( The little green frog-1)万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1906期182号Leo Day16


<p>1.进展: Little green frog(1)</p><p>2. Listening:精听 Little green frog.</p><p>3. Video: Jack in the box. The little green frog.&nbsp;&nbsp;Handy dandy.</p><p>4. Reading:海尼曼9本</p> <p>5. Game</p><p>(1) I'm a little frog.</p><p>M: Come over here. Look at me.What's this?</p><p>L:糖果</p><p>M: It's a candy. Do you want to eat?</p><p>L: Yes.</p><p>M: But first we play the game.&nbsp;&nbsp;Then you can eat the candy.</p><p>L: OK.</p><p>M: Handy dandy. Riddledy ro. Which hand will you choose? Which hand will you choose? High or low?</p><p>L:low</p><p>M: You are wrong. You should squat down and do some frog lips.</p><p> You can do like this.</p><p> OK. Let's play again.</p><p>(2) Act like different animals.</p><p> M:Do what I say, okay? You do the actions and say what I say.</p><p> I can jump, jump, jump. I can jump like a frog.</p><p> I can stomp,stomp,stomp!I can stomp like an elephant.</p><p> I can swing,swing,swing!I can swing like a monkey.</p><p> I can hop! Hop, hop!I can hop like a kangaroo.</p><p> I can sleep, sleep, sleep. I can sleep like a bear.</p><p> Wake up, Leo.</p><p>(3) Family time.</p><p>M: I'm mummy frog.</p><p>L: I'm baby frog.</p><p>M: Let's jump like a frog. Ready? Set,go!</p><p>(4.) Animals sound.</p><p>M: Do you know what sound is the duck?</p><p>L:Quack,quack</p><p>M: Yes,a duck makes a quack,quack sound.</p><p> Do you know what sound is a dog?</p><p>L:汪汪</p><p>M: The dog can make a wolf wolf sound.</p><p> What sound is a pig?oink,oink</p><p> What sound is the horse? Neigh,neigh</p><p> What sound is a rooster?cock-a-doodle-doo</p> <p>6. Plant/ Meat eating animals</p><p>M: Do you know what animals like to eat meat?</p><p> Can you find the animals like to eat meat?</p><p>L: Tiger, Wolf, Lion, Shark, Alligator. Fox</p><p>M: You are great. Do you think what animals like to eat plant?</p><p>L: Elephant.</p><p>M: Yes, the elephant likes to eat plant.</p><p>L: Giraffe.</p><p>M: Giraffe likes to eat leaves on the tree.</p><p>L: Horse</p><p>M: House likes to eat grass. Anything else?</p><p>L: Caw, Panda. Rabbit.</p><p>M: Yes, you are great.</p>