

<h3><ul><li><b>复述两集《compost》《Richard Rabbit comes to play》</b><br></li></ul></h3> <h3><ul><li><b>Hand&amp;Craft: Winter Fun Banner.</b><br></li></ul><ol><li>Make our banner any length by printing as many pages as we like. The more pages the longer the banner. We can use thick paper for best results.</li><li> After the pieces have been coloured, you can cut and fold the shapes, you will need string, ribbon, or yarn, and some tape.</li><li> To figure out how much yarn we will need, just line up all the pieces with spaces in between. Then measure and add a little extra on each end for tying or taping.</li><li> Tape each triangle to our piece of yarn securely. Make sure the piece doesn't <b>slide around.</b></li><li> Then tape or pin our banner up in our room ,across a big or anywhere there is space for it. Let's tape it across our television.</li></ol></h3> <h3><ul><li><b>网课一节</b><br></li></ul></h3> <h3><ul><li><b>练鼓</b><br></li></ul></h3> <h3><ul><li><b>打卡</b><br></li></ul></h3> <h3><ul><li><b>worksheet 3张</b><br></li></ul></h3> <h3><ul><li>学校带回的折纸,说是自己弄的,看着还挺复杂<br></li></ul></h3>