

<h3><font color="#010101">2019年12月16日-18日</font></h3> “莫以宜春远,江山多胜游”!12月16日,全省义务教育阶段英语学科阅读教育综合教研活动在月亮之都宜春市宜阳学校盛大开幕,活动由省教研室英语教研员温爱英老师主持,活动持续3天,非常荣幸,我们武功山3位教师参与了此次教研活动,此次活动有英语示范课堂,也有名师工作室经验分享,更有专家教授精彩讲座,活动精彩纷呈,让人目不暇接。<div>&nbsp; 接下来,与大家一起分享:</div> <h1 style="text-align: center"><b>专家分享</b></h1> 思维力与世界观的塑造:基于学生核心素养发展的外语阅读之“道”——梅德明(《英语课程标准》修订组组长)<div><br></div> “教材不是我们学生的全部世界,世界才是学生的全部教材”,这是梅教授给我们分享的一句话,梅教授给我们分享了2018PISA阅读素养测评的内容以及方式,从而告诉我们要关注阅读策略、阅读目标、阅读兴趣、阅读创新。接着他带我们回顾了新课标发展素养,强调:<div>1.培养学生的综合素养:语言能力、文化意识、学习能力、思想品德,强调知识的内化迁移重构,要培养具有中国情怀、国际视野和跨文化沟通能力的社会主义建设者和接班人。</div><div>2.核心素养评价观:基于情境、素养为重、融合科目、整体发展,学生作为学习者、语言人、文化人、思维人,在其学习过程中,始终在与世界互动与社会互动、与自然互动、与自我互动。</div><div>3.整合主题情境、语篇类型、语言知识、文化意识、语言技能、学习策略六要素,以学生为中心开展学习活动,以活动促六要素的发展,另外他指出,现在的英语学习不再是听说读写写了,而是听说读写看。</div><div>4.阅读3.0时代已经到来,除了课内阅读还要发展学生课外外文阅读的习惯,让学生感受到阅读给予的精神上的愉悦</div><div>5.阅读课堂要强调学生的参与性,要发展学生理解、反思、运用、评价的能力。</div> <h3><font color="#010101">外语教学课题申报和实施指导—杜侦(省教研室主任)</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">在课题申报如火如荼的情势下,省教研室杜主任的讲座正中下怀,他给我们分享了如何选题、十要十不要;如何查资料,文献法、问卷法等等,他的讲座让我们这种课题小白受益匪浅。</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">经典阅读与中学生英语能力的培养</font>—<span style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1);">郑新民(上海外国语大学教授,博士生导师)</span></h3> 郑教授的讲座幽默有趣,内容丰富,意义深远。他给我们带来了很多支撑英语课堂的理论点:<div>1.阅读需要培养学生哪些习惯?Metacognition、Good reading strategies(make connections / ask questions / Determine importance / Infer and predict / Visualize / Synthesize / Monitor ).</div><div>2.如何教绘本阅读?开口说、认真听、注意观察、善于联想、表达感受、角色扮演、善于作笔记。</div><div>3.绘本阅读的教学原则:整体阅读、布鲁姆分类法、阅读技巧的灌输、提问法、学会质疑、表达情感、学会总结、发挥想象力等等。</div><div>郑教授对我们的阅读课堂提供了非常清晰明了的建议,富有较高的可操作性。</div> <h3>教师开展英语阅读教学研究的若干问题与路径探讨–刘学惠(南京师范大学外国语学院教授)</h3> <h3>刘教授的讲座为我们英语阅读教学提供了理论支撑以及研究方向,她从以下几个方面为我们进行讲解:</h3><h3>1.中小学英语阅读推进的当前态势。</h3><h3>2.中小学英语阅读推进面临的问题与挑战。</h3><h3>3.阅读的重要性:课内阅读+课外阅读、如何提高学生的阅读素养、培养学生自主阅读能力。</h3><h3>4.探索课内外阅读联动的阅读体系。</h3><h3>5.构建教研团队,以研究推进阅读教育。</h3> <h3>在英语阅读理解测试中渗透对思维品质的考查–以2019年江西省英语中考阅读理解题为例</h3><h3> –温爱英(省教研室英语教研员)</h3> <h3>温老师结合2019年中考阅读理解题,给我们指明了阅读的重要性,以及今后中考阅读方面出题考查方向。温老师从以下几个方面给我们详细讲解:</h3><h3>1.背景:阅读的重要性,教学与测试的关系,解决方案。</h3><h3>2.测试要求:测试与教学相结合。</h3><h3>3.如何测试:题材、选材、问题设计,以综合语言运用能力为中心的测试和教学目标,立德树人是所有学科教学的根本任务,以话题为主线,以语篇为载体的设计思路。</h3><h3>4.现在的测试,更强调思维品质方面的考查,考查学生的逻辑性,批判性以及创造性,体现综合素养培养思维发展。</h3><h3>5.阅读教学中如何渗透对思维品质的考查:从题型、选材、问题的设计、书面表达方面也要加强对学生创新思维能力的考查。</h3><h3>总之,在阅读教学中,我们要开展生动活泼的阅读活动,除了增长知识、还要开拓视野,训练思维,提高学生能力,更要促进学生心智的发展。</h3> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b>中小学示范课</b></h1> <h3>五年级《 Little bear plants in his garden 》– 张佳迪(江苏省海门市实验小学)</h3> <h3>有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。来自江苏的优秀教师张老师给我们带来了非常精彩的绘本课。