<h3> 2019年11月18日下午,我校展开了英语艺术节暨首届英语短剧大赛活动,此次活动内容丰富,生动有趣。各年级以英语课本剧表演为主,另外还涉及了英文诗句朗诵、成语故事演讲和歌曲大赛等个人节目展示。</h3> <h3>Drama Competition.</h3> <h3>The wolf is coming .</h3> <h3>Babby tadpoles look for mummy .</h3> <h3>Pulling the radish .</h3> <h3>A proud peacock.</h3> <h3>Kitty go fishing .</h3> <h3>Pulling the radish .</h3> <h3>Real friends.</h3> <h3>Pleasant coat and big big wolf .</h3> <h3>English Speaking Contest.</h3> <h3>You look nice when you smile .</h3> <h3>Never give up .</h3> <h3>The rain on the green grass.</h3> <h3>Four seasons.</h3> <h3>My hometown.</h3> <h3>I LOVE CHINA</h3> <h3>Story Telling Competition.</h3> <h3>My family and I love my mommy .</h3> <h3>My mother is a teacher .</h3> <h3>Stealing light. </h3> <h3>The farmer and the snake.</h3> <h3>English Song Contest .</h3> <h3>Five little ducks .</h3> <h3>I and my conuntry .</h3> <h3><font color="#010101"> 本次英语艺术节以赛促学,加强了校园文化建设。另外活动使学生产生了浓厚的英语学习兴趣,为全面提高学生的听说读写能力创设了良好的语言环境,取得圆满成功。</font></h3>