请点击右上角蓝色“+关注”,关注英语周报头条号,及时接收精彩内容 微笑的力量 As a guest in a beautiful country-China, I have been treated with great love and respect, even though I know that it is not always easy for my students to understand me in my class. I consider myself to be like a grandfather to many of them. 作为这个美丽国度--中国的客人,我深刻感受到了大家对我的关爱和尊重,即使我知道我在课堂上所说的学生们不一定能全部理解。我告诉自己要做到像他们中许多人的爷爷一样慈祥可亲。 Two years ago, in the Chinese classroom, waiting for my students, when a lovely young lady entered the room. Suddenly the room was warm and cheerful. I marveled that how the change from a dim and somewhat drab classroom came to be a bright and happy classroom could happen so quickly. Seeking the answer, I looked more closely at the Chinese girl who stood before me. By all accounts, she could be described as ordinary except for the one characteristic that had an immediate effect on me and my class: her smile. 两年前,我在我的课堂上等待我的学生,一个可爱的年轻女孩走进了我的教室,我顿时感觉教室充满了阳光和喜悦。我惊讶于这个原本暗淡无光的教室竟能如此之快变得鲜活温暖,为了寻求使这一切变化的答案,我仔细看了看这个坐在我眼前的中国女孩。在所有人看来,她可以被形容为一个普通女孩,除了她的那个能让我和我的教室发生变化的特点---她的笑容。 She had the most beautiful smile I think I have ever seen. I was so impressed by her smile that I told my wife about the experience when I arrived home after ending the class. Since then when I saw this young lady, she had the same beautiful smile. She and I have become very good friends. I know there are at times when she has trials and reasons not to smile. Nevertheless her smile is always there and she never fails to warm my soul. 那个女孩有着我从未见过的最美的笑容。我对她的笑容印象深刻,回到家我还告诉了我妻子关于那个女孩笑容的魅力。自那之后,每次见到她,都能看见她那同样的笑容。后来我们成了很好的朋友。我知道,当她遇到困难或者其他事情她有理由不去微笑,但是,尽管如此,她总是会带着笑容,温暖着我的灵魂。 Many times I have pondered the effect a smile had on others. I have decided that a smile is one of the greatest powers we possess. If we have an angry heart, we quickly make our people around us instantly unhappy.But if we smile,we have the effect on everybody and they may become happy and warm. 很多次我都在思考笑容对人的影响。我觉得笑容是人类拥有的神奇力量之一。如果我们有一颗愤怒的心,我们身边的人会马上也变得不开心。但是如果我们微笑,人与人是会相会影响得,他们也会变得开心温暖。 I have decided that as I walk along the lovely pathways of my beautiful campus, I will smile and say hello to all those I meet. The smile makes all of us instant friends. In America we have many instant foods that only require adding a liquid such as water, juice or milk to make a delicious meal. The smile makes instant friends and is the magic ingredient that makes us all brothers, sisters and friends. 从此,每当我走在校园的路上,我都会对我遇到的人微笑并且打招呼。就是这每一个笑容,让我们迅速成为朋友。我们美国有很多种只需加上一些液体,如水,果汁,或者牛奶就能成为一道美食的即食食品。笑容就像即食食品中添加的神奇液体,是它,让我们汇聚到了一起,成为彼此相亲相爱的兄弟,姐妹和朋友。 本文版权属于英语周报,欢迎分享到朋友圈 后语:坚持是一种信仰,专注是一种态度!每一次您的转发,就是对我们的认同和鼓励!亲们,喜欢就积极转发吧,您的每一次转发,都是我们持续的原创动力。原创的路上感恩有您一路同行!!! 关注“英语周报”头条号,最原创、最海量、最有价值、最有内容、最有情怀的深度阅读平台。