</h3><h3>一、Look at a picture and answer two questions: What can you see ?</h3><h3> Which season do you guess ? (引出春天,小动物Rabbit , Monkey, Goat, Little bear 春天的时候准备种菜 。)</h3><h3>二、Look at the picture : </h3><h3>1. What's in his hand ?It's a shovel . (引出小熊想做什么?)</h3><h3>2. What do you want to plant ? (学生们发挥自己的想象,自己想种什么,为什么想种这个菜?)</h3><h3>3. Read P2-5 and find out :</h3><h3> What does the little bear want to plant ?</h3><h3>引出新单词: spinach, carrot, watermelon.</h3><h3>4. 活动1: Write a planting log (挖空)</h3><h3>先说rules :(教师带着学生完成第一个log )</h3><h3> 活动2-3 : 学生小组合作完成空缺信息</h3><h3>先说rules: Stick in groups </h3><h3> Read in groups </h3><h3>5. Check :小组上来展示自己的成果(教师制作了蔬菜教具,学生根据内容将种的菜贴在黑板上,把黑板上种的菜拔掉,从而更贴近文本,也更加真实让学生感受到故事情节。)</h3><h3>6. Now, It's winter, It's time for harvest . Look,</h3><h3>The rabbit is having her carrots.</h3><h3>The monkey is having his watermelon.</h3><h3>The goat is having his spinach.</h3><h3>But the bear has nothing .</h3><h3>7. Discuss in groups and check the bear's behaviors .</h3><h3>Rules:Discuss in group .</h3><h3> Put crosses in the log .</h3><h3> Talk about the reasons .</h3><h3>The bear is half-hearted. He gives up halfway</h3><h3>三、What should he do ?</h3><h3>He should set a goal and stick to it .</h3><h3>四、Homework</h3><h3>1.Tell this story to your friends and parents.</h3><h3>2.Talk about what you've learned from this </h3><h3>story.</h3><h3>3.Know more interesting stories.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>八年级《 The surprise 》— 许颖 (苏州工业园区初中英语教研员)</h3> <h3>许颖老师带来的The surprise 阅读课,是初中八年级的程度,内容相对更难一点,接下来我们来看看许老师怎么处理的这节课。</h3><h3>一、Lead in : Watch a video " museum " (引出surprise 这个概念)</h3><h3>二、New lesson:</h3><h3>1.Let students look at the cover and find out some details . ( Who wrote the book ?)</h3><h3>2. Read the pictures and put them in correct order.(快速阅读,图片排序)</h3><h3>3.Read the lines and answer some questions</h3><h3> Where do they put the egg ?</h3><h3> What happens to the egg ?</h3><h3> What comes from the egg ?</h3><h3>4. Make a ID Card for the pterodactly .</h3><h3>5. Read the lines and fill the blankt .</h3><h3> Places Surprises</h3><h3>6. Read the lines and answer two questions.</h3><h3> What did the two thieves think about when they ser Dacty ?</h3><h3> How does Dacty catch two thieves ?</h3><h3>7. Read between the lines .</h3><h3> zero~fly~hurt~fly again~catch~hero</h3><h3> What has changed ? The size of body and the living place and people's view to him.</h3><h3>8. Retell the story.</h3><h3>9. What do you think the surprise is ?