? </h3><h3>B:The sea birds will hungry. They have no food to eat. Then they will be died.</h3><h3>M:So we need to protect every animal on the food chain. </h3> <h3>十二、Supplement:Piranhas</h3><h3>在查资料的过程中,了解到水虎鱼的一些知识,觉得很有趣,一并做了拓展。</h3><h3>Piranhas are toothy fish that live in the river of South America. The red-bellied piranha is the fiercest type. <br></h3><h3>Piranhas have sharp teeth and strong jaws. Some only eat fruits and nuts, but red-bellied piranhas eat insect,bigger animals, and even each other. </h3><h3>Feeding frenzy<br></h3><h3>If red-bellied piranhas are starving,they can swarm on weak prey that enters the water and eat it right down to the bone. </h3><h3>Piranhas like to eat red worms, small fish, algae, crustaceans, invertebrates such as insects, crustaceans, worms, mollusks, spiders, spiny animals (jellyfish, coral, Anemone), echinoderms, and mollusks</h3><h3>水虎鱼喜欢吃红虫、小鱼、藻类、甲壳类动物、无脊椎动物如昆虫,甲壳类动物,蠕虫,软体动物,蜘蛛,刺胞动物(水母,珊瑚,海葵),棘皮动物,和软体动物</h3><h3></h3> <h3>十三、讲故事《The spaceship》</h3><h3>男孩子都很喜欢太空的故事,这本书也是读得最流利,最有感情的一本了。</h3> <h3>海洋动物真的很有趣,而人类只有和动物和平相处,才会有更加美好的未来,这两天的学习真的很有意义!</h3>