D&R Canal Trail: 26Oct2019


<h3>周六天气晴朗,花园州的秋色正浓。看见红梅姐退休前后徒步群有去D&amp;R canal的活动,就报名参加了。</h3> <h3>The D&amp;R Canal trail is a recreational trail in the U.S. state of New Jersey. The 77-mile (124 km) trail is made up of three segments that transverse three counties: a canal towpath from New Brunswick to Trenton; a canal towpath/rail trail from Trenton to Bull's Island; and a rail trail from Bull's Island to Frenchtown. The three combined trails together form the largest completed trail in New Jersey.[citation needed] Much of the trail runs along the existing Delaware &amp; Raritan Canal within the New Jersey state park of the same name.</h3><h3>The main canal towpath trail is 29 miles (47 km) long . 从New Brunswick 到Princeton.</h3> <h3>大家在Colonial Park 的parking lot A 集合。眼前就是著名的玫瑰园,大部队留影<br></h3> <h3>穿过玫瑰园,上了桥,正式走上D&amp;R canal trail. </h3><h3>若左转,就南下去Princeton方向。若右转,就北上New Brunswick方向。何去何从?</h3><h3><br></h3><h3></h3> <h3>瞧领导在哪,噢,北上。</h3><h3>咱插二句介绍一下梅姐吧。她的退休前后徒步群,徒步只是为了建立友情,目的还是抱团养老。今年年初,还率队亲临Florida, 回来写了一份非常有价值的总结报告。</h3><h3>别小看这近500号人的群,人才挤挤,也有40就退休的创业者,所以不是老人群。每次群主一招呼,黑压压一会儿就有30-40人报名。</h3> <h3>还是回到正题,徒步。</h3><h3>大家聊着天,牵着狗,欢快地向前走</h3> <h3>右手边是D&amp;R canal, 这边风景独好</h3> <h3>左手边是the Millstone River</h3> <h3>但主要的景还是在右手边</h3> <h3>D&amp;R canal 是连接Delaware水系和Raritan river的运河</h3> <h3>大家慢慢享受这浓浓的秋色</h3> <h3>这是退休前的勇士们,走了1万步,到了287公路,留影后往回走</h3> <h3>看看美女们投入的模样</h3> <h3>你是跳,还是不跳?</h3> <h3>在水一方,有点浪漫,又多一份凄凉。</h3> <h3>大树底下好乘凉</h3> <h3>我们四人帮,以几乎4mile/h 的速度从Rt287回到TH.</h3><h3>其实,主要是没办法唱山歌,肚子也饿,所以才这么急行军的</h3> <h3>解决了基本问题后,经过玫瑰园就有雅兴慢慢欣赏了</h3> <h3>其实,咱只拍了玫瑰园的一侧,留有余地,下次再来</h3> <h3>注:所有人像均来自徒步群,其余的是咱手机随拍</h3>