</h3><h3> Why does the Chinese title add two charactersp"礼物" while the English title is ony "The surprise"? (引导学生思考)</h3><h3>9. Summary</h3><h3>三、Homework</h3><h3>write a diary about the surprisein the view of you</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>六年级《 Fat Cat's busy day 》— 蔡松花 (江苏省海门市实验学校附属小学)</h3> <h3>蔡松花老师的课堂非常轻松有趣,但设计又很巧妙,学生参与感也很强。与大家一起分享一下她的课堂:</h3><h3>一、Lead in: the title , where , the author. </h3><h3>二、New lesson:</h3><h3>1. Listen and say : </h3><h3>Mum is making breakfast.</h3><h3>Dad is reading newspaper.</h3><h3>Emily is getting......</h3><h3>Baby is playing......</h3><h3>提问: The fat cat is ____ ? sleeping. </h3><h3>2. Watch the picture again. </h3><h3>In the morning , </h3><h3>Dad is doing......</h3><h3>Mom is .......</h3><h3>Emily is......</h3><h3>.</h3><h3>The fat cat is ______ . sleeping.</h3><h3>The fat cat is always sleeping .</h3><h3>3. Look and say .</h3><h3>Everyone is busy except fat cat. </h3><h3>4. Look and say. </h3><h3>Does Fat cat really sleep all day ?</h3><h3>5. Fill in the blanks . (read P6-23)</h3><h3>6. Why does Fat cat think the man is a thief ?</h3><h3> How does Fat cat find the thief ?(找出动作)</h3><h3> Fat cat is very clever and careful .</h3><h3>→Think twice before you act </h3><h3>→If there is a thief in your house , what would you do ? ( discuss in groups )</h3><h3>→Think twice before you do .</h3><h3>8. Cat : "He is a thief, I have to stop him " (学生模仿猫的语气说这句话)</h3><h3>9. How does Fat cat stop the thief ?</h3><h3>The first plan : (听录音,找出猫的动作)</h3><h3>jumps on the chair → knocks down → gets a ball of wood→pull it around → runs and hides(让学生学猫的动作抓小偷)</h3><h3>10. Read and find :</h3><h3>The second plan :(小组讨论)</h3><h3>Take a deep breath→Jump as high as he can →Jump down and pull the curtains→</h3><h3>Run around and around.(让学生做动作/1学生说一学生做动作)</h3><h3>11. At last, the fat cat caught the thief , </h3><h3>what will Emily say to Fat cat ? (让学生学会评价他人)</h3><h3>12. Choose the title :</h3><h3>A. 肥猫无敌 B. 肥猫忙碌的一天</h3><h3>Which is better ?(锻炼学生的思维能力)</h3><h3>三、Homework </h3><h3>Share the story with your parents .</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3> </h3> <h3>八年级《黑骏马》—姚滢 (宜春市宜阳学校中学部英语教师) 姚老师的课,条理清晰明了,内容丰富,学生参与积极,整堂课设计巧妙。与大家分享其课件及上课流程。</h3> <h3>绘本阅读课—董琪星(鹰潭市余江区)</h3><h3>董老师选择的课是毛毛虫破茧成蝶的故事,故事好玩有趣,与大家一起分享。</h3> <h3>PEP Book5 《Unit 6 In a nature park》— 黄才慧(赣州市厚德外国语学校教师)</h3><h3>黄老师的课堂让学生听说读写看,注重学生自主学习能力的培养,让学生自己动手小组合作设计自己喜欢的nature park . 另外结合生活实际,培养学生评价的能力。</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>八上 《 Unit 3 I am more outgoing than my sister 》— 杜颖妮(南昌市阳明学校教师)</h3><h3>杜老师的读写结合课给我们做了很好的示范。</h3> <h3>路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索,也许我与那些如此优秀的老师、名师还有很大的距离,但是我相信,只要自己努力,多向优秀之人学习,一定会有所进步的,愿自己未来可期!</h3>









