
🕊🍀Nirvana with Rosa🦋

<h3>Everything you think, everything you feel, every action you take, is because of your beliefs and values. You may not be aware of it. You may not be conscious of it. But your values shape your decisions, and your decisions shape your life. <br></h3><h3>你的所思,所感,所做,都源于你的信仰和价值观。你可能不知道这点,你可能没有意识到这点,但是你的价值观塑造了你的决定,你的决定塑造了你的人生。</h3> <h3>If you value money more than happiness, your life might be full of expensive things, but there will be no joy in that experience. <br></h3><h3>如果你认为钱比幸福重要,那么你的生活可能会充斥着昂贵的东西,但却没有乐趣。</h3> <h3>Your values signal what is important to you. They are emotional states that show you what is important, and what you want to experience. Imagine how different your life would be if you changed a value of money and replaced it with the value of love. <br></h3><h3>你的价值观意味着对你而言什么是重要的。你的价值观是一种情感状态,它们让你知道什么是重要的,你想经历什么。试想,如果你将金钱至上的价值观换成真爱至上的价值观,你的人生会有什么不同? </h3> <h3>Creating and stating your values consciously can change the direction of your life. If you decide to apply any of these values to your life, in your own words, in your own way, your own life will be one of more value! <br></h3><h3>创造你的价值观,并用自己的话陈述出来,你的人生就会大有改观。如果你决定用自己的话语、自己的方式去践行你的价值观,那么你自己的人生就会变得更有价值!</h3>