纽约复古列车 New York Holiday Nostalgia Train Rides

YL168 摄影

<h3>每年12月周日,纽约市为了庆祝圣诞和新年节日,将平时保存在博物馆的30年代,40年代的列车放到曼哈顿的地铁中运行。许多游客,市民着装打扮,成群结对去回顾一下过去的美好时光。Celebrate the magic of New York City during the holidays with a ride back in time on the New York Transit vintage fleet.</h3> <h3>小哥先嗨起来!</h3> <h3>摄影师们都准备好了</h3> Here comes the train! <h3>美女如云</h3> <h3>机组人员</h3> <h3>老法师</h3> 给个赞! <h3>含情脉脉</h3> <h3>小情侣</h3> <h3>小乘警</h3> Love the hats 车窗外的站台&nbsp;&nbsp; <h3>AirPods 那年代就有了?</h3> 运行时间 时代的广告 <h3>这人有点脸熟</h3> Honey let me take a picture.... Oh Yeah.... <h3>慢舞 Dancing in the train</h3> 相机,&nbsp; 三头爱疯穿越时空 <h3>Michael Jackson </h3> <h3>最潇洒的自拍</h3> A beautiful lady on the platform Good bye 1930,and welcome 2020...&nbsp; 再看一眼, Vintage Train ! NYTM Special Collection&nbsp; How is my photo ? Waiting for the train... <h3>老司机 Train Conductor</h3> 任务完成<br><h3><br></h3> <h3>Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year !&nbsp;</h3><h3>See u next year 。</h3>